
The price of chips in the United States has plummeted by 90%, and the original price of $90 is now only $10

author:Shake the water in your head

The price of chips in the United States has plummeted, what is the trick behind this? Jumping from $90 to $10, a drop of up to 90%, is puzzling.

Is it a market change, a policy impact, or something else? Let's dive into this mystery together.

The price of chips in the United States has plummeted by 90%, and the original price of $90 is now only $10

First, let's take a look at the reasons for this chip price crash.

Last year, the semiconductor industry experienced a "roller coaster" of shortages and price increases.

I remember that at that time, chips were in short supply, automobile factories stopped production, mobile phone factories delayed the release of new models, and the market was wailing.

People have complained that chips are worth more than gold.

The price of chips in the United States has plummeted by 90%, and the original price of $90 is now only $10

However, after the supply chain recovered, there was an oversupply of chips in the market, and the price naturally fell.

The price of chips, which was high last year, has fallen to a mess this year.

It's like the price of pork soared last year, and this year there is more pork, and the price will naturally come down, a reason.

The price of chips in the United States has plummeted by 90%, and the original price of $90 is now only $10

Secondly, the chip export restrictions imposed by the US government on China have also contributed to the fire.

Due to various strategic considerations, the United States is stuck in chip exports to China.

As a result, American chip companies have lost many customers in the international market, and the inventory pressure is increasing, so they have to digest the inventory by cutting prices.

It's like an apple that can't be sold, and if it doesn't drop the price, it will rot in the warehouse.

The price of chips in the United States has plummeted by 90%, and the original price of $90 is now only $10

Bill Gates once predicted that the United States would not be able to prevent China from acquiring powerful chip technology.

This statement is now becoming true.

Although the U.S. technology blockade is severe, it has not really curbed China's development, but has stimulated China's spirit of independent innovation.

The progress of Chinese technology companies in the field of chips has been impressive.

The price of chips in the United States has plummeted by 90%, and the original price of $90 is now only $10

To better understand this, we need to explore in detail the U.S. technology blockade measures and their implications.

The U.S. has adopted a series of technical blockade measures, including a ban on the sale of key equipment such as chips and lithography machines to China.

In this way, they want to bring China's technological development to a standstill.

However, the results were not as they had hoped.

The price of chips in the United States has plummeted by 90%, and the original price of $90 is now only $10

Far from halting China, the lockdown has stimulated China's ability to innovate.

Huawei is a typical example.

After being sanctioned by the United States, Huawei has increased its investment in self-developed chips and has made remarkable progress.

Not only that, technology giants such as Baidu, Alibaba, Xiaomi, vivo, and Tencent have also increased investment in chip design and R&D.

The price of chips in the United States has plummeted by 90%, and the original price of $90 is now only $10

The Chinese government has also quietly supported the development of the semiconductor industry and introduced a series of policies to support the development of the semiconductor industry.

For example, China plans to add 25 new 12-inch wafer fabs in the next five years, and is expected to account for 25% of global wafer capacity by 2026.

These policies provide strong support for Chinese technology companies.

The price of chips in the United States has plummeted by 90%, and the original price of $90 is now only $10

In the face of the shortage of talents in the chip industry, the Chinese government has implemented the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, and actively attracted overseas Chinese scientists to return to China.

In recent years, more than 2.6 million high-tech talents have returned to China from Western countries, injecting fresh blood into the development of China's high-tech industry.

These "returnees" brought advanced technologies and ideas, which greatly promoted the independent innovation of China's science and technology.

The price of chips in the United States has plummeted by 90%, and the original price of $90 is now only $10

In addition, China's investment in education and scientific research has also been increasing, and a large number of high-quality scientific and technological talents have been cultivated.

Although the U.S. sanctions are intended to suppress China, they have actually stimulated China's ability to innovate independently.

Today, China's universities and scientific research institutions have blossomed everywhere, becoming fertile ground for cultivating scientific and technological talents.

The price of chips in the United States has plummeted by 90%, and the original price of $90 is now only $10

The U.S. sanctions policy has not only sparked technological competition between China and the United States, but has also created an anti-American political atmosphere internationally.

Many countries have begun to seek scientific and technological cooperation with China, which has weakened the scientific and technological hegemony of the United States to a certain extent and provided new opportunities for China's scientific and technological development.

For example, some countries in Europe are actively seeking cooperation with China in the field of semiconductors to jointly respond to the new trend of global technology competition.

The price of chips in the United States has plummeted by 90%, and the original price of $90 is now only $10

The global competition in science and technology is intensifying, and only countries and enterprises that continue to innovate and actively respond to challenges can be invincible in the future competition.

China's rapid development is the best proof of this truth.

We should remain vigilant and continue to promote independent innovation in science and technology to pave the way for future development.

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