
Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?

author:Hanamachi curator
Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?
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Text | Jokes

Editing: Jokes


"Youth has no price, and there is a fight for lack of oxygen"

Many people must have heard the name of Mount Everest when they were children.

The peak is known for its steepness, which also attracts many climbers.

And this time Mount Everest is famous again.

Two tourists got into a fight over a trivial matter at the Everest 8848 observation deck.

Even if you are short of oxygen, you should take oxygen at the same time.

Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?

So what is the reason for this?

How did the follow-up end?

Let's take a look.

【What happened】

According to eyewitnesses, the incident started with a couple taking pictures.

And while taking pictures, another couple accidentally got into their mirror.

According to common sense, such a trivial matter is over with an apology.

But he pushed them.

It's just a bad thing to push.

Both sides of the fight didn't look very old, and it was the time when the blood was strong.

The two immediately scuffled together.

Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?

We can see from the video that it is a man dressed in gray and a man dressed in orange.

When the two were entangled, the woman also got involved and wanted to pull the two of them apart.

But the strength is too small to pull it away at all.

The two men went from standing to lying on the ground to fighting.

Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?

And then a funny scene appeared.

The big guys know that thin oxygen at high altitudes is not suitable for high-intensity exercise.

These two people are good, and they are directly starved of oxygen after a while.

And according to a certain author who filmed the video, the two men were fighting while receiving oxygen.

Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?

There is no one else to do this.

It is said that in the end, the last two people fainted without receiving oxygen.

And when they were fighting, the surrounding passengers had no intention of coming up to persuade them.

A young man in a khaki jacket was still standing there calmly taking pictures.

Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?

When he had nothing to do, he also did push-ups at the monument.

Sure enough, the joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same.

When someone called the police, the police also came.

Originally, the police thought that it would be good to mediate such a trivial matter.

But the two buddies refused to mediate.

Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?

The police were also very helpless, so they could only take them back to the police station to go through the normal procedures.

According to the staff of the police station, there was originally only one monument in this place.

Later, the tourist office has set up several monuments in that place.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

These two travelers are really angry and ridiculous.

After the video was uploaded to the Internet, it also aroused heated discussions among netizens.

【Comments from netizens】

One netizen said that he had been working in Tibet for two years.

It's the first time I've heard of a fight in this place.

It shows that these two people have good physical strength, and they are stronger than yaks.

Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?

Another netizen said that fighting in this place is really powerful.

If you were an ordinary person, you would have to breathe when you walked.

Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?

In addition, a netizen said that this should be the highest place in the world to fight.

Isn't this included in the Guinness Book of World Records?

Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?

If they are really included, then these two people will really die.

Of course, there are other netizens who joke that fortunately, it is not really a fight at the top.

Otherwise, the police won't be able to go up if they want to.

Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?

This netizen, do you want to laugh to death?


The editor also advises everyone not to make trouble for a little thing.

Originally, each took a step back and opened the sky, but in the end, it was going to be like this.

And the two sides still did not agree to mediation.

It's really hard to know what to say.

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Decisive battle on top of the world! Two tourists fighting on the Everest 8848 observation deck while inhaling oxygen? Refusal to mediate?
[Disclaimer] The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. The audience should look at this incident rationally, and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or image infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it.

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