
Host Wang Duanduan: I am very happy to marry my husband, but I was questioned about crying during the live broadcast

author:The old lady said entertainment

On April 14, 2020, in the live broadcast room of CCTV International News Channel, a casual tear caused an uproar. When the host Wang Duanduan was reporting on the epidemic in Russia, his voice suddenly choked up, and his eyes were filled with tears.

This scene instantly became the focus of public opinion, some people questioned her professional ethics, and some people applauded her humanity. This accident made the audience begin to re-examine this beautiful host who has worked on CCTV for more than 20 years.

People can't help but wonder, what kind of story does Wang Duanduan's tears contain? How can a moderator find a balance between professionalism and genuineness? The controversy also gives us a glimpse into the little-known inner world behind the newsmakers.

Wang Duanduan's story begins with an ordinary family in the Northeast. Since she was a child, she has earned the nickname "Silly Girl" because of her simple and straightforward personality. This seemingly slightly ridiculous title actually contains the family's love and helplessness for her.

Host Wang Duanduan: I am very happy to marry my husband, but I was questioned about crying during the live broadcast

Wang Duanduan in his childhood always understood the world in the most sincere way, which also led to many unbearable episodes. Once, the teacher joked that the next day he was going to be a noodle and asked the students to prepare the materials.

The next morning, only Wang Duanduan in the class brought flour seriously. In the face of the laughter of her classmates, she blinked her eyes wide in confusion, not understanding what she had done wrong. Another impressive scene takes place in the classroom.

The teacher praised a student for answering well, and everyone applauded. The whole classroom was silent, except for Wang Duanduan, who applauded loudly. When she realized that she was the only one who applauded, her face flushed, but she insisted on finishing the applause.

This frank personality has become an important cornerstone of her future success. When he was in college, Wang Duanduan accidentally learned that Shenyang TV was recruiting hosts. Without any preparation, she bravely went for it.

Host Wang Duanduan: I am very happy to marry my husband, but I was questioned about crying during the live broadcast

Surprisingly, facing the camera, this "silly girl" shows amazing composure and talent. Her performance was bold and passionate, and she was able to answer the examiner's tricky questions fluently.

This unique charm made her stand out and successfully stepped into the TV industry. After accumulating some experience in Shenyang TV, Wang Duanduan participated in the female host competition held by Liaoning TV.

With her natural and generous typhoon and unique personal charm, she passed all the way and finally won the championship in the Northeast region, ranking among the best in the national competition. This competition not only allowed her to gain honor, but also strengthened her love and pursuit of the hosting career.

From a simple girl who is affectionately called a "silly girl" to an up-and-coming new host, Wang Duanduan has proved in his own way that sincerity and innocence can also be a magic weapon in the workplace.

Host Wang Duanduan: I am very happy to marry my husband, but I was questioned about crying during the live broadcast

Her growth process tells us that staying true and not forgetting her original intention can often go more steadily and further on the road of life. Wang Duanduan's transformation has not been smooth, but she has always maintained her enthusiasm for work and a positive attitude towards life.

She once said, "Everyone has their own characteristics, and the key is to discover it and use it well." My simplicity and straightforwardness used to make me embarrassed, but now it has become a bridge between me and the audience.

This girl from the Northeast, with her sincerity and hard work, has stepped from the local TV station to the national audience. Her story tells us that we don't need to deliberately disguise ourselves, but that we can stay true to ourselves and keep forging ahead, and we will eventually shine with a unique brilliance.

Wang Duanduan's experience undoubtedly provides a vivid inspirational model for young people with dreams. The year 2002 was a crucial turning point for Wang Duanduan.

Host Wang Duanduan: I am very happy to marry my husband, but I was questioned about crying during the live broadcast

She has become famous in Liaoning Taiwan, and she is faced with the choice of whether to leave the familiar environment and challenge a bigger stage. When the news of CCTV's Western Channel's open recruitment of hosts came, Wang Duanduan was thrilled and realized that this could be an important opportunity to change her career trajectory.

After careful consideration, Wang Duanduan resolutely signed up for the selection. During the competition, she showed a calm temperament and solid professional skills. The experience accumulated in those years at the local station played a huge role in this moment.

In the end, with his outstanding performance, Wang Duanduan successfully passed the exam and officially joined the CCTV family. When he first arrived at CCTV, Wang Duanduan was arranged to host the "News Morning Post" and "Western News Daily Information" columns.

In front of a national audience, she felt pressure, but at the same time she was full of energy. Every day, she arrives at the office early, carefully reads the press release, and practices her pronunciation and facial expressions over and over again.

Host Wang Duanduan: I am very happy to marry my husband, but I was questioned about crying during the live broadcast

This rigorous and serious work attitude quickly won the recognition and appreciation of colleagues. In less than a year, Wang Duanduan was transferred to a more challenging international channel. This is both an affirmation and a new test for her.

In the face of complex international news, she needs to have stronger information processing skills and language skills. To this end, she began to systematically study international politics and economics, and at the same time worked hard to improve her foreign language skills.

On the international channel, Wang Duanduan hosted a number of important columns, and gradually grew into the "master of the country" in Taiwan. Her elegant and generous image, clear and smooth expression, and keen grasp of news have won the love of a wide range of audiences.

In addition to fixed columns, she often hosts some important evening parties and variety shows, showing her all-round hosting talent. From local stations to CCTV, from newcomers to pillars, Wang Duanduan's every step is steadfast and firm.

