
On the day of the wedding, he answered the phone and left, and later, he cried and I laughed (3)

author:I'm a peppercorn

Pick 2:

"What else can you do if you don't give up?"

Wan Yanqing smiled calmly.

The face in his eyes was calm and waveless, and he no longer had the gloomy color and entanglement of the past.

As for people, if they hit the south wall and know that it hurts, they will naturally turn back.

Tu Jiaojiao's smile bloomed like fireworks, and now, she can be completely relieved.

"You should have been like this a long time ago, the world is so big, three-legged toads are hard to find, and two-legged men are all over the streets! You have to have a degree, you have to be talented, you have to have a face, you have to have a figure, you have money in your pocket, you finally have a clear mind and don't be a fool who hangs himself on a tree with a crooked neck! ”

In the end, the tone in his eyes was full of relief.


It's as cute as ever.

"I've worked hard and I've fought for it, I have a clear conscience, and I'm worthy of my father's life-saving grace to me, but he himself is unwilling, so why should I be strong."

Tu Jiaojiao was surprised: "You spent hundreds of thousands of dollars tossing a wedding after you were busy, just to have a clear conscience?" ”

Wan Yan Qingwaner: "Otherwise! ”

"Oh my God!" Tu Jiaojiao really doesn't know what her best friend's brain thinks.

Wan Yanqing got up and came to the floor-to-ceiling window, leaning against the window frame, a pair of beautiful starry eyes quietly staring at the western sky dyed orange by the setting sun.

She has a secret.

A secret that cannot be told to anyone.

Other children have parents, grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents, but they don't have them.

She has been a person for as long as she can remember.

Until the age of six, he lived in an orphanage.

From the age of six to eleven, she spent the happiest days of her life at her adoptive parents' house.

Wanyan is the surname of her adoptive father, and [Qing] was set by her adoptive father and adoptive mother after consulting her.

Her previous name was Nier, and her surname was Zhang.

The adoptive mother was an extremely gentle person, and when she laughed, there was always a sweet dimple on the left cheek, and every time she saw it, she felt sweeter than candy.

The adoptive father was an upright, kind and resolute man, and his rich and wealthy people gave her a sense of security with his broad and strong back, and the way she laughed made her feel particularly warm - like a warm baby with a fever in her heart.

I thought I would be happy forever.

The aging of the community line and the arrival of a fire brought this hard-won happy life to an abrupt end.

Adoptive parents used their mortal bodies to protect themselves to the death.

Just when she thought that she would be burned alive like her adoptive parents, the firefighters descended from the sky like a god and successfully rescued her from a coma.

In order to protect her, his own right hand was unfortunately severely burned.

Originally, the community staff wanted to send her back to the welfare home for resettlement, but when he left, he offered to adopt her, but because he was not married, he did not meet the conditions for adoption. He then contacted his sister, Feng Xu's mother, by phone and adopted her in the name of Feng Xu's mother.

It didn't take long for her to regain her home and have a family to keep warm with.

To be honest, it's fake not to be moved.

It's just that...... She didn't feel the warmth of home for long, and her father died in the line of duty.

She thought she would be homeless again.

But he never thought that his father entrusted her to his sister and son in front of the hospital bed.

She could see that they were not very reluctant, but because she promised her father that she would stay in the Feng family obediently and not let him worry, she pretended not to see it.

After arriving at the waiting house, Feng Xu, who was more than a year older than her, naturally became her brother.

In his sophomore year, he fell in love, and his girlfriend was the flower of the history department of the university next door.

However, they broke up after less than three months of dating.

Because, that girl was very hostile to her, and she was very angry and said to Feng Xu: There is no her, there is no her, there is no her.

Feng Xu chose her without even thinking about it.

The reason is: you can find your girlfriend again if you don't have it, but your sister can't, and if it's gone, it's gone.

That's it, soon, she will also graduate from college.

On the day of the graduation ceremony, Feng Xu, who had graduated from college and started his official work, confessed to her in front of the whole class.

She agreed.

The reason is very simple, he squeezed his eyebrows at her, and whispered in her ear in a low voice, asking her to give him a step down, so that he could not lose face to his grandmother's house.

She thought he was stimulated to do such an abnormal thing, and on the way home, she looked at Feng Dad who was driving and Feng Dad who was sitting in the passenger seat with anxiety.

I thought they wouldn't agree, after all, she was just an orphan girl with no background.

And with the education, appearance and ability of the sealed order, it is completely possible to find a better one.

To their surprise, they agreed.

The uncle even had a straight face, and told his son very seriously that he must be responsible, and he must not be the negative person who thundered that day.

My aunt hugged her and said, it's good for my daughter to become a daughter-in-law, and the fat and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders, so I raised my hands and feet to agree.

In this way, she and Feng Xu determined the boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.

It's been years.

Until March this year, when there were still five months before the wedding, she found that Feng Xu had a small home outside.

It was a family of three.

The child was a boy, five or six years old.

She had the urge to entrust a private detective to investigate in detail, but after seeing Feng Xu's face with a bright smile, she gave up.

At this point, there is no need to spend this money.

Since then, she has been waiting for Feng Xu to take the initiative to have a showdown with herself every day.

As soon as I waited, it was the day of the wedding.

The hanging heart, with the resolute departure of the sealing order, finally landed.

It was he who failed her, not that she failed him.

