
Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

author:Freedom in the galaxy

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Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

Text: Freedom in the Galaxy

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"The wind in the melon field will change when it is said, today you and I will eat the melon masses, and tomorrow you may become the protagonist in the melon field."

This sentence is really apt to describe the recent "Jiang Ping incident".

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

Jiang Ping's incident, the voices of all parties

"In the ever-changing network rivers and lakes, every hot event is a war without gunpowder, and the Jiang Ping incident is undoubtedly one of the most eye-catching battles in recent times."

The protagonist of the story, Jiang Ping, a teenage secondary school girl, won the 12th place in the world in the qualifiers of the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, and became the center of the storm of public opinion overnight.

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

At first, her achievements were like bright stars, illuminating the eyes of countless people, and the voices of praise poured in like a tide. Major media rushed to report it, and the central media also spoke highly of it, and Jiang Ping seemed to have become synonymous with "genius girl".

However, the good times did not last long, and as Jiang Ping's popularity soared, doubts followed. Netizens began to pick up Jiang Ping's results in the school's monthly exam, and found a huge contrast between his performance and the competition, which became the fuse of questioning.

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

Immediately afterwards, issues such as the teacher's gift of snacks and the source of the computer for the competition were also raised one by one, and the whole incident quickly fermented, causing widespread concern and heated discussions.

In the face of overwhelming doubts, relevant parties have stood up to respond.

First of all, it was the Lianshui County Education and Sports Bureau that issued an official response on June 27, 2024, confirming that Jiang Ping's score of 83 points in the school's monthly exam was correct, and pointing out that the competition situation needs to be verified with the Alibaba DAMO Academy.

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

At the same time, they also clarified that the computer used by Jiang Ping in the preliminaries was borrowed, but they said they were not clear about the issues involving personal privacy. This response, while succinct, set the tone for the development of events.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Yuan Xinyi of the International Center for Mathematical Research of Peking University published a long discussion on Zhihu, making a detailed analysis of Jiang Ping's achievements from a professional perspective.

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

He not only affirmed Jiang Ping's performance level in the preliminaries, but also pointed out the mistakes in the board book and the doubts about LaTex's use. Professor Yuan also put forward the suggestion of organizing a mathematics interview, hoping to verify Jiang Ping's mathematical ability in a more direct way. This move undoubtedly added more highlights and suspense to the event.

At the same time, although Alibaba DAMO Academy, as the organizer of the competition, did not directly respond to the question, its strict implementation of the competition rules and its zero-tolerance attitude towards cheating also indirectly responded to the concerns of the outside world.

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

Jiang Ping, her family, and her teachers chose to remain silent and did not respond to any questions from the outside world. On the one hand, this attitude makes the skeptics more convinced of their own speculation, and on the other hand, it also makes the supporters worried and dissatisfied.

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

In this public opinion turmoil, there is no shortage of voices that are "rubbing the heat". For example, Zhao Bin, the gold medal coach of the Olympiad, and Fang Zhouzi, an "anti-counterfeiting expert", both questioned Jiang Ping's results, but did not provide conclusive evidence. Although these doubts failed to directly prove Jiang Ping's cheating, they undoubtedly aggravated the complexity and controversy of the incident.

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

With the passage of time, the Jiang Ping incident gradually entered a new stage. Major media outlets began to remove reports and videos about Jiang Ping, a move that was interpreted as a signal that the event was about to reach its final conclusion. However, what the truth is still needs to wait for further investigation and response from the official and relevant parties.

Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

At that time, Jiang Ping, a secondary school girl, stood out in the qualifiers of the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition and won the 12th place in the world. But who would have thought that the taste of this melon would change when you eat it.

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

At the beginning, everyone was full of praise for Jiang Ping, the media rushed to report it, and the central media also came to join in the fun, and the name Jiang Ping was completely popular.

But as time went by, the mentality of netizens began to change, and they no longer just praised, but began to belittle various famous colleges and universities through Jiang Ping, and even questioned the college entrance examination system. This is simply a national carnival, and Jiang Ping has become the "sword of Shang Fang" for them to suppress everything they are not used to.

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

However, as the saying goes, "there are many people who are popular", and Jiang Ping's popularity is also accompanied by the exposure of various doubts.

For example, her performance in mathematics, the incorrect board book, the well-known "master = 6", and her teacher Wang Yanqiu was exposed as a possible helper of cheating. These suspicions are getting bigger and bigger one after another, so that the mailboxes of relevant units in Lianshui County are filled with reports and complaints against Jiang Ping.

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

In the face of these questions, the Lianshui County Education Bureau also responded, but the content of the response made people even more confused. Jiang Ping's test results, the situation of the math competition, the computer used, and even personal privacy have all become the focus of everyone's attention. And mathematics professor Zhao Bin bluntly said on social platforms that Jiang Ping was 99% fake, and all of a sudden, the wind of public opinion began to change again.

At this time, Yuan Xinyi, a professor at the International Mathematical Research Center of Peking University, published a blockbuster article "Analysis of the Doubts in the Jiang Ping Incident", which was like a needle that completely reversed the direction of the wind.

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

In the article, he analyzed several key points of the Jiang Ping incident in detail, including her learning experience, math level, use of LaTex, etc., and even speculated that Wang Yanqiu may have been the leader of the incident.

The professor also said that if Jiang Ping wanted to prove her innocence, he could organize an interview with a math professor for her, and even promised that if she really had a talent for math, he would help her finish her studies.

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

And if Jiang Ping doesn't want to participate in the interview, he will invite her to visit Peking University at his own expense to discuss the career development of mathematics. This move undoubtedly gave Jiang Ping an opportunity to prove herself.

And just yesterday, major media deleted reports about Jiang Ping on a video website, which undoubtedly added a suspense to this incident. People's Daily Online, People's Daily, Xinhuanet and other media have taken down Jiang Ping's video, does this mean that the Jiang Ping incident is about to usher in the final result?

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

Looking back at the whole incident, it is not difficult for us to see that we should remain rational regardless of the final outcome. Even if Jiang Ping's grades were really obtained by cheating, we shouldn't target a teenage child.

After all, a teenager can't do these things. In the end, we still need Alibaba Damo Academy and Wang Yanqiu to come forward to give a reasonable explanation. And as the people who eat melons, let's sit back and wait for the final result of this melon field turmoil!

Falling off the altar? Major official media removed Jiang Ping's video, and the monthly exam scored 83 points, and the professor of Peking University spoke out

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