
In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?

In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?

Talk about food moments

2024-06-28 21:38

In my hometown, I especially like to talk to the elderly, because in their mouths, you can always hear different stories, some are folklore, some are ghost stories, and some are related to the year. In particular, the forecast for the year is the most mentioned, and more than half of 2024 has passed, and all walks of life are under pressure.

In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?

So will that change in 2025? From the perspective of time, 2025 is a common year in the Gregorian calendar, and the lunar calendar belongs to the year of Yisi (Year of the Snake), which falls in leap June.

What does the old man mean when he says, "Seven dragons control the water, and four oxen plough the fields"? What does next year look like?

1. What is the relationship between the 12 earthly branches and the 12 zodiac signs?

The dragon and the ox, it is both animals in the zodiac, we can think about it briefly, what corresponds to the zodiac? If you just look at the time, it will definitely remind people of the Ganzhi calendar, because the Ganzhi calendar has twelve earthly branches, which correspond to the twelve zodiac signs.

In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?

The twelve earthly branches are also called the twelve branches: they are the general names of Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai. In ancient China, it was used to match the heavenly stems and was used to indicate the order of years, months, days, and hours.

The 12 zodiac signs are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig, which are distributed in the twelve earthly branches, so we often hear that the rat, the ugly ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, and the pig.

In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?

2. How did "Seven Dragons Control the Water, Four Oxen Plough the Fields" come about?

This statement comes from the ancient book "Stove Horse Head", it is an important book used to predict the year, the ancients often used the "Chen", "Chou", "C" in the earth branch to predict the year, the specific content is the first "Chen" of the first month of the first day, then it is "a few dragons to control the water"; The first ugly day of the first month of the first month is on the first day, then it is "a few oxen ploughing the field".

In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?

The first day of the first month of 2025 is "Wuxu Day", the second day of the first month is "Jihai Day", the third day of the first month is "Gengzi Day", the fourth day of the first month is "Xin Chou Day", the fifth day of the first month is "Renyin Day", the sixth day of the first month is "Guimao Day", the seventh day of the first month is "Jiachen Day", the eighth day of the first month is "Yisi Day", the ninth day of the first month is "Bingwu Day", and the tenth day of the first month is "Ding Wei Day".

Then according to the "Stove Horse Head" mentioned, on the seventh day of the first month, we encountered the earth branch, which corresponds to the dragon in the zodiac, that is, the seven dragons control the water, and on the fourth day of the first month, we encountered the earth branch ugly, that is, the four oxen ploughing the field.

In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?

3. Any interpretation of "Seven Dragons Governing the Water, Four Oxen Ploughing the Fields"?

According to the record: "The old and the young are flooded, the dragon is more drought, and the cattle are more abundant." We can simply explain it, in 2025 there will be 7 dragons, which means that it is easy to have a situation of drought, which is related to a monk carrying water to eat, two monks carrying water to eat, and three monks not having water to eat is a reason, there are more dragons, but they are all prevaricating, and it is difficult to have rainfall.

In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?

In ancient times, arable land was mainly cultivated by cattle, and one cow itself was enough to plough the field, and four cows were needed to plough the field in 2025, indicating that the field was relatively fertile, and what rushed to sow seeds meant that the harvest would be better in autumn and winter.

In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?

Many people may not understand, didn't you say that there will be a drought when there are more dragons, how can there be a good harvest? From another perspective, we can understand that there is more rain in spring and summer, so more dragons are needed, but in autumn and winter, there is less rain itself, and there is no need for too many dragons to participate at all, so it does not hinder the harvest in autumn and winter.

4. What is the year of 2025?

From here, we can see that in the spring and summer of 2025, the rain may be less, and we should pay attention to drought prevention.

In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?

In addition, in other ancient books, there are also predictions: in the year of Yisi, the wheat seedlings are beautiful in summer, and the fertilizer is in three winters. The abundant harvest of autumn and winter indicates that next year's annual situation is quite good.

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  • In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?
  • In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?
  • In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?
  • In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?
  • In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?
  • In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?
  • In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?
  • In leap June 2025, the old man said, "Seven dragons control the water, four oxen plough the fields", what will the next year look like?

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