
After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

author:Teacher Lu shared
After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

The mainland itself also has a lottery system, of course, China's lottery is a welfare lottery, lottery players buy lottery tickets will eventually be used for social welfare, such as providing living security for young people in poor mountainous areas, or supporting some elderly people with living difficulties, etc.

The lottery system in the mainland has been very advanced and perfect, so do you know that if some lucky people win the lottery, where do these bonuses come from?

And which bank should pay out their bonuses? It can't be directly into their bank card, right?

In fact, it is a very complicated matter to claim the bonus, and it needs to go through multiple identity checks. And it is not certain which bank will send the money.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

1. The banks that issue lottery tickets are not fixed

First of all, we have to understand that the banks that issue lottery tickets are not fixed, but mainly some large domestic banks, such as the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the Construction Bank and the Agricultural Bank of China and so on.

But it's hard to say which bank will send the money,It depends on which bank the lottery department in each place cooperates with.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

Because the lottery itself is very flexible,Fucai institutions around the country will reach cooperation with the bank,And the bank is also supportive of this cooperation itself,After all, this can help the bank to complete the performance.

To understand this, we have to start with where the money from the winners comes from. The vast majority of people who buy lottery tickets are very difficult to win, and only a very small number of people are able to win.

For these people who have won the lottery ticket, the prize they receive is actually the money that those who did not win the lottery before, and the proportion of the prize is directly related to the amount of the lottery prize pool.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

Let's say no one has won the jackpot in the past two years, but everyone has been buying lottery tickets, and the lottery prize pool has reached 100 million, or 200 million. Then in such a situation, if someone suddenly wins the jackpot, they can take all the money in the prize pool according to the regulations.

But if the previous person has just won the jackpot, and there is not much money saved in the prize pool, suddenly someone wins the first prize. Then the lucky winner can only take the money according to the funds in the current prize pool.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

And most of the funds in these prize pools will be deposited in banks that cooperate with local welfare agencies, waiting for the lucky ones to win, or to be used for various welfare undertakings.

So when the bonus is issued,The prize money obtained by the winner is distributed by these and the fucai agencies around the country have cooperated with the bank.

And for those who have won the jackpot, claiming their prizes often has to go through a very complicated process.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

Second, the bonus is not directly hit to the card

For those lucky enough to win the lottery, the prize money is not directly credited to their card, but by the winners themselves to redeem their tickets at their local lottery centre.

After all, you don't need to register your identity to buy a lottery ticket, and everyone chooses a different lottery number when buying a lottery ticket, and some people simply buy a scratch ticket.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

Therefore, it is impossible for the Fucai Center to judge who can win the lottery and who can't win the prize. So if you want to claim the prize, you have to go to the lottery department by those who win the lottery themselves.

After you buy a lottery ticket, if you find out that you have won, you must keep the lottery ticket, because the original ticket of the lottery ticket is the only proof to prove that you have won. Then take your ID card to the local lottery center to go through the prize redemption procedures.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

The local lottery center will often ask the winner to fill in some necessary identification, and after proving that the ticket was indeed purchased by him, the local lottery department will help them redeem the ticket.

For example, the fucai department cooperates with the local bank to put the prize money that the winner should receive into the card they identify.

And it is impossible for 100% of these lottery winnings to go to the winners, because the mainland imposes heavy taxes on lotteries. According to mainland law, lottery winners are required to pay 20% personal income tax.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

In other words, if someone wins the jackpot of 5 million, then they have to pay taxes with 1 million. After deducting taxes and fees, many winners will also take the initiative to donate some money for charity, so after winning the lottery, they can really get the prize money in their hands, not as much as they imagined.

And for those lottery winners, winning the lottery is just the beginning of a life change, not that winning the lottery will be worry-free.

In the past, many lottery winners ended up in poverty, because lottery winners came their money too easily, and their own cognitive level and ability were not enough to keep the money, which eventually caused the loss of property.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

Some of the main ways in which many lottery winners have drifted back into poverty are through reckless investments.

These winners are not without a sense of crisis, and they also want to use the principal in their hands to make more money, but because their own level is relatively limited, they often cannot succeed when making investments.

