
Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

author:Kyushu Shinashi
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In international competitions, the status of athletes can be described as extremely noble, and they have won glory for the country and paid countless hardships and sweats. However, in order to obtain the so-called "scoop", some people have resorted to unscrupulous means, and even stepped on the red line of morality.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Imagine you're watching an exciting game, engrossed in every move. Suddenly, the camera somehow flew under an athlete's skirt, as if to delve into the "connotation" of Japanese sports.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

This scene made people's eyes widen, thinking what a shameless act this is! #长文创作激励计划#

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Hey, why are there so many moths? The Japanese media didn't want to shoot a heroic scene, so they slapped people's private parts, breasts and buttocks.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

This is not a long-distance candid shot with a telephoto lens, but a wide-angle lens to stare at close range, for fear of missing a single thing. These photos are also uploaded to membership sites, waiting for those "wolf friends" to feast their eyes, which is really speechless.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

As soon as the matter was exposed, the society blew up, and some people scolded these media and photographers as fighters among the scum, and demanded that this kind of behavior be written into the law and severely punished. Some people also said that these people are worse than the idiots on the streets, and they simply take advantage of their positions to do dirty things.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

But there are also some strange things, I think it's not a big fuss, and what is inevitable in the course of the game: "Pat and pat it, as for it?" "It's a kind of attitude that makes you want to knock them open their heads and see what's inside.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

To put it bluntly, Japan has really taken its shamelessness to the extreme. Could it be that this is the legendary "national inferiority"? Even if ordinary girls are secretly photographed on the street, even female athletes can't escape these claws.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Who would have thought? There are so many things behind the bloody games.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

In order to compete, female athletes have to wear those light clothing, swimmers have to wear tight swimsuits, gymnastics wear close-fitting gymnastics uniforms, not to mention beach volleyball, which is basically wearing a bikini on the court.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

These outfits are not meant to show off their figure, but to reduce drag and allow them to perform at their best on the field. But the Japanese media didn't do their job, took a fancy to these revealing clothes, and began to take pictures with bad intentions. These people simply regard shamelessness as a professional quality.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

The female athletes were already nervous enough when they competed, and they had to guard against these "groping" shots. Do you say they're easy? In order to train, I worked hard day after day, and as a result, I had to worry about whether I would be photographed indecently on the playing field.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Not to mention the competition, even if you warm up before the game and do a stretching movement, you have to watch out for someone holding a camera next to you. How stressful is this? It's even more tiring than the game itself.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

These behaviors not only make them exhausted, but also seriously affect their game status. Psychologically, this feeling of being watched can be extremely unsettling, inability to concentrate, and may even lead to distorted movements.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Imagine that you are doing a difficult gymnastic movement, but your mind is wondering if someone is secretly filming, can this movement still be standard? Can the grades still be good?

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

This can have a long-term impact on your career, not just your mood. After all, athletes are only a few years, and once these indecent photos are circulated, they may follow them for a lifetime, even if they retire, life will not be easy.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Thinking about it, can it be better to worry about these photos being seen by family, friends, and even your future partner?

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

There are so many crazy people in this country that they are like canned sardines on the subway, crowding every corner. Ordinary girls go out and dress a little cooler, so they have to be scared, for fear of being targeted by the ill-intentioned "groping pig hands".

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

What's even more terrifying is that this kind of perverted behavior is not only rampant in the streets, buses and subways, but also spreads to the arena in a grand manner, becoming the patent of "media practitioners".

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

This is not a mere individual act, but a reflection of a deep-seated social pathology. Their gender bias and objectification of women are vividly displayed.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Besides, their ethics and morals are really lost in the Pacific Ocean and cannot be recovered. They use the pretext of press freedom as a shield to cover up their dirty motives.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

The media's responsibility is not only to report facts, but also to guide the social atmosphere. But in Japan, it seems that some people regard this as child's play, and use candid photography as a tool to make a fortune.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Japan's current law is almost as severe as tickling for this behavior, and it is not enough to deter those obscene candid photographers.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

At most, it is a few days of detention and a small fine, just like being bitten by a mosquito, and the itch is nothing. This kind of soft law is like pulling out the teeth of a tiger, so that those people have no fear and continue to do dirty things with swagger.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

So the question is, why has their "candid filming law" not been passed for a long time? There's a lot of work behind this. First of all, the importance of privacy is far less than that of other countries.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Many people think it's just a small fight, and it's not worth making a fuss about. Coupled with the intertwined interests between those media and politicians, no one wants to be serious. You moved other people's cheese, how can I be polite to you?

