
Zhang Zuolin emphasized at the symposium of private entrepreneurs in Ningxiang: make every effort to create a first-class business environment, and the government and enterprises work together to create a better future

author:This is Ningxiang
Zhang Zuolin emphasized at the symposium of private entrepreneurs in Ningxiang: make every effort to create a first-class business environment, and the government and enterprises work together to create a better future

Zhang Zuolin emphasized at the symposium of private entrepreneurs in Ningxiang

Make every effort to create a first-class business environment

Government and enterprises work together to create a better future

On June 28, a symposium of private entrepreneurs in Ningxiang was held. Zhang Zuolin, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Liu Qiang, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and head of the United Front Work Department, and Sun Yong, Peng Xinrong, Zeng Hanling, Song Qiang, and Su Jitao, leaders of the city (district), attended the meeting.

Zhang Zuolin emphasized at the symposium of private entrepreneurs in Ningxiang: make every effort to create a first-class business environment, and the government and enterprises work together to create a better future

The meeting reported on the work of the 100 million yuan enterprise club in 2023. At the meeting, the heads of Gree HVAC, CNGR New Energy, Chutian Technology, Xingbang Intelligence, Changfeng Power, Oriental Fashion, Peng Jifang and other enterprises made speeches respectively and introduced the development of the enterprise and the development of the industrial chain. Everyone said that the continuous optimization of the business environment in Ningxiang has provided a broad stage for the development of private enterprises and stimulated the confidence and enthusiasm of private enterprises in innovation and entrepreneurship. The person in charge of each enterprise also reflected the problems and difficulties and put forward opinions and suggestions on the market situation, policy implementation, talent introduction, further optimization of the business environment, and the future development of the enterprise. The heads of Ningxiang Economic Development Zone, Ningxiang High-tech Zone, Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and other departments and units made speeches respectively, saying that they would make every effort to serve private enterprises, help enterprises solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the development process, and show greater achievements in optimizing services and promoting development.

Zhang Zuolin emphasized at the symposium of private entrepreneurs in Ningxiang: make every effort to create a first-class business environment, and the government and enterprises work together to create a better future

Zhang Zuolin fully affirmed and sincerely thanked the outstanding contributions made by the majority of private enterprises to the economic and social development of Ningxiang. He sent a message to the vast number of private enterprises to analyze the situation. It is clearly recognized that from the central to the local, party committees and governments at all levels attach great importance to the development of the private economy, and continue to strengthen their support for private enterprises; Clearly aware that with the changes and challenges of the domestic and foreign economic environment, opportunities and challenges for the development of the private economy coexist; Grasp the general trend of the times, find out the positioning of the enterprise, and strengthen the confidence in development. We must work our internal skills. Actively adapt to supply-side reforms, launch new products and improve existing products through innovation and R&D to meet changes in market demand; Implement intelligent transformation and digital transformation to reduce costs and increase efficiency; Continuously optimize the sales and management mode, do a good job in innovative articles, improve relevant systems, optimize the enterprise structure, reduce operating costs, and improve operational efficiency. Hold the bottom line. Resolutely adhere to the bottom line of safety, resolutely fulfill the main responsibility of the enterprise, further strengthen the safety management of the enterprise, eliminate all kinds of potential safety hazards, and comprehensively improve the intrinsic safety level of the enterprise; Resolutely adhere to the bottom line of environmental protection, and constantly enhance the awareness of green development; Resolutely adhere to the bottom line of the law, enhance the awareness of integrity and law-abiding and compliance business philosophy, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in accordance with the law and compliance operations.

Zhang Zuolin stressed that all departments at all levels in the city should take the creation of a first-class business environment as the "foundation of life" in Ningxiang. To be the first time to know and solve the difficulties of the enterprise; Optimize government services, improve administrative efficiency, and reduce enterprise service costs; Strengthen the construction of the rule of law, equally protect the property rights of private enterprises and the legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, and serve the development and growth of the private economy with the power of the rule of law; Empower the development of enterprises, formulate policies to support the development of enterprises, and optimize measures to serve the development of enterprises; Make good use of the talent policy, do a good job in the service work of enterprise talents such as medical treatment, children's schooling, spouse relocation, etc., make every effort to create a first-class business environment, and the government and enterprises work together to create a better future.

(Duty Leader: Yu Bo Review: Min Taotao Coordinator: Liu Shijiang Proofreader: Lu Yinglong, Yi Hehua Reporter: Li Xianqiang, Wang Changlong, Zhou Huan Editor: Liu Xin)