
Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

author:Yanliang, China Aviation City
Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Red Tourist Route

July 1 this year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In order to let more citizens and tourists feel the warmth of the party in Yanliang and stimulate the enthusiasm of loving the party and patriotism, Yanliang District plans to launch two red tourism routes.

Route one

"China Power" aviation culture experience tour

Route Introduction

"Aviation power" is an important component of "Chinese power". As the only China Aviation City in China and the largest in Asia, Yanliang District integrates aircraft design, research, manufacturing, identification, flight test and teaching, with a strong aviation culture foundation and complete facilities, including flight simulation experience, safety emergency drills, world aviation history and Chinese aviation history popularization......

When you come to Yanliang, you can feel a strong "Chinese power", and as a member of the Chinese nation, self-confidence and pride arise spontaneously.

Attraction arrangement

Meritorious Aircraft Park

Contact: Ms. Zhao

Contact number: 18092310118

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Aviation Science and Technology Museum of Western Airlines Vocational College

Contact: Ms. Gu

Contact number: 18392350826

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Flying Dream Aviation Experience Base

Contact: Ms. Xu

Contact number: 18191751042

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Eagle wings aviation cultural scenic spot

Contact: Ms. Di

Contact number: 17392582550

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Flying Eagle Asia-Pacific Aviation Safety Experience Center

Contact: Ms. Zhang

Contact number: 18792835177

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Meritorious Aircraft Park

Meritorious Aircraft Park: 15 aircraft of various types that have made immortal contributions to the motherland's aviation industry are displayed, including Chujiao-6, H-5 catapult test aircraft, Jianjiao-6 modified aircraft, J-5, Y-7, H-6, Mi-8, K-8 trainer aircraft, J-7, Y-8, J-8II, J-7, Air Police 2000, J-11, J-10 and other meritorious aircraft. They travel through time and space, telling the world the stirring stories behind them, and showing the historical leap of the continental aviation industry from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong.

Aviation Science and Technology Museum of Western Airlines Vocational College

Aviation Science and Technology Museum of Xihang Vocational College: As the largest aviation science and technology museum in Northwest China, the overall appearance design is full of dynamic aircraft shape, reflecting the trend of modern aviation industry and aviation education, with the theme of "flying dreams and serving the country by aviation", mainly to spread aviation spirit and aviation culture to the public and popularize aviation knowledge.

Flying Dream Aviation Experience Base

Flying Dream Aviation Experience Base: Featuring an immersive experience with the theme of aviation, it is the only diversified aviation experience base in Northwest China with the theme of "aviation patriotic education + aviation culture popularization + flight simulation experience + real emergency drill", integrating indoor + outdoor venues with immersive flight experience, aviation experience interaction, aviation emergency learning, and aviation practical education, so that the experiencers can feel the charm of aviation and the pride of Chinese aviation in the process of visiting, experiencing and learning.

Eagle wings aviation cultural scenic spot

Eagle Spreading Wings Aviation Cultural Scenic Spot: The Eagle Spreading Wings Base Pavilion has set up an immersive aviation experience with a variety of themes such as intelligent full-motion airport sand table area, holographic experience area, flight simulation training area, real aircraft physical visit area, etc., with 12 categories of systematic aviation culture research and tourism projects, including aviation knowledge lecture hall, static exhibition of general aviation aircraft, Airbus A320 aviation emergency escape experience, exploration of micro airports, VR aviation world, flight simulation experience, civil aviation career experience, and various paper airplanes.

Flying Eagle Asia-Pacific Aviation Safety Experience Center

Flying Eagle Asia-Pacific Aviation Safety Experience Hall: Put on the captain's uniform and experience the mystery of the cockpit; Put on the flight attendant suit and feel the confidence of the flight attendant; Put on the ground handling uniform and understand the workflow of the ground handler; Climb aboard a plane, feel the real flight distress and learn how to save yourself; Boarding a business jet, being a passenger on a business jet, being a crew member on a business jet, etc...... Flying Eagle Asia Pacific provides a good experience environment for more people who decrypt aviation and explore aviation, so that more experiencers can establish the ideal of dedicating themselves to the aviation cause of the motherland.

How to visit: Visit by appointment

Nearby sightseeing spots, food and accommodation recommendations: Zhonghua County Scenic Area, Jingshan Plain, Shandong Flatbread, Knight Villa, Xijia Compound, Jingshan Compound.

Route 2

"Salute to the martyrs" red cultural perception tour

Route Introduction

With the theme of inheriting and promoting aviation culture and red revolution culture, this route stimulates the patriotic feelings of citizens, tourists and young people through visiting and paying tribute to the martyrs.

Attraction arrangement

Yanliang Martyrs Memorial Hall (Aviation Martyrs Memorial Hall) - Wutun Hongfeng Community Museum - Xu Jingxian Martyrs Tomb - Wutun Party Building Courtyard - Wutun Integrity Cultural Square - Xixiang Village History Museum.

