
How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great

author:Wealth and wealth know


"In the orbit of the No. 3 spacecraft, don't come back if you go here, be brave and fearless, wholeheartedly, and dedicate yourself to the people."

This is a series of kind voices that suddenly came from the walkie-talkie on a national live broadcast station in the control room of the space center of the former Soviet Union in 1963.

The original Soviet female cosmonaut, Tereshkova, had successfully bound the spacecraft in space orbit, and the world exploded in an instant at that time, and almost all the people paid attention to this female cosmonaut outside the capsule.

How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great

Since that year, it has become obvious that women have entered space, and now, it is just a matter of sending Chinese female astronauts to space, but in fact, women are also very difficult to enter the space station.

So how can the privacy of women in the universe be protected?

The current situation of female astronauts in space.

On June 16, 1963, Tereshkova of the Soviet Union successfully entered space, and since then, in the history of astronautics, there have been many female shadows in space.

On June 19, 1963, the United States Terena also successfully entered the space station, after which the world began to seriously consider women in the field of space, and the same issue appeared in China's national defense and military field.

How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great

There are two places in a woman's life that are the most beautiful places for women to perform, one is pregnancy, and the other is menstruation, which means that the two most beautiful moments are the special moments that women are most afraid of.

China's flying heroine - Liu Yang, was in 2012, although it is still very small compared with the first batch of astronauts, but this heroine in the sky has been unforgettable.

She is part of the second group of heroines, but her task is not simple, and she has many problems to overcome, the biggest of which is her menstrual cycle.

Both female and male astronauts need to combine work and rest, and special training sessions are often present during training sessions to ensure the challenges they face on the space station.

But on top of that, female astronauts struggle in the depths of space, and they have to deal with menstrual cycle troubles.

This is absolutely unavoidable, after all, there are no machines in space, and there is no way to predict menstrual cycles, and female astronauts will either use drugs to reduce the effects of menstrual cycles, or spend a lot of time training to delay menstrual cycles.

But this is a strange way, it can only be said that it will be wrong, after all, the re-infection of the menstrual cycle has affected the mentality of female astronauts in space, and it will also affect their normal work, and it will also affect some work such as the placement of satellites in space work.

There are also many female astronauts who complain that this emotional reincarnation change directly affects their emotions because of the sudden absence, and such a strong emotional change will also have a certain impact on their bodies, and even make them feel unable to adapt to the space environment.

And such emotional ups and downs will also affect the communication between astronauts and the ground, and when the satellites working in the space station are in trouble, this also needs to be dealt with by female astronauts, but in a short period of time, the physical condition of female astronauts is still unstable, which is not a big problem.

Because of their menstrual cycles, all the hormones in the body will continue to fluctuate, and there are no mechanical devices in space, so these changes will be difficult, which will not only affect their mood, but also affect their physical condition, and their work efficiency will be greatly reduced.

In such a depressing environment, the female astronauts in space have to do things, but there are still things to be done, and they dare not take risks rashly, and want to wait until they are not comfortable to do it.

But this is still the least hardship they experience, and their security in space is also the thing they fear the most.

What does a private rest pod look like in space?

How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great

Privacy in space.

One of the major challenges of space is the pressure, gravity and atmosphere of space, which have a great impact on the astronaut's body.

The pressure in space is not unfamiliar to you, and the pressure in your body is the same as the pressure on a 30-meter water level.

If this kind of pressure is adapted all at once, it is likely to endanger the lives of astronauts, so every time astronauts go to space, three years before they go to space, they will formulate a draft to adapt.

So we can also see from it that the problems of the first generation of astronauts are also gradually explored by our later people.

How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great

Astronauts can breathe in space, simply because there is a special gap in the spacesuit, but because the spacesuit faces many difficult tasks, it is often inevitable that it will be damaged, and once damaged, the astronaut's breathing may have huge problems.

How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great

Therefore, in order to prevent such a problem from happening, astronauts will have spare spacesuits, and if there is an air leakage problem, they will also use special tape to repair it, which is particularly important.

If an astronaut is floating in space, he will have to endure a spacesuit that weighs 10 times his own, which is definitely very unbearable for the body.

