
Flood control "her" power! There are a group of "Hui girls" on the front line of disaster resistance

author:Huangshan Online

In the past few days, the vast number of cadres and masses in our city have united to devote themselves to flood prevention and disaster relief work, among them, there is a group of "Hui girls", they smell the "flood" and move, go retrograde in the wind and rain, stand up when needed, fight in front of the river, and support the flood control and disaster relief "half the sky" with tenacity and warmth.

Charge ahead and protect the safety of the masses

"I'm relieved that you're here." This was the first thing the trapped villagers said to her after seeing her. On the night of June 19, heavy rain fell in Tunxi District. At 5 o'clock in the morning of the 20th, she was relieved to patrol the village in the rain to check the water level, and suddenly received a call for help from the villagers trapped at home. She immediately called for help and hurriedly waded into the water and walked towards the villagers' homes.

Flood control "her" power! There are a group of "Hui girls" on the front line of disaster resistance

At that time, the villagers' homes had been flooded more than one meter deep, Zheng Xinrong decisively took several village cadres to carry out rescue, and the powerful party members carried the villagers, one person explored the road in front, and four people protected in the back, and after three hours of hard work, 2 households and 8 people were successfully rescued and transferred to safety. Afterwards, she said, "I may not be able to do professional rescue, but I will definitely work with the villagers to find a way to solve the problem." I'm the secretary, and I must go first. ”

Flood control "her" power! There are a group of "Hui girls" on the front line of disaster resistance

"Post-80s" Wang Wen is a member of the Party Committee of Longmen Township, Huangshan District, at half past two in the afternoon of June 23, affected by continuous heavy rainfall, the only road outside the Zhushu Group of Ferry Village collapsed, and the houses of three villagers in the group were at the risk of geological disasters and slope cutting and building houses, and could not be safely transferred by land. In the face of this emergency, Wang Wen immediately led four village cadres to form a water emergency rescue team, using the existing boats in the village to race against time in the wind and rain, and make every effort to transfer the trapped people, and finally successfully transfer the villagers to safety.

Flood control "her" power! There are a group of "Hui girls" on the front line of disaster resistance

In the face of flooding, give up a small family for everyone

Tang Xufang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and mayor of Xixinan Town, Huizhou District, has been stationed in the town since the "6.20" flood and has been on the front line of flood control. She is the mayor of a town, a party member and cadre, and a lactating mother. When she saw the grim flood control situation, she didn't say a word, handed over the child to her family to take care of, and fought wholeheartedly at the flood control and rescue scene.

Flood control "her" power! There are a group of "Hui girls" on the front line of disaster resistance

She led a team to brave the rain to go deep into the villages, and comprehensively investigated the hidden dangers of the town's risky river sections, disaster points, reservoirs, and four key flood control villages; Dispatch the town's flood control work in an orderly manner. At present, 112 key people from 65 households in the town have been effectively resettled, emergency supplies have been prepared in each village, and flood prevention, rescue and disaster relief work has been carried out in an orderly manner.

In order to cope with the flood situation, Baixi Township, Qimen County, organized a 24-hour flood control team, and Yu Pingping, a member of the Xirong Village Committee, was one of the female generals. Don't look at her usual big grin, she is never ambiguous in her work, and she actively goes deep into the village groups with other village cadres to inspect and eliminate dangers.

Flood control "her" power! There are a group of "Hui girls" on the front line of disaster resistance

"Flood control work is like being on the battlefield, and we cannot relax at any time. I am a young party member and a village cadre, and I have to stand up to the front so that the masses can be sure. Yu Pingping's hometown, Shaolian Village, Shaolian Township, Shexian County, is the hardest-hit area this time, and the water in her home is nearly one person deep, so she can only let her husband, who works in Hangzhou, go home to help the disaster, while she sticks to the front line of flood control. On the evening of the 20th, Yu Pingping, who had been busy all day, learned that her parents in her hometown had received help from the local government, and everything was fine.