She never understood why her aunt and uncle (Feng Mu Feng Father) agreed to be with their son so easily.

Half a year ago, on the eve of receiving the certificate, she knew the answer.

Because my father had already made a will the moment he adopted him, and all the property in his name belonged to her.

This is a set of 1018 square meters of houses in the center of the city and 130,000 yuan in deposits.

Originally, she discussed with Feng Xu that she would get a marriage certificate first, and then hold a wedding, because she didn't agree to add Feng Xu's name to the real estate certificate of the house left by her father, so her aunt put the household registration book and said with a gloomy face, I will take a step back, when will you give birth to a child and when will you get the certificate, anyway, it is just a small book, there is no difference whether there is or not.

It was at that time that she deeply felt what it means to turn her face faster than turning a book, and her malice value was full.

After separating from her aunt, she asked Feng Xu's opinion, and he said disapprovingly and lightly, Then add it, just about a name, don't be too sensitive.


In the end, it became her fault that she failed to get the certificate, because she was too sensitive.

At that moment, she knew that the result of the two people would not be to get along with each other, hold the hand of the son, and be the head of Jun Bai, but you take your Yangguan Road, I will cross my single-plank bridge, and forget each other in the rivers and lakes.

"If your dad knows that you have wronged yourself for him, he will definitely be very sad, and he may be so angry that he will slash him in his dream at midnight when his yang qi is at its weakest!"

"Don't be aggrieved!"


Tu Jiaojiao felt that her best friend had a brain again, a love brain.

Angry with her!

Wan Yan Qingwan smiled: "If there is no expectation, there will naturally be no grievances." ”

"And you're still crying? It was as sad as the sky had fallen, and I burst into tears. ”

Speaking of this, Tu Jiaojiao felt that just now, the two of them were like neurotics, hugging their heads and crying, which can be described as earth-shattering.

Wan Yanqing looked at the fading sunset afterglow, and slowly spoke: "I cried not because Feng Xu cheated and ate secretly, and failed to achieve a positive result with him, but because of the relief after hard work, I can finally let myself go with confidence." ”

Tu Jiaojiao let out a long breath of turbidity and said, "Okay, just be relieved, it's not a stupid love brain." ”

She stood up, went to the floor-to-ceiling window, and leaned against the window frame on the other side, following her languid appearance.

Wan Yanqing looked at the sunset, and Tu Jiaojiao looked at her.

One minute.

"Don't you really think about Pei Jing? How many years you have been with Feng Xu, he has been waiting for you for many years. ”

Wan Yanqing shook his head slightly: "No." ”

Tu Jiaojiao was puzzled: "Why! Don't you often say that if you have a lover, you should be married? Why wouldn't you want to give both of you a chance? ”

Wan Yanqing raised her gaze and fell on Tu Jiaojiao's delicate little face.

The gaze is deep and deep.

"Jiaojiao, if one day, you wake up and find that there is no longer me in this world, will you be sad?"

When Tu Jiaojiao heard this, tears fell from her eyes.

"What nonsense are you talking about! How could there be no you in this world! ”


She was dumbfounded and her mouth was wide open.

Tears rained down.


"Qing'er, you won't have a terminal illness that can't be cured, right?"

Wan Yanqing saw the reaction of her best friend, blamed herself, smiled busily, and gaged: "No, it's just a feeling, and sure enough, it's still a girlfriend whose love is as solid as a rock, and men will only affect the speed at which we make money." ”

Tu Jiaojiao was skeptical: "It's really just a feeling?" ”

There was a two-second pause.

"No! We're going to the hospital now, and I'm going to hear the doctor say you're okay. ”

As he spoke, he grabbed Yan Qing's arm and walked out.

Wan Yanqing couldn't cry or laugh, and coaxed: "Even if you want to go to the hospital for a checkup, you have to wait for tomorrow, and now everyone is off work." ”

Tu Jiaojiao's steps stopped, and the pulling action also stopped, with a straight face, her eyes were full of seriousness, and she couldn't say anything: "We'll go early tomorrow morning." ”

Wan Yanqing smiled: "Okay, I'll go early tomorrow morning." It also happened to be the day of the annual physical examination. ”

"This time we are going to do a full body check-up, your sister and I just gave you a bonus, I was going to give you a share."

"Listen to you, full body check."

"That's pretty much it."

Tu Jiaojiao said arrogantly.

However, it couldn't calm down, it seemed to be very uneasy, and it felt that something important was going to be ungraspable.

The last rays of the setting sun completely disappeared into the sky, and the night officially fell.

The lights are on.

Thousands of lights.

The two sisters in a five-star hotel are so beautiful that they go back to the room to watch the drama after eating a big meal.

on the couch.

Tu Jiaojiao stared at the TV screen with burning eyes, jumping up and down excitedly.

Wan Yan Qing smiled and looked at it gently.


She hurriedly hid her right hand behind her.

Seeing that the good sister didn't notice, she breathed a deep sigh of relief, and then looked back quietly.

The moment I saw it, my heart sank.

Has the clock ticked down?

To be continued......

The update is coming [than the heart] [than the heart] [than the heart] I thought that the cub graduated, and I had more time, but it turned out that I was even busier [covering my face] [covering my face] [covering my face] [covering my face] [covering my face] [covering my face]

While she didn't get up, hurry up and yard again.

Friendly reminder:I don't understand the kiss.,There's a collection.。

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