
Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

author:Sunshine Kan emotional
Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter


Wang Sicong fell into the "milk powder door" turmoil! Ex-girlfriend Huang Yiming exposed amazing chat records, revealing the other side of the "national husband". What kind of truth is hidden behind this wealthy secret?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

1. The incident of Wang Sicong's illegitimate daughter shocked the entertainment industry

The entertainment industry was once again shocked by a bombshell news: Wang Sicong's ex-girlfriend Huang Yiming publicly announced that she gave birth to a daughter for her "national husband", named Shining. This explosive news instantly detonated the attention of the whole network, and people can't help but wonder: Will this little princess who has never met become one of the heirs of the Wanda Kingdom?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Huang Yiming broke the news on Douyin, revealing the details of her relationship with Wang Sicong for the first time. She described the process of the two meeting and falling in love, and her tone revealed nostalgia for the past, but more of a helplessness for the status quo. Huang Yiming's rhetoric is full of contradictions: on the one hand, she seems to still have feelings for Wang Sicong, and on the other hand, she is disappointed in his attitude. Does this complex emotion indicate that the relationship will continue to develop?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

However, the most striking thing is that Huang Yiming emphasized that he has never asked for any of Wang Sicong's property. She said: "I have never taken a penny from Wang Sicong, nor have I taken a house." These words not only demonstrate her independence, but also suggest that Wang Sicong may not have fulfilled her responsibilities. Huang Yiming's statement, is he justifying his name, or is he putting pressure on Wang Sicong? This question will undoubtedly spark more speculation and discussion.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

As the incident continues to ferment, the public's attention will focus on Wang Sicong. As the "prince" of Wanda Group, how will he respond to this sudden "father" identity? And Wang Jianlin, as a grandfather, does he know that he already has a little granddaughter? This turmoil of giants seems to have just begun.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Second, the chat record revealed that Wang Sicong "has no money" to buy milk powder?

Just when the storm of public opinion gradually subsided, Huang Yiming once again ignited the powder keg of the Internet. She released a screenshot of her private conversation with Wang Sicong, an act that was like pouring a scoop of cold water into a boiling oil pot, causing a bigger splash.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

The chat records show that Huang Yiming asked Wang Sicong for milk powder money, but Wang Sicong's reply was shocking: "I have no money." This sentence instantly became the focus of heated discussions on the Internet. As the son of a wealthy man, Wang Sicong even claimed that he had no money to buy milk powder? This makes one wonder: is it a real financial hardship, or is it a deliberate evasion of responsibility?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

What's even more interesting is that Wang Sicong said in the dialogue that Huang Yiming should "endure it", saying that "there will be money after next year". Does this mean that Wang Sicong is really in financial trouble? Or is this just an excuse to procrastinate? In any case, this conversation undoubtedly casts a shadow over the image of the "national husband".

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Netizens reacted strongly to this and questioned Wang Sicong's personality. Someone pointed out: "The front foot is still buying hundreds of thousands of bracelets for others, and he turns his head and says that he has no money to buy milk powder?" Such a contrast undoubtedly deepened the public's disappointment with Wang Sicong. However, there are also people who understand that even the rich second generation may face temporary financial difficulties.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter
Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

This turmoil not only exposed the contradictions within the wealthy family, but also triggered a discussion about the sense of responsibility of the rich second generation. How will Wang Sicong respond to this seemingly "embarrassing" situation? What will his father, Wang Jianlin, do? There seems to be more amazing inside stories waiting to be revealed in this big drama.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

3. The other side of Huang Yiming's self-reliance and self-reliance

In this high-profile turmoil, Huang Yiming showed a surprisingly strong side. In the face of Wang Sicong's cold attitude, she did not sit still, but chose the path of self-reliance.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Huang Yiming joined the live broadcast army, wearing a green onion hairpin on his head, and dancing the onion dance on the spot, this contrasting image surprised many netizens. However, her efforts and courage have earned widespread praise. This former wealthy girlfriend is now willing to put down her body in order to raise her daughter, which is really moving. Her actions undoubtedly taught a vivid life lesson to those young women who were looking forward to "sugar daddy".

