
2024 Tsinghua Admissions Highlights | Facing the frontier of science and technology, cultivating leading talents, and biochemistry are waiting for you!

author:Qing Xiaohua
2024 Tsinghua Admissions Highlights | Facing the frontier of science and technology, cultivating leading talents, and biochemistry are waiting for you!

Tsinghua Admissions has successively launched a series of Tsinghua Admissions Highlights to help you understand the 2024 Tsinghua University Undergraduate Admissions Majors and Undergraduate Admissions Colleges, so as to choose a professional field that is most suitable for your own development.

Introduction to the categories

The faculties involved in the major categories include the Department of Chemistry, the School of Life Sciences, the Department of Chemical Engineering, and the School of Pharmacy. Chemistry is the foundation of modern life sciences, materials science, and environmental science. Life science can help human beings deepen their understanding of nature and the laws of life activities, help study the pathogenesis of various diseases, and achieve high yield and high quality of crops. Chemical Engineering is committed to applying the basic theories and methods of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, actively facing the major needs of science and technology, economy and society, and cultivating talents with integrated and all-round development of science and engineering who play a leading role in industry, academia and management. The Department of Pharmacy is committed to nurturing the next generation of pharmaceutical leaders with a mission to address the major disease challenges facing humanity and improve global health.

2024 Tsinghua Admissions Highlights | Facing the frontier of science and technology, cultivating leading talents, and biochemistry are waiting for you!

Discipline advantages

The faculties included in this category have a strong faculty and a rigorous academic atmosphere, with a total of 21 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the latest QS World University Rankings by Subject, Tsinghua University ranked 12th in Chemical Engineering and 9th in the world in Chemistry. In the latest U.S. News University Rankings by subject, Tsinghua University ranked first in the world in both chemistry and chemical engineering. In 2023, the Department of Chemistry of Tsinghua University was selected as the National High-level Talent Training Center for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, providing a new impetus for doctoral training. Since 2015, the scientific research achievements of the School of Life Sciences have been selected as one of the "Top Ten Advances in Life Sciences in China" every year. The School of Pharmacy adheres to the spirit of innovation, explores the process of seeking knowledge, and leads the new direction of China's pharmaceutical innovation and research and development.

The relevant faculties of this category have many national key laboratories and the Ministry of Education. In recent years, he has won a number of National Natural Science Awards and National Science and Technology Progress Awards.

Discipline training

Students who enter Tsinghua University through the enrollment route of this category will study according to the training plan of this category in the first academic year. Before the end of the freshman semester, students will complete the major confirmation through two-way selection according to their own subject interests and the specific situation of each department, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the university. At the beginning of the sophomore semester, students will enter relevant faculties for professional study.

Introduction to faculties and majors

Department of Chemistry: Chemistry, Basic Science of Chemistry and Biology

Chemistry is the cornerstone of the creation of new substances and the foundation of the scientific development of modern life, medicine, health, materials, information and the environment. A series of problems faced by the mainland in its future development, including the effective development and utilization of resources, environmental protection and governance, sustainable social and economic development, population and health and human security, and the development and application of high-tech materials, are inseparable from chemistry.

2024 Tsinghua Admissions Highlights | Facing the frontier of science and technology, cultivating leading talents, and biochemistry are waiting for you!

In 2023, the Department of Chemistry will go to the National University of Singapore for summer visiting practice

Relying on Tsinghua University's strong science and engineering research platform, the Department of Chemistry pays more attention to interdisciplinary and the combination of science and engineering. In line with the talent training concept of "strong foundation, practice, and broad vision", the Department of Chemistry assigns a professor as a freshman mentor to each newly admitted undergraduate, and sets up the "Tsinghua Academy Program" to cultivate top-notch talents in basic disciplines, and tailors personalized curriculum plans and overseas training links for students.

Faculty of Life Sciences: Biological Sciences

Life sciences are studied at the macroscopic level, individual level, and even at the cellular and molecular levels to understand and understand the basic laws of life activities, and use them for the benefit of mankind. From the perspective of basic science, life science can help human beings deepen their understanding of nature and promote the exploration of the laws of nature and life activities. In terms of human life, life sciences have also greatly contributed to the development of medicine and agriculture. At the same time, the research results of life sciences can also be transformed into non-biological sciences.

The School of Life Sciences at Tsinghua University is characterized by the fact that life science research is carried out at the micro level, with strong close cooperation in structural biology, biochemistry, molecular genetics, developmental biology, etc., and the advantages of complementary disciplines. The college has an excellent teaching team. In recent years, most of the teachers have been introduced from abroad, and most of them have been in the prime of life for many years, and they are active in the front line of scientific research; The School of Life Sciences attaches great importance to undergraduate teaching, and 80% of the undergraduate courses of the School are taught by full professors, including 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since 2011, the School has set up a top-notch student training program, the "Tsinghua Academy Life Science Experimental Class", to provide a unique learning platform for students who have a strong interest in life sciences and are determined to make achievements in the field of life sciences.