Caring for the masses, shouldering responsibilities and showing responsibility

In the face of the raging floods, houses collapsed, roads and bridges were damaged, farmland was flooded, and the entire village was in shambles. The family of Zhu Ainan, secretary of the village party branch, was not spared, but she didn't care about her family, and the first thing she thought about was the safety of the villagers.

Flood control "her" power! There are a group of "Hui girls" on the front line of disaster resistance

In the early morning of June 20, when it was learned that a villager was besieged by floods and the fire truck could not enter, Zhu Ainan immediately organized village cadres to contact the excavator to go to the scene to rescue. Seeing that the masses were safe, Zhu Ainan was relieved.

Flood control "her" power! There are a group of "Hui girls" on the front line of disaster resistance

Under the leadership of Zhu Ainan, party members and cadres acted quickly, immediately sorted out the difficulties and needs of the masses, coordinated the distribution of resources from all parties, organized party members and volunteers to clean up the garbage and silt on the main road of the village, and carried out sanitization. 24-hour shift duty, calm the emotions of the masses, organize self-help and mutual rescue...... The continuous struggle made Zhu Ainan's face a lot haggard, but her determination to devote herself to fighting the disaster became more and more firm. In Shangfeng Township, She County, the Xiyuan Village Women's Federation immediately organized a road clean-up action of "not waiting, not relying on, doing it first". Wang Hongyu, a member of the executive committee of the Village Women's Federation, still participated in the road clean-up operation for many days to ensure the smooth operation of the transportation "lifeline" due to the serious collapse of her tea garden and the flooding of her home. On the morning of June 24, after briefly returning home to check on the situation at home, she threw herself into the "left-behind women cleaning up the river" operation. "If the village needs me, I will go to the top, and the executive committee of the Women's Federation will take the lead." Wang Hongyu said.

Flood control "her" power! There are a group of "Hui girls" on the front line of disaster resistance

The wind and rain are retrograde, and the hanging bottle is still sticking

In the past few days, in the mobile phones of villagers in Kaochuan Village, Yixian County, a photo of a woman who still insists on working with a hanging needle in her right hand has been forwarded by many people one after another. The woman in the photo is Liu Yingfang, secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of Kaochuan Village, Yuting Town, Yixian County.

Flood control "her" power! There are a group of "Hui girls" on the front line of disaster resistance

Affected by the rainfall for several days, the flood control situation in Yuting Town is severe. Liu Yingfang led the village cadres to go deep into the key areas to investigate, transfer and resettle the people, clean up the garbage and silt in the river, since June 20, has not had a good rest, on the evening of the 22nd, she shuttled in the wind and rain with everyone, Liu Yingfang, who had a cold, obviously felt unwell. On the morning of the 23rd, there was a landslide in the section of the Kaoxi Group of the S222 line, Liu Yingfang stuck to the front line of flood control while infusion, and led more than 10 people from the party to set up a guard and divert traffic, while cleaning up the rockfalls and washed down vegetation, after more than two hours of efforts, the road was restored to smooth. This scene touched everyone present, and a village cadre sent a photo of Liu Yingfang's work to the work group. Under her leadership, more and more people spontaneously joined the volunteer team for flood control, emergency rescue and disaster relief.

Flood control "her" power! There are a group of "Hui girls" on the front line of disaster resistance

The flood is merciless, and people are merciful, and great love is shown in the face of catastrophe. There are still many "Hui girls" who participate in flood control and disaster relief in Huangshan, and they have no grandiose words, only deeds; There is no impassioned, only silent responsibility. In the wind and rain, they are the guardians who ride the wind and waves, and they staged touching moments. At the critical moment, they were brave and fearless, charging forward, contributing "her" strength to the city's flood control and disaster relief work, and writing the responsibilities and responsibilities of grassroots female cadres with practical actions.

Flood control "her" power! There are a group of "Hui girls" on the front line of disaster resistance

Author: Shu Jun News Submission Email: [email protected] Editor: Cheng Hongmei Second Review: Wang Cuizhu Final Review: Xu Haisheng