
What are the surnames of the monarchs of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States? Yan, Wei, and Han Jun have the same surname, and Qin and Zhao are one family

author:Xinyun reads


The seven kingdoms of the Warring States period were Qin, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, and Qi. There are rich stories and secrets behind the surnames of the kings of various countries. Qin Shi Huang's name is Ying Zheng, his surname is Ying, and Zhao is his clan. The monarch's surname reflects the social structure and cultural characteristics of the time.

What are the surnames of the monarchs of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States? Yan, Wei, and Han Jun have the same surname, and Qin and Zhao are one family

In ancient China, there was a strict distinction between a surname and a given name:

Surname: A surname refers to the blood relationship of a family, is a sign of ancestors, and usually represents the name of a large family. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, surnames were mainly used by noble families to distinguish between blood and family status. In general, the inheritance of surnames is matrilineal.

Clan: A clan is derived from a surname and is the name of a specific family that represents a branch or a specific family. Clans are usually patrilineal, identifying specific branches of the family.

Qin and Zhao homology: the origin and diversion of the surname Zhao

During the Warring States Period, there were seven powerful countries on the stage of Chinese history, and they are known as the "Seven Heroes of the Warring States". Among them, the relationship between Qin and Zhao is particularly interesting.

The monarchs of the two countries have the surname "Ying", but why is the Qin State called Ying XX and the Zhao State called Zhao XX? There's a particularly fascinating story in it.

Ying Zheng's surname and surname: from Qin Feizi to Qin Shi Huang

Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng's name is familiar, but there are many stories behind his surname and name. Ying Zheng's surname is "Ying", and his surname is "Zhao".

What are the surnames of the monarchs of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States? Yan, Wei, and Han Jun have the same surname, and Qin and Zhao are one family

Origin of the surname Ying: The surname Ying is one of the ancient surnames in China, originating from the tribe surnamed Ying during the Yellow Emperor period. The Ying family had many branches in ancient China, among which the royal family of Qin was a branch of the Ying family.

Qin Feizi, the ancestor of Qin Shi Huang, was an important figure at the end of the Shang Dynasty. Because of his meritorious work in raising horses, he was appreciated by King Xiao of Zhou of the Zhou Dynasty and gave him the surname Qin Di and "Ying". This "Ying" surname has been passed down in this way.

The origin of the Zhao family: In the early days, the royal family of the Qin State was named after the country, that is, with "Zhao" as the clan. This is because the ancestors of the Qin State were once sealed in Zhaocheng (present-day Zhaocheng County, Shanxi Province), so they used "Zhao" as their clan. The use of Zhao as a clan represents the specific tribes and fiefs of the family.

In 769 BC, Qin Xianggong helped King Zhou Ping move his capital to Luoyi and was made a prince. Since then, the monarchs of the Qin State have all taken Ying as their surname and Zhao as their clan.

What are the surnames of the monarchs of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States? Yan, Wei, and Han Jun have the same surname, and Qin and Zhao are one family

The Ying surname represents their lineage, while the Zhao family represents their fiefdom. Qin Shi Huang, as the monarch of the Qin State, naturally inherited this surname. Although Ying Zheng's name is only two words, there are so many historical origins behind it, which is really amazing.

Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng's surname was "Ying" and his surname was "Zhao", because the surname system in ancient China was different from modern times, and the surname and surname were two different concepts at the time.

Surname "Ying": As a member of the Qin royal family, Qin Shi Huang's surname is "Ying", which indicates that he belongs to the big family with the surname Ying, and has a blood surname inheritance of the surname Ying.

"Zhao": His clan is "Zhao", indicating that he belongs to the Zhao clan in the Ying surname, which is related to the history of his ancestors being sealed in Zhao City.

Therefore, Qin Shi Huang's surname "Ying" represents his family's lineage, while his clan "Zhao" represents his specific family tribe and fief. This surname system reflects the complex clan and social structure of ancient China and is an important clue to understanding ancient history and culture.