Yanliang Martyrs Memorial Hall

Contact: Manager Shen

Contact number: 15129296493

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Aviation Martyrs Memorial

Contact: Manager Shen

Contact number: 15129296493

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Wutun Hongfeng Community Museum

Contact: Zhang Fan

Contact number: 18700909620

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Tomb of the martyr Xu Jingxian

Contact: Wang Yingchun

Contact number: 13709145108

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Wutun Party Building Courtyard

Contact: Zhang Fan

Contact number: 18700909620

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Wutun Integrity Cultural Square

Contact: Zhang Fan

Contact number: 18700909620

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Nishiaimura Shikaku

Contact: Wu Zhengliang

Contact number: 13519159598

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Yanliang Martyrs Memorial Hall

Yanliang Martyrs Memorial Hall: Yanliang District Patriotism Education Base. In the process of Yanliang's construction and development, countless enthusiastic young people were willing to dedicate themselves and work fearlessly, and completed the glorious transformation of Yanliang from a "workers' town" to an "airplane city" and then to an "aviation city" with their youth and life. They have worked hard to interpret their loyalty and mission, written the glory of their hometown with responsibility and responsibility, and stood up the backbone of the aviation city. The nature of the martyrs to pursue excellence, the historical initiative and the moral strength without hesitation are being integrated into the immortal spirit of the aviation city, becoming an eternal monument standing on the land of Yanliang.

Aviation Martyrs Memorial

Aviation Martyrs Memorial Hall: China Flight Test Research Institute has always taken "being responsible to the country" as its own responsibility, adhering to the purpose of "serving the country by aviation, strengthening the army and enriching the people", and has successfully completed the national appraisal flight test and airworthiness certification test of more than 60 aircraft, more than 30 engines and more than 2,000 airborne equipment. Almost all the war eagles soaring in the blue sky of the mainland embody the wisdom and sweat of aviation test pilots. It can be said that the flight test paved the way for the new aircraft to reach the sky and paved the road to the glory of the aviation industry. In the glorious course of challenging the limit and exploring the unknown again and again, the majority of test pilots have written the most magnificent chapter of the motherland's aviation industry with their sweat and life! They used loyalty and fearlessness to interpret the test pilots' strong belief in dedicating themselves to national defense and being committed to the blue sky, and their dedication to forgetting their lives, their heroic spirit, hearty ambition, and charming personality are both touching and little-known.

Wutun Hongfeng Community Museum

Wutun Hongfeng Community Museum: Mainly to Xu Jingxian, Guo Ziming, two Wutun revolutionary martyrs as the main exhibition theme, divided into: the eventful years, revolutionary martyrs, party history figures, democrats, veterans, Wutun butterfly changes 6 units, a total of more than 50 copies of martyrs' relics, photos, newspapers, manuscripts, books and other materials.

Tomb of the martyr Xu Jingxian

Martyr Xu Jingxian Cemetery: The Xu Jingxian Martyrs Cemetery is to deeply remember and commemorate the martyr Xu Jingxian who sacrificed his life for the cause of the Chinese revolution and the liberation of the people of Xi'an during the period of the New Democratic Revolution. Xu Jingxian (1920-1947) was a member of the Gengdong group of Hongfeng Village, Wutun Street, Yanliang District, Xi'an City, participated in the revolution in 1936, joined the party in 1938, and successively engaged in revolutionary work in Pucheng Middle School, Wutun, Malan and Meixian County, and served as deputy secretary of the Meixian County Party Committee, was killed by the enemy in Yao County in March 1947, and the remains of the martyrs were moved from Yao County to the south of Xinmin Village, Wutun Street in 1951. In 1997, the People's Government of Yanliang District and the People's Government of Meixian County jointly built the martyr's tomb and erected a tombstone. The glorious deeds of martyr Xu Jingxian are vivid party history teaching materials around us, which are deeply moving.

Wutun Party Building Courtyard

Wutun Party Building Courtyard: The Party Building Courtyard was officially completed in March 2018, and seven service carriers were set up: Red Gas Station, Heart-to-Heart Conversation Point, Council Hall, Love Station, Volunteer Service Immediately, Commitment Desk, and Hall of Honor, to solve the matters that the masses are concerned about through multiple forms.

Wutun Integrity Cultural Square

Wutun Integrity Culture Square: Integrity culture is an important part of advanced culture, is an important part of the propaganda and education of party style and clean government, Yanliang District Integrity Culture Square from the specific historical background of the Shang Dynasty reform, into the history of the mainland, especially the ancient and modern Yanliang well-known figures of the integrity story, aimed at educating and guiding the majority of party members and cadres to learn the culture of integrity, promote social righteousness, based on the post, hard work, courage and perseverance, and make positive contributions to the construction of a world-class aviation city.

Nishiaimura Shikaku

Xixiang Village History Museum: The museum displays agricultural tools, old objects with the times, pictures, books, documents, measuring instruments, coins and other exhibits, showing the historical evolution of Xixiang Village from ancient times to the present, human geography, customs and folklore, biographies of red people, memorabilia and other contents.

How to visit: Visit by appointment

Nearby sightseeing spots, food and accommodation recommendations: Qinlong Dairy Tourism Park, Baiyue Goat Milk Cultural Scenic Spot, Ecological Shichuan River, Guoqiang Modern Agricultural Park, Hemu Modern Agricultural Park and Yanliang District Melon Museum.

Meritorious Aircraft Park, Martyrs' Memorial Hall...... Yanliang District has launched two red tourist routes →

Edit: Xiaoye

Source: Yanliang District Bureau of Culture and Tourism

Proofreading: Du Fei

Review: He Yi

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