
Country Pastoral(357)

author:Golden Wind Gyokuro o
Country Pastoral(357)

This autumn period that just happened to start school, Liang Mingyou lived for more than fifty years, because his fate was about to take a major turn. and the youngest daughter Liang Xing. After graduating from college, he personally came to the door to find his eldest daughter Liang Xingyu's eldest brother Li Xiaozhu to smooth out some personnel relations, and without a few twists and turns, the assigned work has been completed and the dust has settled. makes this old folk teacher who has been in the nest for half his life, and his father and daughter are expensive. Finally, the scenery is infinite in front of and behind people, and he raised his eyebrows and breathed a sigh of relief.

Liang Xing was assigned to Guluo Township Middle School as an English teacher. But with her delicate appearance, she has only been teaching for a short time. received a courtship letter from the owner of the song hall on the street of Juluo Town, and when she first fell in love, she talked about it to her eldest sister Liang Xingyu with a shy face. The eldest sister who came over said: "You have just joined the work, you are young and promising, and a good future is waiting for you." Don't worry about personal problems for the time being, and don't think about it when your career is smooth sailing and you have something to gain. ”

For Liang Xing, it is the future star that the family has high hopes for. Liang Mingyou has two children in his life, who are worthy of his life! One is Liu Tongyun, the youngest son of his third brother Liu Mingzhang. After graduating from Sichuan South Normal School, a key university in this province, he was directly assigned to a key high school in the provincial capital because of his excellent grades. The second is the talented and intelligent youngest daughter Liang Xing. I don't know if he occasionally thinks of it in his heart now, is he ashamed of her who is now promising? When this little woman Peng Cailan first gave birth to the ground, he saw that she was a girl. He said, "Put this girl in a dung bucket and kill her." ”

Usually he is often bullied to the point of crying, a cowardly wife, although she is very weak at this time. But where did she get her courage and strength? desperately blocked Liang Mingyou, for fear that he would poison this piece of meat that had just fallen. Being a mother is strong, and the mother of the world is too great. ……

Liang Xingyu also has a sense of guilt deep in his heart and can't forgive himself. When Xiaomei was about to graduate from college, she just moved to Yunjiang at noon not long ago. Shu Mingsong, who was in charge of distributing the letters from the Hongxiang newspaper, took out a letter from the newspaper and handed it to her.

"Your sister Liang Xing's is the same for you."

"Yes, thank you."

After Shu Mingsong went elsewhere, Liang Xingyu couldn't help but be curious, and couldn't wait to open the letter and take a look, hey! It's all densely written, and it's written like a flowing water. She is illiterate, peeking at her sister's letters, she didn't understand a word, but she also memorized someone else's letter without permission, which is a ...... that violates the citizenship regulations and should be held accountable.

I thought that Liang Xing, who had studied hard for the twelfth year of the cold window, has been full of sunshine every day since then.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck.

She relied on her young capital and was ready to show her skills in her work with full enthusiasm. I really don't know which one will come first, the accident or tomorrow? gave her a heavy slap in the face.

After a long rain, the sky is sunny and the sun is exceptionally bright.

As a class teacher, she exercised for 30 minutes during the recess at noon. As always, she supervised the recess discipline in her class. Seeing that the students had finished their exercises in accordance with the rules, she personally guarded the physical education teacher on duty, and only after blowing the whistle of dissolution did she go to the office to correct the classwork for the day.

During class, there was a temporary vacant seat in Liang Xing's class, which was extremely dazzling, but it didn't attract her attention.

I thought that this student might have gone to the toilet during class. Anyway, it won't take much time. It's a commonplace, and there's no need to make a fuss.

But ten minutes, twenty minutes passed. The student still didn't come back and sat down in his seat to read and write. Liang Xingcai realized that this thing was a little abnormal, she went to the boys' dormitory to look for it, and sent a male classmate to look for it in the men's bathroom, but she didn't see the familiar figure of the student.

She was walking in the principal's office to report on this extraordinary thing.

"Hey, hey, hey! That teacher, there is something bad for you to tell. From the school gate, a middle-aged man hurriedly ran in, anxious and shouted in a strange voice, and the school guard couldn't stop him.

Liang Xing stopped. The visitor said, "We found a drowned male doll in the reservoir of Huangjiaotian. The school uniform on the dam pole of the reservoir is from the middle school in Gulo Town. ”

There was a "boom" in Liang Xing's mind, and it was blank. Completely short-circuited. She lost her center of gravity under her feet and stumbled. As soon as his eyes broke, he almost fell to the ground.

"Teacher Liang, slow down." Someone in the principal's office heard the shouting and came out to take a look. hurriedly helped Liang Xing, who was in a hurry, and almost fell on his heels.

"Quick, immediately notify a few young and strong male teachers, ride motorcycles, led by this fellow, and rush to the accident site 120,000 points." The principal's face turned black (frightened) white, and after gasping for breath, he still calmly arranged for the faculty and staff to set off immediately.

The male teachers of Gülo Middle School rode for a few minutes to the Huangjuetian Reservoir and saw the pile of clothes, which were placed there untouched. This medium-sized reservoir that irrigates farmland is now at the peak of the water used for paddy heading and irrigation in the rice fields. The water was released through the leak, and only the kneecaps were submerged.

And this student baby who had to run for more than ten minutes to cool off in this reservoir in just 30 minutes of recess exercises, and his life was lost here, and he had no signs of life, and he was fished out of the water by the local kind villagers and put on the dam pole of the reservoir.

It seems that the old saying makes too much sense, there is a place for life, and there is a place for death. You see, this short-lived baby, such shallow water drowned him, it's really strange. But this is really his two feet are windy, and his own running wow! and no one dragged him or chased him. In the midst of it, there was something invisible, which drew him here to kill him.

This can make it difficult for the school, how to deal with this series of old shell things?

This man has been here for a long time, and it is absolutely unacceptable. contacted his parents, both of whom work in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, and there are no relatives at home?

But after all, he is a student at Gullo Township Middle School, and the school is his guardian in the school. The principal had no choice but to decisively find the town civil affairs office and assist the school to call the funeral car from the crematorium to load him into the funeral home, freeze him, and immediately coordinate in all aspects.

The home of the recently deceased student is next to the border of Yunnan, and the transportation is very inconvenient. Liang Xing and the principal missed the last bus. The two of them braved the drug day and walked more than 30 miles to learn about the student's family situation and report the unfortunate incident to the local police station.

Although it was not caused by their own mistakes. But Liang Xing has a big shadow in her heart, she has just entered the society, and she has given her a profound lesson that she may not forget in her life.

She is young and does not have enough social experience. And the headmaster, all the way is silent. He must have racked his brains to think, and they must have to face the doubts of those relatives. How can we resolve and smooth out these natural pressures?

"Teacher Liang, we teach the students every day, every month. This sudden incident still happened, I just didn't figure it out, what is the problem? "Principal Chrysostom is difficult to open, and he has walked so far. Said the first sentence.

Country Pastoral(357)

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