
I want to change the genes of the short dwarf of the Japanese nation: the genetic experiment of Unit 731 to exterminate humanity

author:Meditation on Yuxing

In the dust of history, there is a little-known secret, a tragedy about human nature, morality and science. It was the late 1930s, and on the land of Northeast China, a mysterious force called Unit 731 quietly launched an alternative genetic experiment in the dark night.

I want to change the genes of the short dwarf of the Japanese nation: the genetic experiment of Unit 731 to exterminate humanity

Hidden in the dust of history, the tragedy of human nature and moral scienceIt is the end of the 1930s, in the land of Tohoku, where a mysterious force called Unit 731 is quietly conducting heretical genetic experiments in the darkness of the night.

The night was low, the moonlight was obscured by thick clouds, and only sporadic starlight twinkled in the darkness. In this dead land, glass houses stand alone like transparent cages. Inside these glass houses, countless innocent young Chinese women are imprisoned, who have been deprived of their freedom and even dignity, and have fallen victim to scientific experiments.

I want to change the genes of the short dwarf of the Japanese nation: the genetic experiment of Unit 731 to exterminate humanity

The night was low, and the light of the moon was blocked by thick clouds, and only a few stars were shining. On that quiet land, a glass-walled room stood like a transparent cage. In these glass-walled rooms, countless innocent young Chinese women are held captive. They are deprived of their freedom and dignity and are victims of scientific experiments.

The commanders of Unit 731, with the ambition of changing the dwarf genes of the Japanese nation, set their sights on these helpless women. They believe that through some unknown scientific means, new mutant species can be created that will change the genes of the Japanese nation. And so, a cruel and crazy experiment began.

I want to change the genes of the short dwarf of the Japanese nation: the genetic experiment of Unit 731 to exterminate humanity

The commanders of Unit 731 turned to helpless women with the ambition to change the dwarf genes of the Japan people. They believed that by unknown scientific means, they could create new mutants that would alter the genes of the Japan people. And then a brutal and crazy experiment began.

The selected women were forcibly stripped of their clothes and locked naked in glass rooms. These rooms are purpose-built observation rooms so that people from the outside can clearly see everything inside. Later, hormone-injected horses, wolfdogs, and other animals were placed in a glass house and shared with the women.

I want to change the genes of the short dwarf of the Japanese nation: the genetic experiment of Unit 731 to exterminate humanity

The selected women were forcibly stripped of their clothes and locked naked in a glass room. This room is a specially made observation room, and you can see the inside from the outside. After that, horses and wolf dogs that had received hormone injections were placed in a glass-walled room to spend time with the women.

The Japanese forced these females to mate with animals, trying to create new species in this way. However, the instincts of animals cannot be completely controlled, they are wild and cruel, and many females suffer unimaginable pain and torture during mating, and eventually tragically die.

I want to change the genes of the short dwarf of the Japanese nation: the genetic experiment of Unit 731 to exterminate humanity

The Japan military tried to breed women with animals and create new species. However, it is not possible to fully control the instincts of the animal, it is wild and brutal, and many women suffer unimaginable pain and torture in the process of mating and lose their lives.

玻璃房内,惨叫声、嘶吼声此起彼伏,与外面静谧的夜色形成了鲜明的对比。 这些声音,如同地狱中的悲歌,在夜空回荡,令人不寒而栗。 Inside the glass, screams and screams could be heard here and there, in contrast to the quiet night outside. Those voices echoed in the night sky like the mournfuls of hell.

然而,731部队并没有因为这些悲剧而停止他们的实验。 他们不断地从各地抓来新的女,重复着相同的实验。 每一次实验,都是对人性的一次践踏,对scientific 一次亵渎。 However, Unit 731 did not stop the experiments. One after another, they brought new women from all over the country and repeated the same experiments. Every experiment tramples on humanity and desecrates science

然而,这场残忍的实验最终以失败告终。 尽管731部队的医生们使用了各种手段,但始终无法创造出他们想象中的新物种。 那些被注射了激素的动物,在交配后并没有产生任何有意义的变异。 相反,它们的后代往往畸形、体弱多病,很快就夭折了。 However, this brutal experiment ended in failure. The doctors of Unit 731 used a variety of hands, but could not create such a new species as they imagined. Animals that received hormones did not undergo significant mutations after mating, on the contrary, deformities and sickly offspring are born, which soon die.

这场实验不仅摧毁了无数无辜女的生命,也彻底摧毁了Japan军国主义想要通过科学手段改变物种的幻想。 它成为了历史一道无法抹去的伤痕,时刻提醒着人们,科学力量是巨的,但它必须被用在正道上,否则就会沦为毁灭人类的工具。 This experiment not only claimed the lives of many innocent women, but also thoroughly shattered the illusion of Japan militarism that science wanted to change the species. It has become an indelible scar on history, always reminding people that the power of science is enormous, but it must be used in a righteous way, or it can become a tool to destroy humanity.

Today, when we look back at that dark history, we can't help but sigh: science is a double-edged sword, it can bring both light and hope, as well as disaster and destruction. We should cherish the power of science and use it for the benefit of mankind, not to harm and destroy. And those lives that have passed away in the dark should always be remembered by us and become a wake-up call for us to move forward.

I want to change the genes of the short dwarf of the Japanese nation: the genetic experiment of Unit 731 to exterminate humanity

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Now, as we look back on that dark history, we can't help but marvel at the double-edged sword that can bring light and hope, or it can bring disaster and destruction. We should cherish the power of science and use it to bring happiness to humanity, not to harm or destroy it. And the life that dies in the darkness should be forever etched in our hearts and a wake-up call to move forward.

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