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

What's even more touching is that Huang Yiming also held a warm first birthday party for his daughter Shining. In the photo, Shin Sparkle is surrounded by relatives and friends, smiling brightly, and there is no trace of lack of fatherly love. This image can't help but make people think: between money and family affection, what is really precious?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Huang Yiming's strength and independence have won the support and sympathy of many netizens. Someone commented: "I'd rather rely on myself than ask for money, this is what a modern woman should be." Some people also said: "It is not easy to be a single mother, and I hope that Shiny will grow up healthy and happy." "

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

However, there is also a poignant question hidden in this support: why is society so appreciative of the efforts of single mothers, but so little accountability for fathers? Huang Yiming's struggle is certainly admirable, but does this mean that Wang Sicong can completely stay out of the matter?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

As events unfolded, the public's eyes turned to Wang Sicong again. In the face of his ex-girlfriend's independent struggle and his daughter's healthy growth, how will this "national husband" deal with himself? Will he remain silent, or will he do something? The answer to this question may determine the future direction of this wealthy family.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Fourth, Wang Sicong's attitude raises questions: the truth behind silence

In this continuous fermenting turmoil, Wang Sicong's silence is like a boulder, pressing on the public's curiosity. As the central figure of the incident, he has not made any public response to his daughter's incident so far, and this abnormal attitude can't help but make people think about it.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

However, Wang Sicong's daily life does not seem to be affected. Netizens found that this "national husband" is still enjoying life in a high-profile manner, frequently going in and out of high-end places, and staggering with celebrities and close friends. This stark contrast undoubtedly deepens the public's question: Is he really incapable of taking responsibility, or is he deliberately evasive?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

What's even more interesting is Huang Yiming's complex emotions. Despite the publication of controversial chat logs, her words and actions hint that there may still be emotional entanglements in her heart. In a response, she said, "I just want to talk to him", is there a deeper emotion hidden behind this seemingly ordinary sentence?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Was Wang Sicong's silent strategy elaborate or a helpless move? Is his high-profile life sending some kind of signal to the outside world, or is it simply ignoring public opinion? And how will Huang Yiming's complex emotions affect the development of events?

As time goes on, the public's patience is running out. People began to ask: As a father, should Wang Sicong take his due responsibility? Will his silence eventually turn into a PR disaster?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

5. The attitude of the wealthy family is a mystery: the hidden corner of the Wanda Kingdom

As the incident continued to ferment, the public's attention turned to Wang Jianlin, the helmsman of the Wanda Empire. Does the business tycoon know that he already has a little granddaughter? The question is like a fog that hangs over the whole affair.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Wang Jianlin's attitude has become the biggest suspense in this turmoil. As a business tycoon who attaches great importance to his family inheritance, what will he do towards this sudden granddaughter? Acquiescence, denial, or covert acceptance? Wang Jianlin's every move could have a decisive impact on the course of events.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Against this backdrop, Huang Yiming seems to be in a dilemma. Some netizens suggested that she directly take her daughter and parent-child certificate to Wanda's headquarters to find Wang Jianlin, and even protested to get more attention. Faced with this rather dramatic proposal, Huang Yiming responded that it was "too troublesome". Does this hesitation imply more complex considerations?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

In fact, this turmoil has gone far beyond a simple illegitimate child dispute, it has become a window for the public to peek into the inside story of the wealthy family. People began to wonder: under the glamorous appearance, how did these prominent families deal with family conflicts? How are their values different from those of the average family?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

As time goes on, Wang Jianlin's attitude is likely to be a key factor in determining the direction of this turmoil. If he chooses to admit this granddaughter, does it mean that Wang Sicong will have to face his own responsibility? If he remains silent, what kind of signal will he send to the outside world?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

In this grand drama, the next move of each character touches the public's nerves. How will Wang Jianlin deal with this tricky situation? Will Huang Yiming take more radical action? As the plot progresses, how will this suspenseful story develop?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter


Despite facing many difficulties and doubts, Huang Yiming is still strong enough to raise his daughter Shinsin alone. This young single mother interprets the greatness of maternal love with her own efforts. No matter what the future holds, we hope that Shiny can grow up healthily in love, and I also wish all single-parent families can be understood and supported by society.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong cried poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

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