
Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

author:Hanamachi curator
Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

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In the entertainment industry, even if some people have mature acting skills, they have not been able to become popular.

They have played a variety of roles, and there are too many works to be put into their hands.

For example, Zhang Songwen, before the broadcast of "Hurricane", the name Zhang Songwen was rarely known.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

After he became popular for "Hurricane", people around him began to call him Mr. Zhang, and this year's variety shows are also constantly invited.

This inevitably reminds me of what Huang Bo once said: "When it wasn't popular before, everyone was squeezed out, but after it became popular, it was all smiling!" ”

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

This sentence has been perfectly fulfilled by Zhang Songwen after becoming popular for a year!

The first person in a personal IP variety show

Since Zhang Songwen became popular because of "Hurricane", many variety shows and TV series have issued invitations.

However, since the audience recognizes his acting skills, no matter what he films, everyone will only feel unsatisfied.

Some time ago, his main variety show "Splendid Garden" was launched.

Among them, the scene of bargaining with flower farmers was once labeled as "slamming the door" by netizens.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

In fact, Zhang Songwen's purpose in taking this variety show is to show everyone his true self without a script.

He would discuss the issue of sheep dung with his fellow villagers on the side of the road, just like an ordinary person.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

When I heard fireworks outside the house during dinner, I would immediately take the camera crew to ride a tricycle to chase after them.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

When dining with new actors, their acting skills will be randomly checked.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

Everyone thinks that Zhang Songwen's thinking is too jumpy, and ordinary people can't keep up.

However, this seems to be more in line with the lifestyle of normal people, and there are not so many frames.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

But the audience and friends are not suitable for Zhang Songwen, who has removed the star filter and Gao Qiqiang's halo.

This is the sense of contrast that the program team wants.

You see, isn't the level of discussion quite high right now? It's also on the hot search!

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

Even the latter variety show can be said to be Zhang Songwen's personal solo.

Everyone gradually discovered that this actor is not only acting.

I also do my own welding, and my skills are quite good.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

I also know a lot of plant cultivation methods, and I can be regarded as half a professional!

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

He also interviewed villagers to ask what they thought of Zhang Songwen.

It's all about Zhang Songwen's preferences.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

Everyone who comes to the garden will be very respectful and shout "Teacher Zhang".

In order to let everyone know more about Zhang's life, the program team invited college roommates Lin Jiachuan and Zhou Yiwei to come over.

Everything is centered on Zhang Songwen, and it can be said that this is a variety show with personal IP.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

The personal variety show simply makes many actors envious, jealous and hateful!

Don't look at Zhang Songwen so glamorous now, a year ago he was still running around interviewing in major crews, and then he was rejected again and again!

A sad past

Zhang Songwen's age is a late bloomer among male stars.

He has only become popular in the past two years, but he has been debuting as an actor for twenty years!

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

He spent the previous nineteen years running around in various crews, going to the crew for interviews every day, and then waiting for the results.

Most of the time it was rejected and then ran to the next one.

He said that one of the most difficult days was when he interviewed more than 600 crews in two years, and he kept interviewing and being brushed.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

At this time, he had already questioned his acting skills, was he so bad?

After being depressed for a while, he will continue to encourage himself, someone must be able to see his acting skills!

Heal yourself when you are injured, so you ask which crew is willing to refuse such a Zhang Songwen!

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

Sometimes it's hard for someone to be willing to use him, but the salary for acting is only one or two thousand.

This salary is too meager, but it can still make him happy for three days.

The male and female protagonists are both newcomers, but the salary they get can be nearly 100 times that of him.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

On the show "Acting School", which is a tutor with Hao Lei, there is a class where students are asked to perform and laugh and say sad things.

The students have not been able to grasp the essentials, so Zhang Songwen told a personal experience of his own.

I once went to an interview with a friend, and I didn't have any hope.

Who knew that the director took the initiative to call the two in, and they were ecstatic.

As a result, the director said to the patron: Look, these two people are not suitable for the showbiz, aren't they?

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

The patron glanced at the cramped duo and asked, "Why?"

The director said very directly; An ugly, a short man, why do you think you can!

In the face of everyone's ridicule, they can't get angry, they can only laugh.

That kind of laughter is a smile on the surface, and the heart is actually dripping blood!

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

That's it, he also had to ask the director if he could leave a mobile phone number for follow-up contact.

The director directly said that there was no need for that!

The two looked at each other that day and were silent for a long time before leaving!

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

At the end of the story, Zhang Songwen said to the students: My friend is Zhou Yiwei!

After becoming popular, it was full of smiling faces

The above story is just the tip of the iceberg of the grievances that Zhang Songwen once suffered.

In the past nineteen years, such things have been commonplace, and Zhang Songwen's scarred heart has long been numb.

The reason why Zhang Songwen has such good acting skills is due to his observation of life and keen insight.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

His acting skills are not innate, but are exercised bit by bit.

He had a profound message for the students.

"All the people and things you have experienced will become your precious treasure in the future!"

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

In the face of ridicule, he didn't refute, this is really what can't kill me, and it will make me strong in the end!

In his early years, Zhang once gave an interview, and the host asked him what he would most like to do if he came out one day.

Zhang Songwen paused and pondered for a while, and said: If I want to be popular, I will increase the salary to 2 million.

He also wants to feel the feeling of being able to make a direct offer!

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

In fact, the salaries of many stars in the entertainment industry are more than this, and many of them are tens of millions of salaries.

But in Zhang Songwen's eyes, the 2 million is already a sky-high price!

I really feel aggrieved for Mr. Zhang Songwen, he doesn't want much at all! It's really a very simple person!

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and he must know that there is a higher salary than this, but he has no confidence to even say that the 2 million.

The salary of a good actor is not as good as that of some unknown young actors! How does this make sense?

If Zhang Songwen talks about a salary of 2 million to the director now, the sponsors will have to give another sticker.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

After "Hurricane" became popular, no matter whether or not he had cooperated with actors or directors, he bragged about his acting skills on social platforms.

These people seem to know Zhang Songwen on the first day.

Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

If Zhang Songwen is still the little dragon who hides in the alley and memorizes lines, will they still be like this?

Obviously not, Huang Bo's words are really traceable, and he is not wrong at all!


Zhang Songwen has gone from an unknown actor to today's "Teacher Zhang", he has spent a full 20 years!

In fact, there are still many "Teacher Zhang" in the entertainment industry, I hope they will break out of their own world as soon as possible!

Do you know which actors have acting skills but are not yet popular?

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Relying on the hurricane to become popular, now there is controversy on variety shows, Zhang Songwen: "pretending" and "not pretending" are both wrong

Information source: The Paper: Zhang Songwen, who can carry the drama, can he carry the slow comprehensive?

Beijing News: Starting from Zhang Songwen's "Splendid Garden", let's look at the Beijing characteristics of the "Culture +" variety show

Zhengbei Network: Zhang Songwen and Rong Zishan collaborated for the third time "The Boy Who Can't See the Shadow" tells the two-way redemption of the old policeman and the "missing teenager".

Beijing Daily: Zhang Songwen burst into tears as soon as he appeared on the stage, he played the investigative reporter of the year

New Weekly: Interview with Zhang Songwen: I miss the showbiz 20 years ago

1905 Movie Network: Zhang Songwen plays the villain role again, will "Ice Hunting" be the next "Hurricane"?

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