
Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

author:Luna talks about life

Mai Baoyao was born in a high-profile family, her father Sun Nan is a well-known singer in the Chinese music scene, and her mother created a superior growth environment for her. Since she was a child, she has had high hopes for Mai Baoyao, and her parents hope that she can continue the glory of the family in the entertainment industry.

Under the careful arrangement of her parents, the young Mai Baoyao began a full range of art training. Dance, vocal music, piano, painting, each of them is designed to create an all-round artist.

At a young age, her eyes flashed with a vision for the future, dreaming that one day she could stand in the spotlight like her father and become a star in the limelight. Mai Baoyao's childhood was full of laughter and artistic edification.

She shuttles from one training course to another, trying to absorb knowledge and skills. Her father, Sun Nan, often finds time to accompany her and guide her vocal training. Whenever she sees her daughter practicing seriously, Sun Nan's eyes will show relief and pride.

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

However, the gears of fate always turn inadvertently. No one expected that this girl, affectionately called "little princess" by her father, was about to face a big turning point in her life.

Before she had time to fully develop her talent, family changes had quietly come. Although Mai Baoyao's childhood was glamorous, it also carried a lot of pressure and expectations.

She strives to be the perfect daughter in the eyes of her parents, while also exploring her true interests and passions. This little girl, who grew up under the starlight, is standing at the beginning of her life, full of longing for the future, but she doesn't know how many unknown challenges await her ahead.

In 2014, a sudden change broke the peaceful life of Mai Bao Yao. The news of Sun Nan's divorce from his ex-wife was like a bolt from the blue, shocking the entire entertainment industry. Although the marriage of his parents lasted for nearly ten years, he eventually parted ways.

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the young Mai Baoyao. After the divorce, Mai Baoyao chose to live with her father. However, fate didn't seem to give her a respite.

In the same year, the news of Sun Nan and Han Wenwen's lightning marriage once again detonated the entertainment industry. This sudden marriage surprised many people, including Mai Bao Yao.

For a young girl who is at a sensitive age, she suddenly has a stepmother, and her heart is full of complex emotions. Since then, Mai Baoyao's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The new family structure has brought her unprecedented pressure and challenges. As an adolescent girl, she struggles to adapt to her new family environment, but her heart is full of contradictions and uneasiness.

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

What was once a familiar home is now strange and alienated. Han Wenwen's joining made Mai Baoyao feel that her status at home was threatened. She began to question her place in the new family, and whether her father's love for her was still as strong as it had been.

Whenever she sees the scene of her father and stepmother getting along closely, Mai Baoyao will feel an indescribable sense of loss in her heart. This complex family relationship also made Mai Baoyao begin to face huge psychological pressure.

She didn't know how to get along with her stepmother or how to find a balance between her father and stepmother. She was originally lively and cheerful, but she became taciturn, often hiding in the room alone in a daze.

Sun Nan didn't seem to notice the changes in his daughter's heart, or rather, he was too busy managing a new marriage relationship to take care of his daughter's feelings. This neglect further deepened Mai Baoyao's sense of loneliness and loss.

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

In this way, Mai Baoyao struggled in a new family environment and struggled to find her place. Her childhood dreams seem to have faded away with family changes, replaced by confusion and anxiety about the future.

This once much-loved "little princess" is quietly experiencing growing pains. When Mai Baoyao had just turned 15 years old and was in the midst of her youthful rebellion, her life took another dramatic turn.

She was sent to a special educational institution called the "Women's Virtue Academy". On the surface, this is a school that produces "perfect women", but in reality it is a place with strict controls and deprivation of students' freedom.

Here, every day is full of challenges and stress. The schedule at the academy was extremely strict, and from early morning until late at night, Mai Baoyao and the other girls were required to participate in various so-called "women's virtue courses".

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

These courses include the study of traditional skills such as etiquette, tea art, and flower arrangement, as well as a large number of ancient texts to memorize. What is even more unacceptable is that they are forced to wear uniform costumes, and even their diet and daily life are strictly controlled.

Life here is completely isolated from the outside world, and Mai Baoyao feels as if she is imprisoned in a world that is out of touch with modern society. Faced with cumbersome rules and high-intensity study every day, she began to doubt her own worth and question her dreams.

The little girl who once aspired to be a star is now bound in shackles and has lost the courage and motivation to pursue her dreams. In this closed environment, Mai Baoyao spent three full years of youth.

This experience left a deep psychological shadow on her. Her once innocent smile faded away, replaced by silence and repression. She began to doubt her father's decision and the value of her life.

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

During this period, Mai Baoyao expressed her desire to leave to her father many times. She even uttered stinging words like "I'd rather go away and fly high than be your daughter" and "I'd rather be a beggar than be your slut".

However, these cries for help do not seem to be taken seriously by the father. Sun Nan's attitude towards this is cold, as if he has forgotten the "little princess" he once loved. Every day, Mai Baoyao has to endure the pain in her heart and mechanically complete the tasks arranged by the college.

She felt that she was slowly losing herself, becoming a template of a "perfect woman" with no thoughts and no personality. She began to miss the days of freedom in the past, and missed the self full of dreams.