And they feel that they have a lot of principal in their hands and can make some large-scale business investments, and the end result is that they lose all their money.

Therefore, even if you win the lottery, if you want to make a business investment, you have to see your own level and whether the investment project can really make money, and you can only waste your hard-won winnings if you invest indiscriminately.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

Even if you win a bonus, you have to plan how to spend the money reasonably, and you can't squander it at will. There are some winners who squander the prize money at will, buying themselves sports cars and all kinds of luxury goods that have no practical meaning.

In the end, it only took a few years to spend all the prize money. Therefore, after winning the lottery, how to ensure that you will not return to poverty is also a social issue worth studying.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

3. Don't put all your hopes on the lottery

Today's social pressure and life pressure have led some people to put all their hopes in life on buying lottery tickets. He even used most of his income to buy lottery tickets.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

But the winning rate of the lottery itself is very low, let alone winning the jackpot, it is very difficult to win a small prize of tens of thousands of dollars. If you spend all your money on lottery tickets, you will not only not be able to make any money, but you may even go bankrupt.

There have been young people who bought lottery tickets with all their funds and ended up making a mess.

On January 1, 2019, that is, on the day of New Year's Day, there was a sudden vicious accident in Hangzhou, the mainland, where the local 110 received a report from a woman who said that she was robbed by a man with a knife at home.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

According to the victim's description, at 11 p.m. on December 31, that is, when the New Year's Eve was about to begin, a boy wearing a peaked cap and a blue jacket suddenly broke into their room, robbed them with a knife, and finally robbed them of only three or four hundred yuan. This is clearly a vicious criminal case.

After receiving the report, the local police responded quickly and launched a comprehensive investigation. It took less than a day to catch the suspect.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

And the person who committed the crime, he is 32 years old, has been working as a salesman in a real estate company in Fuyang, Hangzhou. But he didn't make any money for a long time, and buying a lottery ticket eventually became the last straw that overwhelmed him.

He went to a lottery shop on the night of December 31 and bought all the 1,000 yuan he had on him. It's just thinking that you can get rich overnight.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

The final result was that the 1,000 yuan was all lost, and without money, this young man surnamed Wu had no guarantee of life all of a sudden, and he didn't even know how to eat. Because he was unemployed by then, he was desperate.

The stress of life finally led him down the wrong path, and he decided to go home and grab his tools and go out to rob. But there were a lot of pedestrians on the road, after all, it was the New Year's Eve, and there were many young people celebrating the holiday.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

It was difficult for him to rob groups of young people by himself, and robbery on the street was easy to catch by patrolling police, so he simply crawled into the victim's house to rob. The legal net was restored, negligent but not leaky, and in the end he was arrested by the police.

In fact, this is the tragedy caused by buying lottery tickets,If he didn't have the idea of getting rich overnight,All the 1000 yuan in his hand was given to the lottery shop,Relying on this 1000 yuan to save money and be able to hold on for a while。 That's enough time for him to find himself a new job.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

As long as you can find a job and have an income, you may be able to change your destiny by saving money. But in the end, he bought a lottery ticket with the money, which completely crushed him, who was already highly nervous, and put him on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes.

Although he only stole more than 300 yuan and did not actually hurt others, the charge of robbery with a knife must have been confirmed. So you must not expect too much from the lottery.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts

When you have spare money in your hand, it is okay to buy one or two lottery tickets to cultivate your sentiments, and if you win the jackpot, you can change your fate.

But if you really can't win the prize, don't force it, you can't use all your money to buy lottery tickets. Only the money earned little by little with your own hands is the most reliable and safest.

After winning the lottery, which bank will give out the prize? Do you punch in directly? After reading it, I have solved many years of doubts


Having said all this, everyone should also understand where to go to claim the prize after winning the lottery. After winning the lottery, be sure to save the lottery ticket,Then take the information that can prove your identity,Go to the local fucai agency to go through the procedures for redeeming the bonus,How much money can be exchanged,It depends on the specific situation.

After getting the bonus, don't squander it at will, use these bonuses reasonably, and use money to make money is the right solution.

For some people who are living in poverty, don't spend all your money on lottery tickets, which will become the last straw that overwhelms their lives.

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