
I am a nanny, and my employer did not invite me to the table for the Spring Festival dinner, and my two daughters-in-law secretly gave me 2,000 yuan

author:Full of mountains


In our lives, there will always be some touching and profound stories, they may happen around us, maybe they happen in a corner, but no matter what, these stories will bring a touch of warmth and strength to our lives. Today, I would like to share with you such a heartwarming and touching story, which is the story of an ordinary nanny and the employer's family, and the emotional bond between them is very touching.

I am a nanny, and my employer did not invite me to the table for the Spring Festival dinner, and my two daughters-in-law secretly gave me 2,000 yuan

First, the nanny prepares the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, which is cared for and thanked by the family

The protagonist of the story is a nanny named Xiaoli, who is hired by her family to come to the family and start her own job. There is an elderly man in this family, the old man has difficulty moving and needs to be taken care of, so the family will hire Xiaoli to take care of the old man's daily life.

Xiaoli is a very attentive and responsible nanny, she not only takes care of the daily life of the elderly, but also often cooks some nutritious meals for the elderly, so that the elderly can have a healthy diet. Especially during the New Year, Xiaoli also specially prepared a rich Chinese New Year's Eve dinner for the elderly, and this Chinese New Year's Eve dinner also made the family impressed with Xiaoli, and felt that Xiaoli was really a very attentive and caring nanny.

In their opinion, it is really a very lucky thing to be able to meet such a nanny, so they also cherish Xiaoli's dedication very much, and often give Xiaoli some care and care, so that Xiaoli can feel warmth and love in this family.

2. The family expresses gratitude for the nanny's dedication and contribution, gives generous gifts and promotes him to the position of family steward

In Xiaoli's work, she has won the recognition and love of her family with her actions, and her family has also expressed their gratitude to Xiaoli for her dedication and contribution. During this time in their family, Xiaoli not only took care of the elderly, but also did some chores at home, so that the family's life became orderly, so the family decided to surprise Xiaoli on her birthday.

When Xiaoli ushered in her birthday, the family prepared a birthday cake and a beautiful birthday gift for her, and there was a special surprise, that is, the family promoted Xiaoli to be the housekeeper of the family, so that Xiaoli could take on more responsibilities in the family and become the family's right-hand man.

She didn't expect that just by doing her job, she would be able to get such recognition and affirmation from her family, as well as such reuse, so she cherished her work even more, treated her family with her heart, and did her job well.

3. Establish a deep emotional bond between the nanny and the family to face the test of life and death together

As time went on, the relationship between Xiaoli and her family got better and better, and they were no longer just an employer and a nanny relationship, but a deep emotional bond, just like real family.

In this family, whether it is joy or sorrow, everyone can support each other and face the trials of life together. Especially when the elderly are suddenly ill, the family is very scared and anxious, but Xiaoli is very strong and brave, she uses her love and patience to give the family the greatest comfort and encouragement, so that everyone cheers and prays for the elderly.

It is with Xiaoli's companionship and care that the old man can successfully pass this hurdle in his life, and in this process, the family also feels the importance of Xiaoli more deeply, and they are really grateful to Xiaoli, thank her for giving her the greatest help and support to her family at a critical moment.

I am a nanny, and my employer did not invite me to the table for the Spring Festival dinner, and my two daughters-in-law secretly gave me 2,000 yuan

Fourth, emotions go beyond the employment relationship and become a real family

After experiencing life and death, the family's feelings for Xiaoli are deeper, and they can no longer express their gratitude and cherishment to Xiaoli in any words, because in their hearts, Xiaoli is no longer a simple nanny, but a very important family member, an indispensable existence in their lives.

For Xiaoli, being able to get such love and recognition from her family is the greatest encouragement and affirmation for her, and it also makes her more determined that no matter what difficulties and challenges she will encounter in the future, she will continue to protect this family with a grateful heart and accompany them through every journey in their lives.

I am a nanny, and my employer did not invite me to the table for the Spring Festival dinner, and my two daughters-in-law secretly gave me 2,000 yuan


Through such a warm and touching story, we deeply feel that in this world, the real emotional bond does not come from blood relations, but from our mutual understanding, care and tolerance, only with a sincere heart, to treat everyone around us, to tolerate others with love, we can establish a real emotional bond, so that each other's lives because of each other, become richer and more beautiful.

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