Host Wang Duanduan: I am very happy to marry my husband, but I was questioned about crying during the live broadcast

Her success is not accidental, but stems from her love and tireless efforts in the hosting career. As she said, "Every day at CCTV is a new challenge, but also a new opportunity.

I am grateful for this job and will continue to work hard to live up to the expectations of the audience. Today's Wang Duanduan has become an indispensable and important figure on CCTV's international channel. She used her practical actions to interpret what is professionalism and what is dedication.

From the "silly girl" in the Northeast to the famous mouth of CCTV, Wang Duanduan's transformation is not only a personal success, but also a microcosm of an era, showing the demeanor of the host in the new era.

In the more than 20 years he has worked at CCTV, Wang Duanduan has always maintained a high degree of professional enthusiasm and professionalism. Every morning, when most people are still in the warm bed, she has already started her busy day.

Host Wang Duanduan: I am very happy to marry my husband, but I was questioned about crying during the live broadcast

Dressing up, applying makeup, and being familiar with press releases, she is meticulous in every aspect and strives for perfection. As a news host, Wang Duanduan is well aware of the important responsibility of conveying information and guiding public opinion.

Therefore, she always strives to maintain an objective and neutral attitude and present the news to the audience in the most authentic and accurate way. She often said: "We are not only the disseminators of news, but also the guardians of social conscience."

This sense of responsibility drives her to constantly improve herself and strive to become a good journalist. However, under the glamorous appearance of the host, it is an unimaginable effort for ordinary people.

Frequent overtime, irregular work and rest, and high-intensity work pressure are all challenges that Wang Duanduan must face. But instead of complaining, she found joy in her work.

"I am incredibly proud to be able to deliver important information to the audience the first time," she says. While his career was thriving, Wang Duanduan did not neglect his personal life.

She has a happy family with her husband, who is also a journalist, and has a lovely daughter. Although she has a busy schedule, she always tries to balance work and family as much as possible.

Whenever she has free time, she will accompany her family and enjoy warm parent-child time. Wang Duanduan's husband has been extremely supportive and understanding of her work. As a colleague, he knows that this job is not easy, so he often works silently behind the scenes to take care of his family.

Wang Duanduan once said emotionally in an interview: "It is my greatest happiness to be able to marry someone who understands my work. We are not only husband and wife, but also each other's back.

In order to protect the privacy of his family, Wang Duanduan maintains a relatively low-key lifestyle outside of work. She does not have a personal social media account and rarely talks about her private life in public.

This approach has also earned her the respect of the public, allowing her to focus on her passion while enjoying a peaceful family life. Wang's story tells us that a successful career and a happy family life are not in conflict.

The key is how to find a balance between the two and manage each role with care. As she says, "Whether it's as a presenter, a wife, or a mother, I want to be the best I can be."

Because these characters are all important parts of who I am. While pursuing career success, Wang Duanduan did not forget to give back to the society. She actively participates in public welfare activities and uses her influence to advocate for those in need.

This sense of social responsibility is also one of the reasons why she has been loved by the audience for a long time. Wang's experience has taught us that true success is not only reflected in career, but also in how to balance all aspects of life.

She has used her actions to explain what it means to be a well-rounded modern professional woman, and has set an example for many women who are struggling in the workplace. On April 14, 2020, an ordinary news live broadcast became the focus of heated public discussion because of a tear from Wang Duanduan.

When she reported on the severity of the epidemic in Russia and the rising number of casualties, her voice suddenly choked up, and tears were faintly visible in her eyes. Although she struggled to control her emotions and continued to complete the broadcast, the true expression of her feelings at this moment was captured by a keen audience.

The scene quickly spread online and sparked widespread discussion. Some people questioned her professionalism, arguing that news presenters should always remain objective and calm; Some people praised her humanistic care, believing that it just reflects her respect for life and empathy for suffering.

This incident made people realize that the host is also an ordinary person with flesh and blood. Wang Duanduan's tears, instead of affecting her professional image, made the audience feel her professional ethics as a journalist and her awe for life.

In a follow-up interview, Wang Duanduan said frankly: "As journalists, of course, we must remain objective and rational. But at the same time, we should not lose our appreciation for life and compassion for suffering.

This profession gives us the mission of conveying the truth, but it also requires us to maintain the warmth of humanity. The controversy has also raised questions about the professionalism of journalists.

How to convey humanistic care while maintaining objectivity and neutrality? How do you find a balance between professionalism and emotion? Wang's experience provides a vivid case for these questions.

Wang Duanduan's career, from a "silly girl" in the Northeast to a CCTV celebrity, is a wonderful journey of transformation. After years of experience, she still maintains her original sincere nature.

The tears in the live broadcast in 2020 aptly interpreted her dedication to her profession and her reverence for life. The host, who has worked at CCTV for more than 20 years, used her experience to show us how professionalism and emotional sincerity can be perfectly integrated.

Her story tells us that only by staying true to our original intention and staying true to ourselves can we go further and stand firmer in the ever-changing media industry. In the future, Wang Duanduan will continue to shine in the hosting position, infecting more audiences with her professionalism and sincere feelings.

Her experience will undoubtedly serve as a valuable inspiration for the new generation of journalists: to be honest and professional in order to win respect and recognition in the complex and ever-changing workplace.

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