Qin and Zhao homology: The establishment of the state of Zhao and the independence of the Ying surname Zhao

The story of Zhao Guo is equally exciting. The ancestor of Zhao and Qin are a family, with the same surname Ying and Zhao.

Why is this so?

Originally, a branch of the Qin State was sealed in the Zhao land, and later this branch became the Zhao State independently. Although the monarchs of Zhao are all called Zhao Moumou, their real surname is still Ying. This blood relationship made Qin and Zhao both close and antagonistic.

The establishment of the state of Zhao was full of twists and turns. The first monarch of the Zhao State, Zhao Liehou, was officially canonized as a prince by King Weilie of Zhou in 403 BC. Since then, the state of Zhao has begun its journey of independence.

What are the surnames of the monarchs of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States? Yan, Wei, and Han Jun have the same surname, and Qin and Zhao are one family

The story of Zhao Liehou is widely told in history, he was not only a brave warrior, but also a wise leader. He led the state of Zhao from a small fiefdom to a powerful state.

The relationship between Zhao and Qin is like a pair of brothers. Although they are related by blood, they have their own development paths. Under the leadership of Ying Zheng, the Qin State finally unified China and became a great unified dynasty in history. And the state of Zhao became a force to be reckoned with during the Warring States period. The relationship between the two countries is both cooperative and conflicting, full of drama.

Same Origin and Different Lives: The Historical Evolution of Qin and Zhao

The relationship between Qin and Zhao is like two parallel lines, sometimes intersecting and sometimes separating. The reign of Qin eventually became the first emperor in Chinese history, while Zhao was destroyed by Qin at the end of the Warring States period. This kind of historical evolution of the same origin and different lives makes people sigh.

In 236 BC, the Qin state began a large-scale attack on the Zhao state. After many fierce battles, the state of Zhao was finally defeated by the Qin army in 228 BC.

The last monarch of the Zhao State, King Zhao Youmiao, was captured, and the Zhao State perished. This brotherly dispute ended in the victory of the Qin State, but it also made people feel a lot of emotion. The same bloodline, different destinies, this is the charm of history.

What are the surnames of the monarchs of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States? Yan, Wei, and Han Jun have the same surname, and Qin and Zhao are one family

The surname Ji is the Three Kingdoms: the common bloodline of Yan, Wei, and Han

Among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, there are three countries whose monarchs have the surname "Ji", and these three countries are Yan, Wei, and Korea. Their bloodline originates from the same family - the surname Ji of the Zhou royal family. This history is not only interesting, but also full of warmth and twists and turns.

The origin of the surname Ji of the Yan Kingdom: from the Zhou royal family to the independent feudal state

The story of the Yan Kingdom begins with the Zhou royal family. In the 11th century BC, shortly after the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, King Zhou Cheng's uncle Zhaogong was enshrined in the land of Yan and established the Yan Kingdom.

Zhaogong's name is Ji Zheng, he is the son of King Wen of Zhou and the younger brother of King Wu of Zhou. Ji Zheng was known as Yan Zhaogong in history, and his fief was later Yan Guo.

What are the surnames of the monarchs of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States? Yan, Wei, and Han Jun have the same surname, and Qin and Zhao are one family

Zhao Gong Ji Zheng is an amazing character. He not only helped King Wu of Zhou to conquer the world, but also managed the fiefdom of Yandi in an orderly manner.

Legend has it that he often went down to the fields to work in person and mingled with the people. Once, he met an old man in the field, and the old man said to him, "Zhao Gong, if you work so yourself, the people will follow you." ”

Zhao Gong replied with a smile: "If I don't do this, how can the people be at ease?" This dialogue fully reflects Zhaogong's love for the people like a son.

The monarchs of Yan have always been surnamed Ji, which is not only the inheritance of blood, but also the continuation of culture. The monarchs of the Yan Kingdom followed the example of their ancestors Zhaogong and worked hard to govern the country.

Although Yan was not the most powerful country during the Warring States period, its influence in the northern region should not be underestimated. The culture of the Yan Kingdom was also deeply influenced by the Zhou royal family, respecting etiquette and attaching importance to education, forming a unique Yan culture.

