
Parents' taboos: Why is fruit never seen at home?

author:A decay is not decaying

Parents' "fruit view": the embodiment of control

Parents' taboos: Why is fruit never seen at home?


Parents' taboos: Why is fruit never seen at home?

In daily life, parents' education methods and concepts often have a profound impact on children. In terms of children's dietary choices, some parents may show an obvious desire to control, or even interfere too much in some details, which to a certain extent reflects parents' educational concepts and communication styles. Recently, an article titled "Mother's "Fruit View" has caused heated discussions on the Internet, describing the troubles caused by a mother's stubborn "fruit view" to her child, which makes people wonder how the parents' "fruit view" is formed, and how to correctly guide the child's dietary choices.

Parents' taboos: Why is fruit never seen at home?

How is the "fruit view" of parents formed?

Parents' taboos: Why is fruit never seen at home?

The so-called parents' "fruit view" refers to a fixed concept of parents' food choices for their children, believing that a certain food is equivalent to the entire food category, and in this article, the mother's "fruit view" is manifested in the fact that she has always believed that fruits are equivalent to apples, and other fruits are not within the scope of her choice. This stubborn "fruit view" is actually reflected in many families, and parents may have special preferences or cognitions for specific foods for some reason, which will have a certain subjective influence on their children's food choices.

Parents' taboos: Why is fruit never seen at home?

So, how is the "fruit view" of parents formed? For example, when they were children, parents may not have been exposed to too many kinds of fruits, so when they grew up, their cognition of fruits stayed on one or two fruits, forming a fixed "fruit view". Some parents may also be influenced by the people around them, such as elders or friends, who have a special respect for a certain food, so that a certain fixed concept is subtly formed in the parents' minds.

Parents' taboos: Why is fruit never seen at home?

Parental control is reflected in children's dietary choices

Parents' taboos: Why is fruit never seen at home?

In addition to the stubborn "fruit view", some parents also show a clear desire to control their children's dietary choices, they often try to impose their own ideas on their children, and even make excessive interference and restrictions when their children choose food, which is also a special situation shown by the mothers described in this article.

Parents' taboos: Why is fruit never seen at home?

In this article, the mother's child does not particularly like apples, but prefers other fruits, such as oranges or bananas, but because the mother's "fruit view" is too stubborn, she has never been able to accept the idea of the child choosing other fruits, and even when buying fruit in the supermarket, she deliberately does not give the child the opportunity to choose, which undoubtedly brings a certain amount of trouble and harm to the child, and also makes people reflect on where the parent's desire for control comes from, and how to correctly guide the child's dietary choice?

Parents' desire to control is reflected in their children's dietary choices, which may be due to a variety of reasons, for example, some parents may be out of concern for their children's health, they believe that only a certain food is the best, so they will try to impose their own ideas on their children, while some parents' desire to control may come from the inculcation of their children's frugal concepts, they think that a certain food is more economical, so they will be biased in their children's food choices.

It is undeniable that parents do this out of love for their children, and they hope that their children can grow up healthy and happy, but when the desire to control becomes too paranoid, it is easy to ignore the child's true thoughts and feelings, and even bring certain obstacles and negative effects to the child's growth process.

Parents' taboos: Why is fruit never seen at home?

How to properly guide your child's dietary choices?

So, in the face of parents' "fruit view" and desire for control, how to correctly guide children's dietary choices? For parents, they should be aware that children and they are independent individuals, they have their own thoughts and feelings, and they also have the right to make their own choices, and in terms of their children's dietary choices, parents should give them a certain degree of autonomy and choice, respect their ideas and opinions, and not blindly impose their own ideas.

Parents should also provide children with a variety of opportunities to choose in their daily life, such as when buying fruits, let children choose their favorite fruits, which can not only satisfy children's curiosity and desire to explore, but also cultivate their ability to conjecture and make decisions independently, so that they can gradually form an independent cognition of things in the actual experience.

For children, they also need to learn to express their thoughts and feelings in the process of communicating with parents, which is not an easy thing, but only when children have independent and strong thoughts and personalities, can they better cope with their parents' desire for control, and can gradually realize their ideals and goals in communication with parents.

Parents' taboos: Why is fruit never seen at home?

Communication and respect between parents and children

In the process of children's growth, communication and respect between parents and children are very important, only when both parties can understand each other's thoughts and feelings, and establish a relationship of mutual respect and trust, can we better resolve the contradictions and differences between each other, and can also make the education work achieve better results.

In the process of educating their children, parents need to pay attention to the degree of balance control and letting go, give children appropriate autonomy and choice, encourage them to try and explore bravely, and give them understanding and support when they make mistakes, so that they can understand that making mistakes is not terrible, the key is to be able to learn from experience and lessons.

Parents should also listen patiently to their children, give them emotional support, and let them know that no matter what difficulties and challenges they encounter, parents will support them silently behind them, so that children can have enough courage and confidence to pursue their dreams and become independent and confident individuals.

Parents' taboos: Why is fruit never seen at home?


Parents' "fruit view" is actually just a microcosm of the education work, it reflects the various problems and challenges that may arise in the process of parents getting along with their children, and the correct way of education is more based on respect and understanding for children, only when parents can really enter the inner world of children, listen to their voices, in order to find the most suitable path for their growth, but also to be able to give them the most sincere companionship and help in their life journey.

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