Faculty of Pharmacy: Pharmacy major

The biomedical industry is a strategic emerging industry related to international people's livelihood and national security, and an important cornerstone for the realization of the national strategy of "Healthy China". Tsinghua University's pharmacy major is a national first-class undergraduate major, and the school is committed to cultivating a new generation of pharmaceutical leaders with leading basic scientific research, improvement and breakthrough of key technologies, rapid and effective transformation, and high-quality cooperation across disciplines, fields and countries. Promote the research and development of innovative drugs and therapeutics, take on the important task of solving the challenges of major diseases facing mankind, and shoulder the important mission of improving global health.

2024 Tsinghua Admissions Highlights | Facing the frontier of science and technology, cultivating leading talents, and biochemistry are waiting for you!

Seminar on Undergraduate Education Development and Planning in Pharmacy

Tsinghua School of Pharmacy innovates pharmacy education, follows the overall requirements of "pursuing excellence, promoting transformation, international standards, and world-class", adopts a talent training model of "small-scale, large-scale, multi-dimensional, and in-depth", implements a curriculum system that integrates general education and professional education, and sets up rich domestic and foreign scientific research practice training to enhance students' practical innovation ability. Implement the "freshman mentor system" to guide and help new students. It is committed to cultivating a new generation of pharmaceutical leaders who not only have superb professional knowledge, but also have the critical thinking and innovation ability necessary to achieve breakthrough basic research and transformation results.

Department of Chemical Engineering: Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biological Engineering, Polymer Materials and Engineering

Modern civilization is inseparable from chemical engineering, which supports people's daily life of food and clothing, provides a variety of advanced materials for a variety of high-tech products, and also plays an important role in maintaining human health and responding to major challenges such as global climate change.

The Department of Chemical Engineering takes the promotion of higher education in chemical engineering and the development of chemical industry in mainland China as its own responsibility, and cultivates high-quality talents in two professional directions: chemical engineering and industrial biological engineering and polymer materials and engineering in accordance with the idea of "solid foundation, wide choice, emphasis on practice and innovation". The overall goal of Tsinghua Chemical Engineering is to equip students with basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. Master the basic theories and methods of chemical process, equipment and product design and system integration, and have the ability to discover, analyze and innovatively solve complex engineering problems; Have a healthy body and mind and a sense of cooperation, and abide by professional ethics; Actively face the major needs of science and technology, economy and society, and play a leading role in industry, academia and management.

2024 Tsinghua Admissions Highlights | Facing the frontier of science and technology, cultivating leading talents, and biochemistry are waiting for you!

Department of Chemical Engineering Science and Technology Competition

Nowadays, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, the new paradigm of scientific research of "AI for Science" will surely lead to the further integration of chemical engineering and intelligent technology. Chemical Engineering and Industrial Bioengineering (Intelligent Direction) is an intelligent engineering undergraduate training program led by the Department of Chemical Engineering and jointly created by the Department of Computer Science and Technology. The project implements a broad-caliber intelligent engineering professional education under the background of multidisciplinary interdisciplinary education and on the basis of general education, and its training program breaks through the framework of traditional engineering education, and is committed to cultivating compound cross-border talents who not only understand the professional knowledge of chemical engineering, but also master intelligent optimization methods.

Student experience

In 2020, I passed the college entrance examination to enter Tsinghua University and chose the Department of Chemistry at Tsinghua University. At the time, it was probably an impulsive choice – I had never been exposed to chemistry competitions and knew very little about university studies. I just love chemistry and feel like I should give myself a chance. That's how I got involved with chemistry, and I spent four years in college to prove to myself at the time that I had lived up to that choice.

I was immersed in the structure of the theoretical class, and I was also curious about the research and exploration of the experimental class. The first experiment I conducted at Tsinghua University was "Synthesis of Perfect Large Crystals of Copper Sulfate". In class, my classmates and I discussed the influence of various factors in the environment on crystal formation, and learned the process of crystal preparation through practical hands. Due to the fact that the copper sulfate solution I prepared was not saturated and the temperature warmed up during the experiment, the crystal seeds I put in gradually melted during the cultivation process, resulting in the failure of the experiment, but this laughable episode gave me a deeper understanding of the crystal cultivation process.

I continued to develop my expertise as I learned, but it wasn't all easy. The professional courses are interesting and in-depth, but they are also challenging. I used to be frustrated because I couldn't remember the reaction and couldn't write the synthetic route, but under the communication of the class teacher, the patient guidance of the teaching assistant, and the detailed explanation of the classmates and the volunteers of the Q&A workshop, my thinking gradually became clearer, and the course learning gradually improved. It was because of the teachers and classmates who cared about me that my chemistry journey was able to move forward in a challenging way.

In the second semester of my sophomore year, I began to enter the laboratory for preliminary exploration, and began to read professional literature and participate in group meetings. During the discussions, I gradually found that I became more interested in the field of chemical biology, and gradually found and refined the topics I wanted to explore.

The process of scientific research and exploration is full of unknowns, and experimental verification is indeed full of twists and turns. For the first two months of my project, I was unable to repeat the experiments reported in the literature, and the modification response I was hoping for was never smooth

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