
Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

author:Health Science Doctor Chan
Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

Ms. Li usually has no special requirements for food, but now when she gets off work in the summer, she passes by the street and sees corn sellers.

The fragrance of corn was very strong, and Ms. Li was attracted to it, so she bought a lot of ripe corn and went home, and ate a lot of corn without eating anything else at night.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

On the first day, there was no problem, and on the second day, Ms. Li bought a lot of corn to eat at home.

Then, in the evening, Ms. Li felt a pain in her stomach that was turning over and over.

There was no way to wake up my husband, and the two went to the hospital together.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor examined Ms. Li and told her, "You have a bad stomach, don't you know it?" And eat so much corn. ”

Ms. Li didn't expect corn to have such a big impact on her.

As a kind of coarse grain, corn does have many benefits to the body and high nutritional value, but there are four types of people who are best not to eat, so which four types of people are they?

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

1. The benefits of eating corn for the body

Corn is a very representative kind of coarse grains, and its taste is very unique, sweet and soft and glutinous.

Many people like to eat corn for breakfast or dinner, and now people are paying more attention to health and coarse grains.

So corn is liked by more people, so specifically, what are the benefits of eating corn?

Now people's living conditions have become better, and they eat a lot of food, especially meat, so if they eat in this way, their blood lipids will be high.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

Once the blood lipids are high, it is easy to cause blood viscosity, leading to cardiovascular problems, leading to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

In daily life, if you can consume corn in moderation, the dietary fiber in corn can speed up intestinal peristalsis after entering the body.

It can also reduce the absorption of cholesterol and facilitate the absorption of fat. Therefore, it can effectively lower blood lipids, and corn contains a substance that is unsaturated fatty acids.

The main function is to inhibit the synthesis of fat in the blood, so that the viscosity of the blood can be reduced.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

In addition, as a coarse grain, corn mainly contains dietary fiber, if it can be consumed in moderation every day, it can effectively make gastrointestinal peristalsis faster, and can prevent constipation.

Corn is rich in vitamin B and vitamin E, which provide some protection for our eyesight.

Especially for some middle-aged and elderly friends, there may be glaucoma or cataracts, in this case, eating corn can also be effectively relieved.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

Eating corn often is also good for the skin, can delay aging, and has a good beauty function. This is because corn contains glutamine, as well as vitamin E.

Both of these substances have a good antioxidant effect, which can protect our skin to become healthier and play a role in slowing down aging.

When it comes to losing weight, many people choose to eat corn. This is because corn is relatively low in calories and at the same time is a coarse grain, which can replace various staple foods.

It can also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, can effectively control weight, and can timely supplement nutrition by eating corn during weight loss.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

The above is about the benefits of eating corn often, although corn has many benefits, but it is not suitable for everyone, the following four types of people are best to eat less.

Second, these "4 types of people" are best eaten less

The first type of people are people who have a bad stomach.

Nowadays, there are many people with bad stomach, especially some people have a particularly bad stomach, lack of gastric motility, and all kinds of food are difficult to digest.

There are many factors that cause bad stomach, such as people's irregular diet and their preference for eating some spicy and stimulating food, which can easily cause gastrointestinal damage.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

Therefore, it is more difficult to eat something rich in crude fiber, and corn is a crude fiber food.

The stomach and intestines are relatively sensitive, and eating a lot of corn is easy to indigestion, and even diarrhea, abdominal pain and stomach pain and other symptoms.

Because crude fiber is difficult to digest, once used in excess, the burden on the gastrointestinal tract increases, making it more difficult to digest.

Therefore, it is recommended that people with sensitive stomach and intestines or those who are not good in the test should try to avoid eating or can eat a small amount.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

The second group of people is people with high blood sugar.

High blood sugar occurs from time to time in middle-aged and elderly groups, and if you want to get better, you need to control your diet.

Many middle-aged and elderly friends eat coarse grains all year round and think that corn is the best choice. But people with high blood sugar cannot eat a lot of corn for a long time.

This is because corn contains natural sugars, and once people with high blood sugar eat it, the polysaccharides in corn will cause blood sugar to rise very quickly.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

Therefore, if it has been determined that the blood sugar is not stable, and it is in the process of improvement and maintenance, try not to eat corn.

The third group of people is people with poor immunity.

