
The 42-year-old sister-in-law doesn't do housework and doesn't care about things, but she is loved by her sister-in-law


The 42-year-old sister-in-law doesn't do housework and doesn't care about anything, but she is loved and cared for by her sister-in-law, and whenever someone asks the reason, the sister-in-law always smiles and says, "My sister has wisdom." "Behind this peaceful and harmonious family, there is a hidden story.

My sister-in-law's name is Lin Wan, and she was a talented designer when she was young, and her design works have won many awards and are highly praised by industry insiders. However, at the peak of her career, she chose to return to her family, married her current husband, and became a member of the family.

Lin Wan's return did not focus on housework like a traditional housewife, but chose a relatively leisurely lifestyle. She occasionally meddles in her family's affairs, but spends most of her time reading, drawing, or traveling in search of inspiration. Her way of life has caused a lot of discussion in the family, but her sister-in-law Xiaoqin has always supported her.

The 42-year-old sister-in-law doesn't do housework and doesn't care about things, but she is loved by her sister-in-law

Xiaoqin is a cheerful and delicate girl, and she has a very close relationship with Lin Wan. In Xiaoqin's eyes, Lin Wan is not only a gentle and amiable sister, but also a mentor full of wisdom. Whenever Xiaoqin encounters confusion or trouble, Lin Wan can always give her unique insights and suggestions, which makes her pause.

One day, something big happened in the family. The husband's company suddenly fell into crisis and was at risk of bankruptcy. The news was like a bombshell that sent the whole family into a panic. The mother-in-law anxiously runs around looking for a solution; The husband frowned and anxiously thought about what to do. Xiaoqin, on the other hand, was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

At this time, Lin Wan showed calmness and composure that were different from ordinary people. She told her family that the most important thing now is to stay calm and not be swayed by panic. She proposed a family meeting to discuss solutions.

At the meeting, Lin Wan first analyzed the company's current predicament and reasons, and then proposed her own solution. She advised her husband to temporarily abandon some unprofitable projects and concentrate on developing the company's core business; At the same time, she also uses her connections to find new investors and partners for the company. Her plan has been unanimously endorsed and supported by her family.

The 42-year-old sister-in-law doesn't do housework and doesn't care about things, but she is loved by her sister-in-law

However, shortly after the family meeting, a more difficult problem arose. Xiaoqin's fiancé suddenly proposed to break up because he couldn't accept that Xiaoqin had a sister-in-law who was "not doing her job". This news made Xiaoqin miserable, and she couldn't understand why her happiness was affected by a label of "not doing business".

Faced with this sudden blow, Xiaoqin fell into deep pain and confusion. She didn't know how she was going to face this reality, and she didn't know how to redeem her love. However, at this moment, Lin Wan once again showed her wisdom and courage.

The 42-year-old sister-in-law doesn't do housework and doesn't care about things, but she is loved by her sister-in-law

She told Xiaoqin that happiness is not given by others, but earned by herself. She told Xiaoqin that a person's value is not only reflected in his work and achievements, but also in his character, emotions and attitude. She encouraged Xiaoqin to be strong in facing reality and not to be swayed by other people's prejudices; At the same time, she also provided some advice and help to Xiaoqin, so that she could better handle this emotional entanglement.

When Xiaoqin was most painful and helpless, Lin Wan's wisdom and courage became her most solid backing. She not only helped Xiaoqin get through the difficulties, but also made her more deeply aware of her own value and pursuit. In the end, with Lin Wan's encouragement and support, Xiaoqin bravely faced the reality and regained her happiness and confidence.

After this incident, the family's opinion of Lin Wan has also changed dramatically. They began to realize that Lin Wan was not a sister-in-law who was "not doing her job", but a woman with deep thinking and wisdom. She runs her family and life in her own way, bringing more happiness and joy to her family.

And Xiaoqin also admires and loves Lin Wan, a wise sister, even more. She understands that Lin Wan's wisdom is not only reflected in her talent and achievements, but also in her attitude towards life and emotional wisdom. She is grateful to Lin Wan for the help and support she gave her in her most difficult time, and also for the warmth and happiness that Lin Wan brought to this family.

The 42-year-old sister-in-law doesn't do housework and doesn't care about things, but she is loved by her sister-in-law

Today, under the guidance of Lin Wan's wisdom, the family is becoming more and more harmonious and happy. Family members understand, support and help each other to create a better life for them. And Lin Wan also used her wisdom and courage to prove that a woman can show her value and charm at any time.

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