
The community security guard killed a couple, the owner chatted in a group chat exposed, and the victim provoked trouble and defended?

author:Xiao Wei said entertainment

In life, we often encounter various contradictions and conflicts, and how to properly deal with these contradictions and conflicts often requires both parties to remain calm and rational and seek appropriate solutions. In real life, due to various reasons, sometimes some contradictions and conflicts can get out of control and even turn into tragedies. Recently, a knife murder incident in Fangchenggang City, Guangxi Province has aroused heated discussions in the society, and the occurrence of this tragedy has sounded the alarm bell, and also made people have a deeper conjecture about the handling of contradictions and respect for life.

1. Review of the incident: What is the contradiction behind the murder of a security guard with a knife?

The community security guard killed a couple, the owner chatted in a group chat exposed, and the victim provoked trouble and defended?

On the afternoon of June 28, a knife murder tragedy occurred at the gate of a small community in Fangchenggang City, Guangxi, it is understood that at that time, a security guard and a couple had a quarrel because of the problem of random parking of electric vehicles, and after the conflict between the two sides intensified, the security guard actually stabbed the couple with a knife, resulting in two people dying on the spot. And in the process of this tragedy, there are many onlookers who filmed the whole process, and such a scene can't help but chill.

The community security guard killed a couple, the owner chatted in a group chat exposed, and the victim provoked trouble and defended?

After the incident, the police quickly rushed to the scene after receiving the alarm, and the security guard also apologized to his boss after the incident, and said that he would do such a thing out of helplessness and impulsiveness, but in any case, killing people is not the best way to solve the problem, and his behavior has seriously violated the law.

The community security guard killed a couple, the owner chatted in a group chat exposed, and the victim provoked trouble and defended?

The occurrence of such a tragedy makes people wonder what kind of contradictions and conflicts are hidden behind it? Why did it turn into such a tragedy? It is believed that this is also inseparable from the work pressure and conflict handling ability of security guards, as well as the conflicts between the property and the owner.

Second, the contradiction intensified, and the security guard actually injured people with a knife, and the problems behind it were geometric

The community security guard killed a couple, the owner chatted in a group chat exposed, and the victim provoked trouble and defended?

1. The conflict intensified, and the security guard's emotions were out of control

In this knife murder incident, the most shocking thing is undoubtedly that the security guard would hurt someone with a knife because of impulse, and it was in public, such behavior has seriously violated the law and posed a great threat to the life and safety of others.

It is conceivable that when the contradiction intensifies to a certain extent, the security guard's emotions have been out of control, and he has been unable to face and deal with such contradictions rationally, but has chosen an extreme way to vent his emotions, which also brings a huge threat to the safety of others.

The community security guard killed a couple, the owner chatted in a group chat exposed, and the victim provoked trouble and defended?

2. Conflict between the property and the owner

It is understood that the reason why the security guard injured people with a knife was because a couple's electric car was parked indiscriminately, and at that time, the security guard was performing the management duties of the property, and when he dissuaded the couple, the two sides had a quarrel, and the conflict intensified, which turned into a tragedy.

It can be seen that in real life, the conflict between the property and the owner is very common, and the security guard, as a member of the property, often needs to play a mediating role in such a conflict, and his work pressure is also very large, once the conflict is out of control, it is easy to affect his mood and work status.

3. How to properly handle contradictions and avoid similar tragedies?

The community security guard killed a couple, the owner chatted in a group chat exposed, and the victim provoked trouble and defended?

1. Both parties remain calm and sane

In the face of various contradictions and disputes, whether it is security guards or ordinary citizens, they should remain calm and rational, try to avoid the intensification of emotions, and seek appropriate solutions.

2. Pay attention to the mental health of low-level practitioners

For low-level practitioners such as security guards, the society should also give them more attention and understanding, pay attention to their mental health and work pressure, and should also provide them with some suitable ways to release pressure, so that they can release their pressure in a timely and effective manner and avoid emotional out-of-control.

3. The law strictly regulates the qualifications of security practitioners

In addition, for special positions such as security guards, there are also relevant laws to regulate, starting from the recruitment and training of security guards, it is necessary to conduct strict review and training of their qualifications to ensure that they have the ability to deal with various situations, and also to strengthen their legal education, so that they are clear about their job responsibilities and bottom line.

The community security guard killed a couple, the owner chatted in a group chat exposed, and the victim provoked trouble and defended?

4. Strengthen education and awareness-raising activities

We should also strengthen education and publicity activities on respect for life and conflict resolution, so that everyone can correctly understand and deal with various contradictions, cultivate everyone's correct awareness and ability to resolve conflicts, and jointly create a harmonious and stable social environment.

The community security guard killed a couple, the owner chatted in a group chat exposed, and the victim provoked trouble and defended?

Life is only once, and around us, there may be many contradictions and conflicts, but no matter what kind of contradictions we encounter, we should know how to face them with reason and tolerance, and seek appropriate solutions, because only in this way can we avoid similar tragedies and make our society more harmonious and beautiful.