
Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?


[The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are citations at the end of the article, please be aware.] 】

As we all know, many combat heroes emerged in the War of Resistance Against Japan, who fought bravely without fear of life and death, and dedicated their lives to the founding of New China, which is what every bloody Chinese should do.

However, there were several special figures in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, who were Koreans, but all of them made outstanding contributions to China's revolutionary cause. One of them is even more special, he not only held important positions in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance, but also became one of the important figures in North Korea after returning to North Korea.

Who is this man? What kind of outstanding deeds did he have?

Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?

1. Coming to China after being persecuted in North Korea

One day in 1900, an ordinary little boy was born in North Korea, his birth was not only accompanied by the expectations of his parents, no one thought that he would later be able to influence the fate of North Korea, his name was Choe Yongjian.

North Korea has always been a vassal to China and admires Chinese culture very much, so they usually have two names, one North Korean name and one Chinese name, and Choi Yongjian is no exception, this is his Chinese name.

However, the period of his birth was not a time when Korea was stable, when Korea was being trampled under the horse's hooves by the Japanese army, and the entire territory of Korea was basically reduced to a colony of the Japanese army, and these Japanese soldiers wantonly humiliated the Korean people and did not treat them as human beings.

Cui Yongjian grew up in such an environment since he was a child, and it was precisely because he saw the brutality of the Japanese army that he thought about defeating him, and he was patriotic in his heart, so in order to be able to drive away the Japanese army, he participated in many activities against the Japanese army.

Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?

But this also caused him a lot of trouble, because he participated in too many student demonstrations, the Japanese army arrested several of them who took the lead and put them in prison, but fortunately with the help of friends, he was quickly released on bail.

However, this time he also profoundly realized that demonstrations alone could not save the Korean people, and that it was necessary to work hard to learn military knowledge and have an army in hand to deter the enemy. In order to avoid persecution by the Japanese army, he chose to come to China to seek a way to save the country.

At this time, the environment in China was not friendly, and the whole country was in internal and external troubles, so Cui Yongjian first studied at Hainan Hua University in Shanghai with several other students, and later went to the Army Lecture Hall in Yunnan to study.

It was also at this stage that he came into contact with Marxism and began to gradually study it, trying to find ways to save the country and the people, and at the same time laid the foundation for him to join the Communist Party of China later.

Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?

After the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy, Cui Yongjian entered it as an instructor, his military quality is extremely high, and the training level is also quite good, so Chiang Kai-shek attaches great importance to him, and in the subsequent Northern Expeditionary War, Chiang Kai-shek appointed Cui Yongjian as the captain of the Sixth Army of the Northern Expeditionary Army.

This position shows that Chiang Kai-shek is very optimistic about him, and it was in the Northern Expedition that Cui Yongjian gradually began to emerge. Later, Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution and launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup d'état, massacring Communist Party members.

The Communist Party had no choice but to find a way to save China on its own, and began to gradually carry out the agrarian revolution. This also gave Cui Yongjian great inspiration, and also made him realize that only the Communist Party can solve China's current problems.

If China can succeed in the revolution, then North Korea can naturally learn from it, so that North Korea can be saved, so he chose to join the Communist Party of China, and led many North Koreans to join in.

Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?

2. Resist Japan together with the Chinese military and civilians

As the ambitions of the Japanese wolves continued to expand, they finally launched the "918 Incident" in the northeast region that shocked China and foreign countries, opening the prelude to the invasion of China, and Cui Yongjian was also sent to the northeast to form an anti-Japanese team at this time.

However, as the war continued, the battle was very cruel, and some captured soldiers could not bear the torture of the Japanese army and chose to defect, Cui Yongjian's situation at this time was very dangerous, but fortunately, some comrades passed on the news in time, which allowed Cui Yongjian and others to escape in advance.

Later, Cui Yongjian developed an anti-Japanese team in the Raohe area, and set up a special team to fight back against the Japanese army and fight guerrilla warfare with the Japanese army.

This kind of behavior made the Japanese army hated but helpless, the northeast region is densely forested, even if they send a large number of personnel to search, it will be fruitless, but in vain by our army, causing greater casualties.

Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?

Over time, Cui Yongjian's special service team made a name for itself in the local area, attracting more anti-Japanese fighters to join, and the size of the team continued to expand. At this time, the name of the special team was no longer suitable for them, so it was renamed the Raohe Peasant and Labor Volunteer Army.

After that, with the continuous battle with the Japanese army, the Raohe Peasant and Workers' Volunteer Army became more and more courageous, and the number continued to increase, and then it was renamed the Raohe People's Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Army, until 1936, the guerrillas officially became the Second Division of the Fourth Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army, and began to have their own name.

