
Officers from 13 countries went to China, the People's Liberation Army announced a military competition, the surrounding situation deteriorated, and Operation Shield began

author:Phoenix Satellite TV Jin Liang

The United States has provoked wars in Eastern Europe and the Middle East one after another, deployed in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, the surrounding situation has become more and more tense, 13 Arab countries have gone to Beijing to attend a seminar, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has announced a military competition, and Operation Shield has begun.

A few days ago, at the regular press conference of the Ministry of National Defense, the spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense briefed the outside world on several things: The first thing is that the seminar for senior Chinese and Arab military officers was held in China, and 13 Arab countries, including the United Arab Emirates, sent senior military officers to attend the meeting. The purpose of the seminar was to discuss China-Arab security cooperation, implement the outcomes of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, and deepen defense cooperation between China and Arab countries.

Officers from 13 countries went to China, the People's Liberation Army announced a military competition, the surrounding situation deteriorated, and Operation Shield began

Why did 13 Arab countries send people to China to participate in the seminar? The purpose is twofold: on the one hand, to seek China's strategic support and crack the layout of the United States in the Middle East. The United States supports Israel in provoking the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in order to disrupt the Middle East region and maintain the US petrodollar system in the Middle East.

On the other hand, drawing on China's military experience, Israel has now become the target of public criticism, and there is a great tendency for the countries of the Middle East to unite to besiege Israel, and a new round of war in the Middle East may begin. In the previous wars in the Middle East, Israel was the victor, the Arab coalition forces in the Middle East were defeated, and China defeated the "United Nations Army" led by the United States.

The Middle East is located in a strategic position in the world and has always been the focus of the great power game, and China's help to Middle Eastern countries is conducive to the construction of the "Belt and Road" and can distract the attention of the United States.

Officers from 13 countries went to China, the People's Liberation Army announced a military competition, the surrounding situation deteriorated, and Operation Shield began

The second thing is that China is actively training its troops in military competition and launching Operation Shield. According to a briefing given by Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, since the beginning of this year, the whole army has closely followed the goal of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army, focused on preparing for war, vigorously promoted systematic training, scientific and technological training, and military competition, and steadily improved the level of actual combat training and combat capability of the troops. In addition, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has organized its troops to participate in joint exercises and training league activities such as "Prairie Partners" and "Falcon Shield", and conducted actual combat training in plateaus, alpine and desert jungles, so as to improve the level of actual combat training of troops and enhance exchanges and mutual trust between our army and foreign armies.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is doing this because the situation around China is deteriorating, one is that in the Sino-Indian border area, India has been increasing its combat readiness, and after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was re-elected, he claimed to give priority to solving the Sino-Indian border issue, trying to rely on the United States to contain China and enhance India's right to speak. In the face of India's deployment, China has to increase its strategic vigilance and prepare for a conflict in the southwest.

The other is in the direction of the Taiwan Strait, the United States has launched a so-called "hellscape" plan, preparing to turn the Taiwan Strait into a so-called "no man's hell" by deploying drones, unmanned boats and unmanned underwater vehicles in the Taiwan Strait, blocking the landing of the People's Liberation Army in Taiwan and obstructing cross-strait reunification.

Officers from 13 countries went to China, the People's Liberation Army announced a military competition, the surrounding situation deteriorated, and Operation Shield began

Previously, the US side has repeatedly claimed that it will use force to "protect Taiwan", and now it is ready to take action, how can China let it go? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) has now become very powerful, has the ability to take over Taiwan, and can contain external interference.

In addition, in the Pacific direction, the United States is preparing to deploy a rapid reaction force "Littoral Combat Group" on Guam, a key position in the second island chain, which can not only protect allies such as Japan and the Philippines, but also "respond to Chinese attacks."

In the face of US provocations, spokesman Wu Qian pointed out that the Chinese have always been "people do not offend me, I will not offend others, and if people offend me, I will offend others." The United States seems to be well-prepared, but in fact it is just a bluff, the United States has to deal with Russia and Iran in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and also has to deal with China in Asia, and it does not have enough energy, and the United States still has endless domestic social problems, and there is no internal stability, how much energy is spent on head-on confrontation with opponents of the same level?

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