This experience not only eroded her passion for acting, but also deprived her of normal learning and social opportunities. While her peers were busy preparing for the college entrance examination and planning for the future, Mai Baoyao was trapped in this isolated place, watching her youth and opportunities pass by.

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

In this way, Mai Baoyao spent the most critical three years of her life in the "Women's Virtue College". This experience was like a long nightmare, which not only robbed her of her freedom and happiness, but also deeply affected her character and outlook on life.

Her youth and her dreams are slowly withering in this "academy" that imprisons her soul. When she finally gets a chance to get out of here, she finds herself a stranger who needs to get to know the world and herself again.

In 2020, a sudden law enforcement operation became a turning point in the fate of Maibao Yao. The local government launched an investigation into the illegal "Women's Virtue Academy", and this place that suppressed the youth of Mai Baoyao for three years was finally exposed.

The results of the investigation revealed that this "academy" did not have any qualifications to run a school at all, and was actually a place of illegal detention in the name of training women's virtues. This discovery not only shocked society, but also opened the door for Mai Baoyao to return to the free world.

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

When Mai Baoyao finally left the "Women's Virtue Academy", her heart was full of mixed emotions. On the one hand, she is ecstatic to regain her freedom; On the other hand, she is full of confusion and anxiety about the future.

Three years is enough time to change the entire trajectory of a person's life. At this time, she is too far behind her peers. Standing at the crossroads of her life, 18-year-old Mai Baoyao had to face the reality: she missed the college entrance examination, lost her normal learning opportunities, and even basic social skills needed to be re-studied.

used to be a "little princess", but now she has to replan her life from scratch. Still, the joy of regaining her freedom gave Mai Baoyao the courage to move on. She decided to face the past, bravely face the future, and start a difficult but hopeful new life.

Mai Bao Yao began to think about his future path. Is the dream of an actor still worth pursuing? Should she continue her studies or work directly? These questions kept swirling in her mind.

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

Although the road ahead is full of unknowns, she knows that at least now she has the freedom to choose. This once imprisoned girl is learning how to survive and thrive in modern society.

Every step is challenging, but the possibilities are endless. Mai Baoyao knows that the real journey of life has just begun. After regaining her freedom, Mai Baoyao faced unprecedented challenges.

Three years of closed life have made her disconnected from the outside world and need to readjust to normal social life. However, Mai Baoyao was not defeated by difficulties, but chose to face it bravely.

She began to work her studies, hoping to make up for the lost time. During the day, she worked cultural lessons; In the evenings, she studied English and other exam subjects by herself around the candle.

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

At the same time, she is also actively looking for job opportunities and trying to make ends meet through her own efforts. The process is not easy. Mai Bao Yao often feels frustrated by her lack of knowledge and lack of social skills.

However, each failure strengthened her determination to change the status quo. She began to reflect on the past, think about the future, and try to find her own direction in life.

In this process of self-redemption, Mai Baoyao gradually realized that true growth is not only about learning knowledge, but also about establishing one's own values and life goals.

She began to experiment with possibilities and tried to discover her potential and interests. Although the dream of being an actor seems to be out of reach, Mai Baoyao has not given up the pursuit of art.

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

She began to try her hand at writing, documenting her own journey in writing, hoping to share her own experiences and give some inspiration and encouragement to others who had similar experiences to her.

Mai Baoyao also began to take on some part-time jobs, which can not only earn living expenses, but also accumulate social experience. She worked hard to learn the skills of communicating with people and slowly rebuilt her self-confidence. Although the process was difficult, she felt that she was growing step by step.

Although this road to self-redemption is difficult, every step has made Mai Baoyao stronger and more mature. She is trying to reinvent herself and find her own value and meaning in life.

Although the future is still full of uncertainties, Mai Bao Yao has found the motivation and hope to move forward. As time passed, Sun Nan also began to reflect on his responsibilities as a father.

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

He realized that he chose to avoid and be indifferent when his daughter needed love and support the most. This realization made him feel guilty and remorseful. Sun Nan began to take the initiative to try to repair the relationship with his daughter.

He tried to express his concern and apologies in various ways, hoping to make up for his past mistakes. Although the process was full of challenges and uncertainties, he persevered.

Mai Baoyao was wary and suspicious of her father's proximity at first. However, as time passed, she gradually felt her father's sincerity. Although there were still many doubts and puzzles in her heart, she began to try to understand and forgive her father.

This experience made Mai Baoyao understand that forgiveness is not only for others, but also for oneself. She began to learn to let go of her past grudges and work to rebuild a trusting relationship with her father.

Buy Bao Yao: The eighteenth change of the female university, her father Sun Nan's flash marriage ended after 9 years, and the actor's dream was shattered by her stepmother

Although the road to repair the relationship between father and daughter is still long, Mai Baoyao and Sun Nan are working hard for it. This process is not only the repair of their relationship, but also the journey of two people growing together.

Sun Nan re-realized her daughter's strength and growth, and was proud of her. He promised to give his daughter more support and understanding to help her reimagine her future. Mai Baoyao is also learning how to find the strength to move forward in understanding and forgiveness.

She began to re-examine her purpose in life and think about how to start a new chapter in her life with the support of her father.

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