
Inhuman: Catch Zhou to eat abacus in November, and break through the dimensional wall in September to get the halo of the protagonist

author:Mo says anime

Chapter 1027 of "Inhuman" is updated, this episode is about the story of November and September. It was also a week, and in November, I grabbed the abacus and ate it. In September, the week is stronger, directly breaking through the dimensional wall and getting the protagonist's aura.

Inhuman: Catch Zhou to eat abacus in November, and break through the dimensional wall in September to get the halo of the protagonist

November was born a few years earlier than September, and it was also the first child in the family. On the first birthday, his parents will prepare a lot of things for him to catch the week in November. November seems to have a soft spot for abacus, according to the ancient saying, after grasping the abacus, it means that the future will develop in the direction of business. November's parents are very satisfied with this week.

Inhuman: Catch Zhou to eat abacus in November, and break through the dimensional wall in September to get the halo of the protagonist

But the next move, not to mention the surprise of November's parents, even I felt a little outrageous in front of the screen. November picked up the abacus, dismantled it directly, and ate the abacus into his stomach. Such a special nine-tailed fox can be said to be rare in the world, or unparalleled in the world.

Inhuman: Catch Zhou to eat abacus in November, and break through the dimensional wall in September to get the halo of the protagonist

If you're hungry, you can eat buns. But why November likes to eat abacus is incredible. November's father was worried that something was wrong with him, so he asked him to spit out the abacus quickly. But November seemed indifferent, and didn't care at all about his father's threats.

Inhuman: Catch Zhou to eat abacus in November, and break through the dimensional wall in September to get the halo of the protagonist

How was November going? Unexpectedly, he spit out the abacus and hit it directly in his father's face. In fact, in the future, November really did business and opened a company, but then it went out of business. After meeting Doudou, November wanted to continue to open a company, but in the end it failed. In addition, before November, he was a school bully, but he was a salted fish in the back.

Inhuman: Catch Zhou to eat abacus in November, and break through the dimensional wall in September to get the halo of the protagonist

After November's catch was over, a few more years passed, this time in September, the first anniversary of the birth. It's September's turn to catch it, so what are the items she catches? In fact, it is still the same as before, there are abacus, books, pens, buns, rulers and a small wooden sword. September was more than ten times more well-behaved than November when she was a child, so what would she choose?

Inhuman: Catch Zhou to eat abacus in November, and break through the dimensional wall in September to get the halo of the protagonist

I didn't like anything in September, and I didn't grab the abacus and eat it like in November. September was looking for something, and her parents didn't know what they were talking about. What September wants to catch, it seems to be different. So what exactly is it?

Inhuman: Catch Zhou to eat abacus in November, and break through the dimensional wall in September to get the halo of the protagonist

I didn't expect September to be able to break through the dimensional wall at such a young age. This kind of ability is rare, and under normal circumstances, only Bai Ze has it. September's parents also wondered, what exactly was she going to catch? Seeing this thing she caught, I believe many people will think that this is the case.

Inhuman: Catch Zhou to eat abacus in November, and break through the dimensional wall in September to get the halo of the protagonist

The thing caught by September Catch Zhou is the "protagonist halo", which is in the entire "Inhuman", only September and Ao Lie have it. No wonder September will become the heroine, it turns out that she was destined from birth. Now that more than 1,000 words have been updated, September's figure is everywhere, and I feel that there are more scenes than Ao Lie. This kind of September, who can not love?

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