
This host contest is so exciting!

author:Palm Bayannur

On June 29th, the final of the first host contest of the "Silly Little Fat" Cup 2024 was held at the Municipal Financial Media Center.

This host contest is so exciting!

In the finals, 12 contestants from various industries in our city fully demonstrated their hosting skills, language skills, stage control skills and on-the-spot adaptability through three links: talk show speeches, designated theme simulation hosting, and talent show.

This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!

After nearly three hours of intense competition, contestants Cao Zijin and Shi Jialin stood out with 97.94 points and 96.58 points respectively with their solid language skills and steady and generous stage demeanor, becoming the gold medal winners of the Mandarin group and dialect group of this competition.

This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!
This host contest is so exciting!

The competition aims to provide a stage for the majority of Bayannur youths with the dream of hosting to show themselves, challenge their limits and pursue excellence, and take this opportunity to select a group of outstanding talents with outstanding potential and outstanding ability, so as to inject strong motivation and vitality into the propaganda team.

The competition is co-sponsored by the Municipal Financial Media Center, the Municipal Education Bureau, the Municipal Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Bayannur Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Municipal Women's Federation, the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the Office of the Municipal Language and Writing Committee, with a total of 2 gold awards, 4 silver awards, 6 bronze awards, 8 excellence awards, 10 finalists, and 3 outstanding organization awards (groups).

Source: Bayannur Daily

Text: Reporter Hijile

Photo: Reporter Hu Dongyu

Editor: Chen Long Proofreader: Qiao Hong

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