
The story of roses: Bai Xiaohe successfully gave birth to Huang Zhenhua's child by "taking sperm", what will happen to Wan Qian

author:Little pity talks about emotions

"The Story of Rose" ended perfectly, but the popularity has not diminished, I think the story of Su Gengsheng and Huang Zhenhua is very exciting, with twists and turns. Bai Xiaohe was bumped into by Huang Zhenhua with a child, and inexplicably Huang Zhenhua felt that this child was his own. In a trance, he confessed to Su Gengsheng that he might have an extra "illegitimate child", what people didn't expect was that Su Gengsheng accepted it calmly, and asked him to analyze the ins and outs of the matter.

The story of roses: Bai Xiaohe successfully gave birth to Huang Zhenhua's child by "taking sperm", what will happen to Wan Qian

Looking at the story of Rose, I personally think that this child is Huang Zhenhua's. Although Bai Xiaohe later denied it. Bai Xiaohe said that the child was raised by her outside. Regarding the process of getting along with the two of them, Bai Xiaohe said that Huang Zhenhua ate grilled fish with her, drank wine, fell asleep on the sofa, cried in a dream, and shouted Su Gengsheng's name! After listening to Bai Xiaohe's words, Huang Zhenhua seemed to feel relieved, and he believed Bai Xiaohe's words. I also feel ashamed to cry when I get drunk! But did he really not remember that he had been drunk and cried? must really not remember, so it is possible that she had a relationship with Bai Xiaohe, or even Bai Xiaohe, as a doctor, may also take advantage of his drunkenness to "extract sperm"

The story of roses: Bai Xiaohe successfully gave birth to Huang Zhenhua's child by "taking sperm", what will happen to Wan Qian

He and Bai Xiaohe met again, Bai Xiaohe had completely let go of her first love, she admitted frankly that she wanted to be a mother, but getting married and having children is a very laborious thing, she didn't want to fall in love, and then get married, and give birth to a child naturally. Huang Zhenhua also persuaded her not to let her be blind and not to make dinosaur monsters through test tubes.

Bai Xiaohe knew that Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng were in love, she was unwilling to act as a villain, so she could only choose to give birth to a child alone, and it was a secret, I think her father knew about it. Anyway, Huang Zhenhua is the father of his grandson. Therefore, Bai's father chose to invest in Huang Zhenhua.

When she learned that the investor was Bai Xiaohe's father, Su Gengsheng was actually calm, she even felt that Huang Zhenhua had excellent ability, valuable character, and was worthy of the trust of investors.

Huang Zhenhua called Bai's father and asked Bai Xiaohe about the child, and Bai's father replied: The two of you should talk about it in person. I think the attitude of the white father makes people think deeply.

Father Bai still felt that Huang Zhenhua should know about this matter.

I think it is impossible for a family like Bai Xiaohe to raise a child to inherit the family wealth, people like them value blood, although Bai Xiaohe has no brother and younger brother, and is the only daughter, but the grandson is also a person with half of the blood of the white father.

The story of roses: Bai Xiaohe successfully gave birth to Huang Zhenhua's child by "taking sperm", what will happen to Wan Qian

Bai Xiaohe is so kind, I think even if Bai Xiaohe tells him honestly, it will not affect the relationship between Su Gengsheng and Huang Zhenhua, there is an extra son, for no reason, and he doesn't have to take child support and education funds by himself, why not.

Looking at Su Gengsheng telling Huang Zhenhua that he had been raped by his stepfather like squeezing toothpaste, Huang Zhenhua felt that it was not her fault after careful consideration, and he also felt that Venus with a broken arm was also perfect.

The story of roses: Bai Xiaohe successfully gave birth to Huang Zhenhua's child by "taking sperm", what will happen to Wan Qian

immediately got married, and told a history of his short marriage. Because of insecurity, I don't discuss big things like buying a house with my boyfriend, which is understandable, but isn't it too much to conceal a short-term marriage.

Huang Zhenhua still chose to forgive her, and later what was even more bloody was that Su Gengsheng's ex-husband actually contacted her again and gave 300,000 yuan boldly, Su Gengsheng felt that since the money was given by her ex-husband sincerely, she accepted it calmly, after all, the two of them shared weal and woe, and they could really be friends without being husband and wife, in fact, Su Gengsheng's ex-husband also established business cooperation with her. I have to say that Su Gengsheng's ex-husband is also a man with a bright and upright mind. As Su Gengsheng said, when he bought a house, Su Gengsheng took out 20,000 yuan, and the man returned the money to her after the divorce.

But after many years, the price of the house has risen, and the man took out 300,000 yuan to Su Gengsheng, Huang Zhenhua felt that the money could not be wanted. But Su Gengsheng felt that as a good friend, it was acceptable for people to make compensation sincerely.

I think Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng have experienced so many things, it is not easy to be honest with each other, and such a relationship is solid.

The picture comes from the Internet

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