So this leads to astronauts in space, most of the time sitting and working, everyone knows that there is no equipment in space, including toilets, so in the working life of astronauts, this is also crucial, and their living habits will also change.

In space, they rely on the space toilet, and if they go to the toilet in this place, their feces will be turned into a garbage pod, their urine will be processed into water, and they will have another way to drink water, which is a laser penetrator.

She treats the clouds in the form of lasers so that the taste of the water doesn't change too much, and their nutrition can only rely on these special food cans to provide their bodies.

How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great

The most important point in space is sleep, but sleep in space is a very important issue, after all, space is full of countless threats.

Therefore, the sleep time prescribed by it is different from the regular time of human beings, but is carried out according to the time trajectory and the importance and urgency of the work.

Their sleeping place is like a single rest cabin, this rest cabin is even specially made for breathing, it requires astronauts to stretch their bodies,

It is enough to look like a small rest pod, and they sleep here in order to sleep more soundly.

But you can't take it for granted, it's also an intimate place where astronauts can change their underwear, and although it looks small, it's miraculous that it can be spread out to see the details.

But in the work of astronauts, they are not immune, after all, there is no heat in space, so in winter, they will wear special "fire bag down jackets" to keep their bodies warm.

Every space, these places are where they have to live and live, all kinds of equipment, their daily life, are all located, and it can be seen from this place that this place is not very "chic"?

But at any time, their lives are the most important, so when they make a mistake or do something wrong, which affects their work, they need a place where they can change their clothes better, and this place is the spacesuit, the special spacesuit and the door seat, so that they can do their things with peace of mind.

How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great

These places, too, are their elves, and in their work, as soon as you press it, it will show you what you need, but as soon as you find it, it will go back on its own and return to the way it was.

They are also their little assistants, and in their spaceflight, they have to operate with one hand, and they have to walk around with a small survey machine, so it is necessary for these places to appear.

But as female astronauts, their privacy in space is another big issue.

Female astronauts in space.

It is understandable that the importance of female astronauts in space is also increasing, and the role they play is becoming more and more important.

This certainly gives you a general idea of the role that women will play in space in the future.

In a world that is becoming more and more internationalized, there are more and more female astronauts in the scientific community, who are not only able to handle their daily work well, but also have an affinity that makes people have to take a closer look.

How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great

Their appearance and these efforts will also directly promote the development of the aerospace field in the future, and they will be brave as pathfinders in the future aerospace field.

In addition to their individual abilities, their success is also inseparable from science and technology, which are the latest technologies and directly promote the development of the aerospace field.

In order for female astronauts to participate in space missions more smoothly, it is also necessary to further improve and innovate in technology.

Their mission, in addition to spaceflight, also needs to be coordinated with the ground, and these places, because of the instructions of the ground personnel, pay more attention to speed and precision.

But these will be directly related to their sleep and work efficiency, their physical characteristics, and they also have to take into account their physical health.

So in terms of science, there has to be some research on female astronauts, and these measures are also so that they can better adapt to the space environment.

How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great

And if a female astronaut is pregnant, this will greatly affect their body and also greatly affect their mission, so in this case, the astronaut will have to temporarily withdraw from the mission.

In this case, it will have an impact on the whole team, so this situation will also make us pay more attention, so in the future, we will do everything to deal with it.

This is also considered to be in the future, we will study better spacesuits, better astronauts have improved and improved.

How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great

Aerospace is no longer something that can be carried out independently by one country or a few countries, but requires the cooperation of all countries around the world.

In this process, at the same time, China is also gradually increasing the proportion of female astronauts.

How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great

We can also see from this side that there will be more and more female astronauts in China in the future, and this can also be seen from the side, and we can guess that the future of China's aerospace history will be more exciting, and we are full of expectations.

How do female astronauts protect their privacy in space? The sacrifice of the space heroine is too great


In the future field of astronautics, the physiological and psychological problems of astronauts will become a hot research topic.

In the field of science and technology, there will also be more innovation, so that female astronauts can better adapt to the space environment.

Aerospace is not only a field of science and technology, but also a field full of hopes and dreams, both men and women, are working hard for this common dream, and also look forward to the future, there will be more breakthroughs and innovations in the field of science and technology.

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