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

What's more, their culture itself has a deep gender bias, and many people feel that women are self-inflicted when they wear less, and their tolerance for candid photography is frighteningly high. Think about it, in such a social atmosphere, how is it possible to quickly enact and pass laws to protect privacy? Even if it is passed, how much actual implementation will there be.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

And this legal void is a paradise for those who secretly take pictures, as long as they do not take their real character, they can continue to act unscrupulously, and the dilemma will be difficult to solve fundamentally.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

When it comes to the world of sports in Japan, it's really scandal-prone, and it's almost a big movie of the year. First of all, let's talk about Junya Ito, this man of the year in the football world, can be described as "there is glory in the front, and there is black material in the back".

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

At the beginning of the year, it was revealed that he had sexually assaulted two women in their 20s, and it turned out that he invited the two women to a party after a competition, during which he drunk them, and when the two woke up, they found themselves lying on the big bed in the hotel, and it was Junya Ito next to him.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

As soon as it broke out on the Internet, it exploded, and there was a lot of scolding. But he didn't admit it, saying that everything was your will, and even wanted to settle it with money. But who would believe him?

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Eventually, the two women couldn't bear it anymore and filed a criminal complaint with the police. His career plummeted and he had to retire during the World Cup. Such an ending is simply a self-inflicted living teaching material.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Let's talk about table tennis player Mizutani Hayabusa. This contestant, who has already had a cheating scandal in 2019, has really exhausted the patience of the melon-eating masses.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

That year, he had an affair with a girl who was not yet 20 years old, although he was already married and had a daughter, but this did not prevent him from dating the girl late at night, and even took her to the hotel.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

However, people's memories are always short-lived. In 2021, he won the mixed doubles gold medal at the Olympics, and the reviews began to improve, as if the previous scandal was just a small episode. If you win the award, you can wash everything!

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

It is really a mirror that reflects the double standards of society for the moral behavior of celebrities. On the one hand, he likes to lift celebrities to the sky and expect them to become moral benchmarks; On the other hand, when they fall from the altar and fall into the well, they magnify each of their mistakes countless times.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

But once they have achieved amazing results, people start to selectively lose their memories and ignore their past mistakes.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

When it comes to the protection of athletes' rights, we have to look at how European and American countries play. People are not ordinary serious, just like pandas.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

If the media dares to mess around, let alone secretly filming, even if they ask a few privacy questions casually, they can be taken to court. Think about Kobe Bryant back then, it was because of a hotel incident that the whole United States was paying attention. This kind of high-pressure policy scares those people so much that they can only obediently abide by the rules.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

In the Premier League, players are not only escorted by security guards on the pitch, but even their home addresses are highly confidential. If the media wants to make some kind of lace news, they have to go through the law first. Do you think you can play in such an environment?

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is also unequivocal in this regard. They have put in place a series of policies to protect. If anyone dares to take a step beyond the thunder pool, they will be immediately disqualified from the interview, or even banned for life. This is the iron fist that ensures that the athletes are not disturbed.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

In contrast, Japan is simply 108,000 miles behind in this regard. The phenomenon of candid photography is rampant, and the media also unscrupulously uploads to membership sites, which is really embarrassing to throw home.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

I hope that they will make a big change in the law, include this kind of dirty behavior in the criminal law, and give those lawbreakers a little color. Secondly, the regulation must also keep up, and they cannot be allowed to do whatever they want.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

It is also very important to strengthen the psychological protection of athletes. It's already stressful to fight on the field, and then I'm uneasy by this.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

They should learn from the experience of European and American countries and set up a special psychological counseling and support system, so that athletes can not only be protected physically, but also travel lightly mentally.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites


The world is declining, and people's hearts are not ancient. This kind of behavior is even more insulting to their personalities, which makes people itch their teeth with anger, and it is really time for Japanese society to wake up and stop using "culture" as a shield to excuse these misdeeds.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Athletes are the pride of the country, not objects for consumption. Changing prejudices, severely punishing clandestine photographers, and creating a healthy sports environment is the right way.

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Sources of information:

The private parts of female athletes were deliberately captured, and the Japanese Olympic Committee will take measures to crack down on "wolves"

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Overseas network about shame! A Japanese man infiltrated the restricted area of the World Tour in South Korea to secretly film reports of female athletes being caught

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites's report on deliberately taking close-up photos of female athletes, Japan does not rule out the criminalization of the amendment

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites

Luzhong Morning News reported on the sexual assault scandal of the Japanese international during the Asian Cup

Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites
Japanese hooliganism is reappearing! The competition venue maliciously captured female athletes, and private photos were posted on membership websites
Disclaimer: Some of the pictures in this article are taken from the Internet, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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