
The bricklayer went to the funeral, and the road was blocked by a weasel, and the weasel reminded him: You can't go

author:Tao Taolai writes stories

Hey, hey, there is a skilled craftsman in Lijiazhuang in this Gada in our northeast, Li Ergou, this kid, don't look at the usual big grin, the work is called a neat one, repair the house and build the house, it can't be done without him. No, as soon as the sky was bright, he heard that his distant cousin was gone, and the rules of our place, so he had to hurry up and send him on the last ride. Li Ergou was not ambiguous, he packed his luggage and rushed to his cousin's house in a hurry.

On the way, Li Ergou was in a hurry, thinking that his cousin treated him well before his death, and this matter could not be ambiguous. But as he walked, something strange happened, he stepped on the air, looked down, my mother, a weasel! The little thing's eyes were shining, staring straight at him, and its mouth was "squeaking", as if to say something. Li Ergou's heart tightened, it was early in the morning, and it was not a good thing to meet this thing. He hurriedly took two steps back, trying to take a detour, but the weasel refused to give up, and a smoke blocked the way.

Li Ergou was really panicked now, and asked boldly: "You little thing, what are you stopping me for?" I didn't provoke you! The weasel didn't say anything, just stared at him with those eyes, and the "squeak" in his mouth became more urgent, and it sounded like saying, "You can't go, you can't go!" Li Ergou was shocked, why did this weasel still learn human words? He looked around, but there was not a shadow of them but them. He steadied himself and asked, "Why can't I go?" My cousin has died, and I have to give him one last ride! ”

The bricklayer went to the funeral, and the road was blocked by a weasel, and the weasel reminded him: You can't go

The weasel was in a hurry, jumped in front of him, opened his mouth wide, and said louder: "You can't go, it's dangerous to go!" Li Ergou was beating a drum in his heart now, wondering if this weasel had become a sperm? He swallowed and asked tentatively, "You...... What are you? How do you know I'm going to a funeral? The weasel still didn't answer, just the look in his eyes, as if waiting for him to make a decision.

Li Ergou was up and down in his heart, this weasel said so mysteriously, is there really any danger? But I can't help but go to my cousin's funeral...... Just as he was muttering, the weasel "squeaked" again, and his voice became more urgent: "You can't go, listen to me, go back quickly!" With that, it turned around and disappeared into the forest in the blink of an eye. Li Ergou stood there, entangled in his heart. Glancing at the sunset on the horizon and the road in front of him, Li Ergou screamed in his heart. I was thinking about it, and coldly, the legend of the weasel that I heard when I was a child suddenly came out of my head - saying that these gadgets have great powers, can pinch and calculate, and predict good fortune and evil. Li Ergou's heart tightened, thinking if this weasel was giving me a wake-up call? He pondered for a while, and said in his heart that he still believed in this weasel, and he was not in a hurry to go to the funeral. So, as soon as he turned his head, he walked back, intending to go home first.

That's it, because of the obstruction of a weasel, Li Ergou was stunned and missed the opportunity to go to the funeral. But what happened next made him feel even more incredible...... When he returned to the village, Li Ergou didn't dare to shout loudly, but secretly inquired with a few familiar villagers about the situation at his cousin's house. This inquiry really gave him a little bit of trouble. It turns out that my cousin's house has been really uneven recently, and there are inexplicably fewer chickens, ducks and geese at home, and I can always hear some strange sounds at night, crying and laughing, and listening to it makes people's hearts furious. What's even more strange is that the youngest grandson of my cousin's family has been sick lately, and he has taken all kinds of medicine, but he doesn't get better. When Li Ergou heard this, he chuckled in his heart. He remembered the weasel's words, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, could it be that there is something unclean in his cousin's house?

The bricklayer went to the funeral, and the road was blocked by a weasel, and the weasel reminded him: You can't go

At this moment, a Taoist priest came to the village. This Taoist priest is said to be a master who can drive away ghosts and subdue demons, and can also read feng shui. When Li Ergou heard this, he hurriedly went to find this Taoist priest. As soon as the Taoist priest saw Li Ergou, he looked him up and down, then smiled slightly and said, "Young man, do you want to ask me for something?" When Li Ergou heard this, he was so impressed that he threw himself to the ground. He hurriedly told the Taoist priest about the weasel blocking the road and the situation of his cousin's house. After hearing this, the Taoist priest pondered for a moment, and then said, "This matter is indeed a bit strange. However, since you've met a weasel, it means that it has something to do with it. Well, I'll go with you to my cousin's house and see what's going on. ”

When Li Ergou heard this, he couldn't be happier. He quickly took the Taoist priest to his cousin's house. When he arrived at his cousin's house, the Taoist priest first looked around, and then frowned. He walked into the courtyard, pointed to a place in the corner and said, "There's a problem here." When they looked at it, they saw a stone slab in the corner of the wall, and a brick was pressed on it. The Taoist priest walked over, gently removed the brick, and then lifted it hard, revealing a black hole under the stone slab. The Taoist priest took out a compass from his bosom, shook it at the entrance of the cave, and then said, "This is a place where yin qi gathers, no wonder there are always strange things happening in your house. When my cousin's family heard this, their faces turned pale with fright. The Taoist priest said, "But don't be afraid, I'll help you disperse the yin energy here." "Oh, this has to be said, the buddy patted his chest, took out a stack of rune paper from his bosom, as if by magic, lit it suddenly, and threw it into the black hole. As soon as the fire flashed, there was a scream from the cave that made people's scalps tingle, and everyone listened to it, and their hearts beat drums, and no one dared to move forward. After a while, the cry slowly died down, and a puff of black smoke came out of the hole. As soon as the Taoist priest flicked his sleeves, hey, the black smoke was like seeing a ghost, and it dispersed in a flash. The Taoist priest said, "Okay, this yin qi is for us to drive away." However, we have to be on the safe side and set up a formation in the yard. As soon as he finished speaking, he was busy in the courtyard.