In the same year, the whole team was reorganized into the Seventh Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance, and Cui Yongjian served as the commander, gradually changing from a team of several people to the Seventh Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

Later, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army Teaching Brigade was established, and Choi Yongjian served as chief of staff and secretary of the Northeast Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?

He also did not live up to our party's trust in him, in the northeast region he led the team to fight to the death against the Japanese army, made outstanding contributions to China's anti-Japanese cause, and at the same time, in the wars again and again, he also continued to sharpen himself, laying a solid foundation for the Korean War later.

On August 15, 1945, the Japanese army surrendered unconditionally, and China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was finally victorious. At this time, Choe Yongjian had become a North Korean who held the highest position in our party, and if he stayed in China, his future would be very good, but he resolutely gave up.

Originally, the purpose of his visit to China was to seek a way to rescue North Korea, but now that China has won the War of Resistance Against Japan, there is no need for him to stay in China, he just wants to return to North Korea and contribute his own strength to his country.

Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?

3. Return to Korea to fight and defend the country

After returning to North Korea, Choe Yongjian was very popular with the North Korean people, and people also knew that Choe Yongjian had real strength and could help the North Korean people get rid of all kinds of troubles, so people elected him as the Minister of National Security, responsible for guarding North Korea's security.

Later, when the Korean War broke out, Choe Yong-jian, who had experienced a hundred battles, was appointed deputy commander-in-chief of the People's Army and began to go to the battlefield.

Under his command, the Korean People's Army achieved many victories, and he was not afraid of sacrifice and always took the lead at the beginning of the war, which also made more soldiers choose to follow him, which is also his unique personal charm.

After the launch of the U.S. Inchon landing battle, protecting Inchon has become something that the entire North Korea should do, but Choi Yongjian also understands that after all, it is a chess game, and Inchon cannot be defended, so he can only delay the pace of the U.S. offensive as much as possible.

Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?

Relying on his combat experience in China and his solid military knowledge, he used a miscellaneous unit of less than 20,000 men to drag out more than 70,000 US troops, including the 1st Marine Division, the most elite of the US military, for half a month.

Although the battle was lost in the end, he bought valuable time for the other troops, and he was always careful to maintain the entire battle situation in the battle against the American army. Later, in response to the DPRK's request for help, the mainland began to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

General Peng Dehuai led troops into the territory of North Korea to fight together with Cui Yongjian's People's Army, and Peng always knew about Cui Yongjian's anti-Japanese deeds in China, and was also very concerned about him and expressed respect for him.

Cui Yongjian saw that the Chinese army was also very cordial, and finally under the joint operation of the two sides, the US troops were finally forced to retreat beyond the 38th parallel, and then a ceasefire agreement was signed, and the two sides took the 38th parallel as the boundary and divided the land.

Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?

The tragic Korean War finally ended in this way, which was already the best solution, and after the end of the Korean War, Choe Yong-jian's status was further improved, second only to the country's leader Kim Il Sung, and became the second man in North Korea.

After the war, he did not slack off and devoted himself to the post-war construction of Korea, he was a staunch Marxist, believed in communism, firmly believed in the unified leadership of the party, and opposed any form of factionalism.

At the same time, in terms of diplomacy, like China, he has always adhered to an independent foreign policy, not to be interfered by other countries, actively established diplomatic relations with other countries, and is committed to world peace.

It is also because of his experience in the Anti-Japanese War in China that he has a very friendly attitude towards China, and has always regarded China as his second hometown. During his tenure, he visited China many times, and together with Premier Zhou, he laid flowers to the martyrs of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation.

Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?

He also made a speech in which he declared that the communists in North Korea had been fighting side by side with the Chinese communists since the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and that the two sides were inseparable and fought together, which was an unbreakable bond between the two parties.

Therefore, China and the DPRK have always been good friends and good neighbors, and after his death, the mainland leaders also sent a telegram of condolences to the DPRK side, speaking highly of Cui Yongjian, who is also a witness to the friendly relations between the two countries.

In his early years, Choi Yongjian always adhered to the anti-Japanese cause in China, and he was the highest-ranking North Korean in our party. Later, he chose to give up the preferential treatment of the mainland and resolutely returned to the DPRK, which makes us admire it even more.

Since he was a child, he has been determined to dedicate his life to North Korea, and he has not broken his promise, and he has truly done everything he can do, and this is an example for us to learn.



[1] Cui Guangye. The legendary revolutionary experience of Choi Yongjian in China[J].Overview of Party History.2011:15-20

Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?
Who are the highest-ranking Koreans in the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Anti-Japanese Alliance? How many people did he become in North Korea?

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