
Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

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Hu Ge won the Magnolia Emperor again: The play is full of flowers, and there are many interesting things outside the play

Under the bright starlight, the 29th Shanghai TV Festival "Magnolia Award" award ceremony came as scheduled, like a grand drama, bringing together countless elites and masterpieces in the TV industry.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

In this feast of vision and honor, the most eye-catching thing is that Hu Ge won the Best Actor Award again for his outstanding performance in "Flowers", becoming the most dazzling star of the night.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

Hu Ge, this name has long been closely associated with countless classic characters, and the role he played in "Flowers" is even more unforgettable.

He plays Li Li, a soul who wanders in the city and finds himself.

Hu Ge's performance style is delicate and profound, and he vividly shows Li Li's complex emotions and inner struggles.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

Every look and every action seems to tell an untold story, which makes people moved.

At the awards ceremony, when Hu Ge's name was announced as the best actor, the entire venue resounded with thunderous applause.

Hu Ge was dressed in a straight suit, smiling, and calmly walked on stage.

His steps were steady, and his eyes revealed an indescribable determination and confidence.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

On the way to the podium by Hu Ge, Liu Yifei, an actress who also shines in the film and television industry, added a bit of fun to the award ceremony in a relaxed and ridiculous way.

She half-jokingly said to Hu Ge: "Oh, Hu Ge, why did you win the award again?"

Have you already thought about the testimonial of winning the Magnolia Emperor for the second time? ”

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

When Hu Ge heard this, the corners of his mouth hooked up a touch, he stopped, turned to look at Liu Yifei, and responded in a slightly surprised but joyful tone: "Oh, Liu Yifei, what you said, I really didn't think that I would stand here again."

However, I would like to thank everyone for their recognition and support. ”

After speaking, he also shrugged his shoulders with a pretended complaint, "But to be honest, my wife usually manages my finances, and if I have a treat to celebrate tonight, I may have to borrow money from you." ”

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

When Liu Yifei heard this, she suddenly laughed wildly, she waved her hand, and pretended to be serious and said: "Haha, Hu Ge, you will embarrass me."

I'd love to help you, but my wallet is thinner than mine!

Borrow money from your fans, they'll be happy to help you celebrate! ”

This interaction undoubtedly added a bit of a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere to the award ceremony.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

The friendship and tacit understanding between Hu Ge and Liu Yifei were also vividly displayed at this moment.

The ridicule and jokes between them not only made people feel the deep friendship between them, but also made the award ceremony more lively and interesting.

When Hu Ge really stood on the podium, he restrained his previous lightness and ridicule, and became serious and solemn.

He knows that this award is not only a recognition of him personally, but also an affirmation of the hard work of the entire team of "Flowers".

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

He picked up the trophy and said affectionately: "Thank you Magnolia Award for recognizing me, and thank you to the director, screenwriter and all the staff of "Flowers".

This award belongs to each and every one of us and is the result of our joint efforts.

I will continue to work hard to bring more excellent works to the audience. ”

Hu Ge's words are sincere and touching.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

In his words, he reveals his love and dedication to art, and also shows his professionalism and sense of responsibility as an actor.

His award is not only an affirmation of his personal acting skills, but also a reward for his silent work and continuous efforts in the film and television industry over the years.

After the award ceremony, Hu Ge celebrated with Liu Yifei and other friends.

They toasted and drank together, laughing and laughing.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

At this moment, they let go of the halo and identity of stars, and simply enjoyed this rare joy and relaxation.

Hu Ge looked at his friends around him, and his heart was full of gratitude and happiness.

He knows that no matter how bumpy and tortuous the road ahead is, as long as he has the company and support of these friends, he will be able to move forward bravely and fearlessly.

And in the joyful atmosphere of this celebration, Hu Ge also quietly made a wish.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

He hopes that in the future, he will continue to use his acting skills to move more people and create more classic roles.

He knows that as an actor, his mission is to interpret each character with his heart and convey their stories and emotions to every audience.

The news that Hu Ge won the Magnolia Emperor again quickly spread throughout the entertainment industry.

Countless fans have sent him blessings and congratulations.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

They were impressed by Hu Ge's talent and hard work, and they were proud of him to receive such an honor again.

In the eyes of fans, Hu Ge is not only an excellent actor, but also a role model worthy of their learning and admiration.

For Hu Ge, this award is not only an honor and affirmation, but also a new starting point and motivation.

He knows that he will face more challenges and opportunities in the coming days.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

But he also firmly believes that as long as he maintains his original intention and persists in his efforts, he will be able to create more brilliance and legends of his own.

After this grand awards ceremony, Hu Ge returned home with full honor and expectations.

He shared this joy and happiness with his family.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

His family is proud of his achievements, and they are also happy and satisfied that he can hold on to his dreams and beliefs.

At this moment, Hu Ge deeply felt the warmth and support of his family.

He knows that no matter where he goes, no matter how much he achieves, home will always be his most solid backing and harbor.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

The news that Hu Ge won the Magnolia Emperor again not only caused a sensation in the entertainment industry, but also aroused widespread attention and discussion in the society.

People are impressed by Hu Ge's talent and efforts, and they are proud of him for making such a huge contribution to the Chinese TV drama industry.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

At this moment, Hu Ge is not only an excellent actor, but also an iconic figure representing the development and progress of China's TV drama industry.

Looking back on the past, Hu Ge has experienced countless ups and downs.

But he has always maintained an original intention and belief, and used his talent and efforts to create his own brilliance and legend.

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

And now, when he stands on the podium of the Magnolia Award again, he is no longer the young boy, but a mature actor with profound acting skills and rich life experience.

His eyes revealed a kind of firmness and confidence, as if announcing to the world: I will continue to move forward, use my acting skills to move more people, and create more classic roles!

Liu Yifei ridiculed Hu Ge: Have you ever thought about the second Magnolia Emperor? Look at Hu Ge's high emotional intelligence answer

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