Li Ergou stood there, watching the Taoist priest busy with his work, and the admiration in his heart was like drinking honey. He thought of the weasel, and his heart couldn't help but feel warm. If the weasel hadn't reminded him, he would have missed the master. By the time the Taoist priest was done, it was already dark. In order to thank the cousin's family, they specially set up a sumptuous banquet. During the banquet, the Taoist priest asked Li Ergou: "Young man, does the weasel you met have bright eyes and a very yellow coat?" When Li Ergou heard this, he nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, that's it." The Taoist priest smiled slightly: "That's a well-cultivated weasel spirit." It stopped you to save your life. It's a blessing for you to meet it this time. When Li Ergou heard this, the gratitude in his heart was like drinking honey. He picked up his glass and said to the Taoist priest, "Daoist, I toast you." This time it's really thanks to you and that weasel spirit. ”

The bricklayer went to the funeral, and the road was blocked by a weasel, and the weasel reminded him: You can't go

The Taoist priest also picked up the wine glass, touched it with Li Ergou, and then drank it all. After he was full of wine and food, the Taoist priest was ready to leave. Before leaving, he said to his cousin's family, "If there is anything wrong in the family in the future, go find that weasel spirit." It will tell you what to do. The cousin's family nodded repeatedly. The Taoist priest glanced at Li Ergou again, then turned around and left. Li Ergou stood at the door, watching the back of the Taoist priest. He knew in his heart that he had really met a master this time. He touched the talisman paper in his pocket, and secretly vowed in his heart: In the future, he must do more good deeds to repay the weasel spirit for saving his life.

Since then, Li Ergou has not only improved his craftsmanship, but also become more amiable. He often thought of the weasel spirit and the Taoist priest, and his heart was full of gratitude. And there was no strange thing in my cousin's family, and the family lived a happy life. This is the story of Li Ergou who went to the funeral and met a weasel. It may sound a bit mysterious, but in this world full of mysteries, who can say for sure? As the saying goes: if you believe, you have, and if you don't believe, you don't. Perhaps in this world, there are still many things that we don't know that are quietly affecting our lives. Time flies, time flies, and the story of Li Ergou spreads in the village. In our northeast, the conversation after tea and dinner is always inseparable from the weasel spirit and the unfathomable Taoist priest. Some say that the weasel spirit was sent by the mountain god to protect us ordinary people; Some people say that the Taoist priest is a god in the heavens and mortals, who came to rescue us who are suffering from life. Anyway, Li Ergou, a kid, has become a celebrity in our village. If anyone in the village encounters something strange, they are willing to find him. Li Ergou is a person who never pushes back, and always tries his best to help people solve problems. He often said: "Although we are a bricklayer, we have a lot of human taste, and we can help a handful." ”

One day, Li Ergou was repairing the roof at home, when he suddenly heard a rapid knock on the door outside. As soon as he put down the work in his hand, he hurriedly ran out and opened the door. Outside the door stood a young man with a raw face, his face pale and anxious. As soon as the young man saw Li Ergou, he hurriedly said, "Brother Li, something has happened to my family, I have to ask you to help." As soon as Li Ergou saw this young man's posture, he knew that he was not from our place. But he didn't ask much, just nodded and said, "Don't worry, talk slowly, what's the situation?" The young man swallowed his spit and said, "My house is in the mountains, and something strange has been appearing lately." My mom she's ...... She was sick, and the doctor said there was no cure. I heard that you would do this, so I hurried to you. As soon as Li Ergou heard this, he understood a rough idea in his heart. He hurriedly packed up his affairs and followed the young man straight into the mountains.

The bricklayer went to the funeral, and the road was blocked by a weasel, and the weasel reminded him: You can't go

"Sometimes, a casual decision can really change a person's destiny." After Li Ergou finished eating, patted his ass and prepared to leave. He said to the young man, "If you stumble again, go to the weasel spirit, and he will show you the way." The young man listened, nodded like pounding garlic, and sent Li Ergou out.

Li Ergou walked on the way home, and he had mixed tastes in his heart. He thought, he thought about the weasel spirit, the Taoist priest, and the ups and downs of his own years. He felt that this life was like singing a big opera, with laughter and tears, gains and losses. But no matter what, we have to keep a good heart and reach out to those who need help.

Since then, Li Ergou has cherished his own life more and worked harder. With his hands, he built one sturdy house after another for the villagers. His reputation is like the heavy snow in the northeast, which is getting heavier and heavier, and not only the village, but also the surrounding villages know that there is such a skilled and enthusiastic bricklayer.

The bricklayer went to the funeral, and the road was blocked by a weasel, and the weasel reminded him: You can't go

As for the mysterious weasel spirit and the unfathomable Taoist priest, their stories have also become people's after-dinner conversations. In their own way, they silently guard this land and the people here.

This is the story of Li Ergou, a story with a legendary twist. It tells us that in this world, there are always some mysteries that we don't know. But as long as we pretend to be kind in our hearts and reach out to help those who need help, that happiness and joy will come to us sooner or later.

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