Some people have poor immunity because of a lack of certain nutrients in the body.

Most of them are based on protein and fat, if you usually eat more vegetarian and lack these two nutrients, people are particularly prone to fatigue and have poor immunity.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

The reason why you can't eat corn is because corn contains fiber, and the presence of fiber will affect the absorption of protein and fat.

If the body's own immunity is relatively poor, and eating corn also causes an abnormal intake of protein and fat, then the immunity will become even worse.

The fourth group is people who are deficient in calcium and iron.

In fact, in real life, calcium deficiency is still relatively common, especially some middle-aged and elderly friends have a relatively fast rate of calcium loss.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

Iron deficiency is also relatively common, but it is always easy to be ignored, and iron deficiency will cause the quantity and quality of hemoglobin in the body to decline rapidly, which is prone to our common anemia problem.

Corn contains plant fiber and phytic acid, which will lead to a decrease in the absorption and utilization of iron after entering the human body, so if you are deficient in iron, it is recommended not to eat a large amount of corn for a long time.

Although corn is good, it has high nutritional value, and the taste is also very good among many whole grains.

The above four groups of people can not eat as much as possible, otherwise it will affect their health.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

So in addition to this, what other things need to be paid attention to when eating corn?

3. Precautions for eating corn

The way corn is cooked is very important, and it is related to the nutritional value it retains. It is the season for fresh corn to be on the market, so it is recommended that everyone choose to cook and eat corn when eating it.

Because this kind of fresh corn cannot be replaced by other types of corn, especially the loss of nutrients in the process of plastic packaging.

This fresh corn-like is relatively more valuable, and without any additives, it is healthier to cook and eat.

In addition, when eating corn, it is necessary to reduce the content of staple food, because corn is equivalent to carbohydrates and is also a staple food.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

There are many people who always like to eat rice and think that they can eat corn even if they have it, but they also have to eat the staple food. For middle-aged and elderly people, if they already plan to eat corn, try to eat other staple foods, which is conducive to good health and easier to digest.

Another thing to pay attention to is that you must gnaw clean when eating corn, because if the corn is not clean, the corn germ will be left on it.

Corn germ occupies a very small position in the whole corn, but don't underestimate corn germ, its nutritional value is very rich.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

If you miss the corn germ, it is equivalent to missing the nutrient treasure trove, because the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the corn germ reaches more than 84%.

In short, corn has a variety of benefits, but when eating, you should also pay attention to some details, otherwise it is equivalent to eating it for nothing.

Before eating, we have to learn to choose corn, now is the season of corn in large quantities, how can we pick corn that satisfies us?

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

Fourth, how to choose corn

There is also skill in the selection of corn, and almost all the corn sold today is with skin and beard. Therefore, when we choose corn, the first thing to look at is whether the outer skin of the corn is in a complete state.

If the corn is well wrapped in the husk and the whole is in a firm state, then its freshness will be relatively high, and the taste will be better.

If you see that the corn has been pulled out, then it is very likely that it is not the best and has lost nutrients after many days, and it does not taste fresh.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

If you look at it purely from the appearance, you can also check the corn whiskers, now many merchants sell corn one by one when they are on the market, and they may not have time to deal with it, so we can judge whether the nutritional value of corn is high or not from the state of corn whiskers.

The last way to choose corn is to smell it, summer is the season when corn is on the market in large quantities, and every time you see corn for sale, there will be a lot of it.

This is prone to a situation, that is, the corn is backlogged, and if it is placed in an unsuitable environment for a long time, the corn will also deteriorate, even if there is a certain shade, there will be a peculiar smell.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn

If there is an unknown taste, try not to buy it, and it is better to buy the freshest one.

As a kind of coarse grain, corn contains a relatively high amount of dietary fiber, and it does have a certain promotion and protective effect on the stomach and intestines after eating.

However, it should be noted that if the stomach itself is not good, and at the same time the immunity is relatively low, people can try to eat less corn and eat less, and can take some other foods as a substitute, mainly for their own health.

I would also like to remind you here that the way corn is made is also very important, and it is recommended to use boiled corn as the main one, because the nutrients retained are relatively higher, and it will be healthier to eat.

Corn is on the market in large quantities, doctor: These "4 types of people" are better to eat less, and there are contraindications to eating corn


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