
How much is the lunar soil that Chang'e-6 brought home worth? How is it distributed? Will it be given to the United States?

author:Dynasty Fengyun 1
How much is the lunar soil that Chang'e-6 brought home worth? How is it distributed? Will it be given to the United States?

How much is the lunar soil that Chang'e-6 brought home worth? How is it distributed? Will it be given to the United States?

June 25th is a day to celebrate! Chang'e-6 returned with a precious gift, "Lunar Soil".

2,000 grams of lunar soil on the back of the moon is the only one in the world, highlighting its preciousness.

Netizens said it was a "priceless treasure". If you have to calculate its value, then how much is the value of this 2,000 grams of lunar soil?

It's a real problem, because there's nothing on Earth. If it is calculated in terms of cost, it may be possible to arrive at a "cost price".

Here we can refer to the calculation method of the Apollo collection of lunar soil in the United States.

How much is the lunar soil that Chang'e-6 brought home worth? How is it distributed? Will it be given to the United States?

In the sixties of the last century, the Apollo moon landing in the United States brought back a total of 382 kilograms of lunar soil. They spent a total of $257 billion. In gram terms, the cost per gram is about 674,000 US dollars, or about 4.88 million yuan! It's unexpected, it's much more expensive than a gold diamond.

Lunar soil during the Soviet era was once auctioned. At that time, 0.2 grams were auctioned for $442,500, or $2,212,500 per gram. It quickly doubled after a few years.

Let's also calculate according to this price for the time being, 2,000 grams multiplied by 674,000 US dollars, about 1.348 billion US dollars, or about 10 billion yuan!

With the value, the distribution of lunar soil has also begun.

How much is the lunar soil that Chang'e-6 brought home worth? How is it distributed? Will it be given to the United States?

As a rule, 2,000 grams of lunar soil is divided into three. Some of it is used for scientific research, some of it is sealed for exhibitions, and some of it is given to foreign guests as a national gift. At the beginning, Chang'e-5 lunar soil was presented to visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron.

Just two days after Chang'e-6 returned home, the famous Harbin Institute of Technology received a gift from the moon, 1,330 milligrams of lunar soil on the back of the moon.

The concern is, will it be given to the United States?

Back then, the United States once gave us a gram of Apollo lunar soil, half of which was used for scientific research and half for exhibition. It is said that the study of 0.5 grams of lunar soil led to 14 papers.

How much is the lunar soil that Chang'e-6 brought home worth? How is it distributed? Will it be given to the United States?

Previously, some media in the United States claimed that the moon is the common wealth of mankind, and the lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-6 should be shared with other countries.

However, since the United States has a "Wolf Clause" that prohibits cooperation with us, it should not be able to get our lunar soil.


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