
It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?


It's the annual graduation season again, which is soaked in the sadness of parting, and full of infinite yearning and confusion for a new life.

In this season, countless graduates leave the familiar campus and usher in new challenges in their lives.

Some people are full of ambition and plunge headlong into the colorful steel forest with the courage of a newborn calf; There are also people who abandon the blossoming flowers and stomp their feet into the remote soil, burning themselves like wax torches and dedicating their youth.

It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?

Recently, an outstanding graduate of Zhejiang University won praise from the whole network because he declared that he wanted to go to the place where the motherland needed it most.

It's a pity that it didn't take long for it to be exposed, and she, who claimed to dedicate her youth to the motherland, quietly applied to study in the United States, and the whole network was in an uproar for a while.

It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?

The graduate's name is Yang Jinwen, a graduate of the School of Foreign Chinese at Zhejiang University.

Due to his outstanding performance in school, he was selected as an outstanding graduate representative to speak at the graduation ceremony.

In her speech, Yang Jinwen mentioned that in the land of China she loves, there may be ten or twenty years or even longer, and everyone needs to expand the territory and overcome difficulties from 0 to 1.

The difficult but necessary road is the unswerving spiritual pursuit of the people of Zhejiang.

I hope that the people of Zhejiang University will shine like the stars of the stars that are most needed by the motherland.

It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?

Yang Jinwen's words instantly aroused thunderous applause from the audience.

What is the meaning of learning? Some people want to go to the big city to realize their ambitions and ideals; There are also people who want to go to the most needed and hardest places in the motherland, take over the baton from their predecessors, and give full play to their professional knowledge and talents in the vast world to contribute to the prosperity of the motherland.

The second path is difficult to follow and requires great courage and dedication. However, Yang Jinwen firmly believes in his patriotism and is willing to express his ambitions in front of all the teachers and students at the graduation ceremony.

But then some netizens revealed that Yang Jinwen was not as great as she said, she had applied to the University of Berkeley Law School in the United States and was ready to study in the United States.

It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?

This revelation sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Some netizens scolded, "It's really saying one thing and doing another, one thing on the surface, and another set behind it." ”

It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?

Some netizens ridiculed, "I have no regrets in this life and enter China, and I live in California." ”

It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?

Some netizens sighed, "It's simply the sadness of the education industry." ”

It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?

However, some netizens defended Yang Jinwen, "Qian Xuesen also went to the United States to study, which does not prevent Qian from contributing to the country." ”

It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?

"It's not like I won't come back after I finish my studies."

It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?

But some netizens explained that Yang Jinwen went to the United States to learn about the law, that is, the law of the United States, how to use it when he returned to China, isn't he preparing to stay in the United States.

It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?

Many netizens quarreled on the Internet for this, and no one let anyone.

The editor would like to say that it is not too late for everyone to watch the video of Yang Jinwen's speech at the graduation ceremony first.

Yang Jinwen did say something to encourage Zhejiang University people to go to the places where the motherland needs them most, but later they also mentioned that they were going to study law overseas.

In the second semester of his sophomore year, Yang Jinwen decided to apply for an overseas Juris Doctor across semesters.

For this reason, I soaked in the library every day, from 8 in the morning to 10 in the evening, and only then did I successfully apply to the ideal law school.

It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?

And she went to study abroad, not just trying to be rich and noble, a delicate egoist as netizens thought.

Rather, it is hoped that in the future, we can strive for more voice for China on the world stage of rule of law.

Contribute China's strength to international good law, promote global good governance!

It's reversed! At the graduation ceremony, he said that he wanted to go to the place where his motherland needed it most, and he turned his head to apply to study in the United States?

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