The Wei State has a relationship with the surname Ji in Korea

The founder of the Wei state was Ji Chang, the fifth son of King Wen of Zhou, and his fief was in the Hexi region.

The founder of Korea was Ji Jin, the second son of King Wen of Zhou, and his fiefdom was in the area of present-day Henan and Hebei. The monarchs of Wei and Korea also had the surname Ji, and their bloodlines also originated from the Zhou royal family.

The origins of the Wei state can be traced back to 661 BC, when the founder of the Wei state, Marquis Wenhou Wei, was made a prince. Wei Wenhou was a shrewd monarch who was not only good at governing the country, but also attached great importance to talent.

What are the surnames of the monarchs of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States? Yan, Wei, and Han Jun have the same surname, and Qin and Zhao are one family

He once consulted with the minister on the affairs of the state, and the minister suggested that he reuse the meritocracy. Wei Wenhou thought so deeply after hearing this, so he vigorously recommended talented people. As a result, the Wei state rose rapidly and became an important force during the Warring States period.

There is also an interesting story about the origins of Korea. Han Mooja, the founder of Korea, was a brave general who was made a prince in 408 BC. Han Wuzi is not only strong in martial arts, but also very smart.

Once, he led his army into battle and encountered an enemy ambush. Han Wuzi calmly commanded the army and skillfully avoided the ambush, which ultimately led to victory. Han Wuzi's wisdom and courage led to the rapid rise of Korea during the Warring States period.

The monarchs of Wei and Korea also have the same surname Ji, which is not only the inheritance of blood, but also the continuation of culture.

The monarchs of Wei and Korea followed the example of their ancestors and worked hard to govern the country. Although Wei and Korea were not the most powerful countries during the Warring States period, their influence in the Central Plains should not be underestimated.

The culture of Wei and Korea was also deeply influenced by the Zhou royal family, respecting etiquette and attaching importance to education, forming a unique Wei and Korean culture.

Inheritance of the surname Ji: the blend of culture and blood

Although the kingdoms of Yan, Wei and Korea are geographically different, they share a common ancestor - the surname Ji of the Zhou royal family. The inheritance of this bloodline is not only the continuation of the family, but also the integration of cultures.

The monarchs of all three countries followed the example of their ancestors and worked hard to govern the country, respecting etiquette and valuing education, forming their own unique cultures.

Zhao Gong Ji Zheng of Yan State, Wei Wenhou of Wei State, and Han Wuzi of South Korea, their stories are full of wisdom and courage. Their bloodlines and cultures were intertwined during the Warring States period, forming a unique historical picture.

The Bear Cult of the Chu State: A Totem and a Symbol of Culture

In the story of the Chu State, the surname Xiong is a very important element. This surname is not only the surname of the monarch, but also represents the culture and beliefs of the state of Chu. The origin of the bear surname and the symbolism of the bear totem have deeply influenced the history and culture of the Chu State.

The origin of the bear surname: from totem worship to the surname of the monarch

The origins of the bear surname can be traced back to very ancient times. Legend has it that the ancestors of the Chu State were an ancient tribe living in the Yangtze River valley who worshipped bears.

The bear was a symbol of strength and courage in the eyes of these ancients. As a result, the bear became their totem, and the tribe's surname was named "bear".

Xiong Yi, the founder of the Chu State, was the first monarch with the surname Xiong. He was a tribal leader at the end of the Shang Dynasty, and in 1042 BC, his tribe migrated to the area of present-day Hubei and established the state of Chu.

What are the surnames of the monarchs of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States? Yan, Wei, and Han Jun have the same surname, and Qin and Zhao are one family

Xiong Yi is not only a brave warrior, but also very smart. The tribe he led multiplied in the new land and gradually developed into a powerful nation.

On one occasion, Xiong Yi led a tribe into a conflict with a neighboring tribe. When the enemy saw the bear totem on the Xiong Yi banner, he was too frightened to step forward.

Xiong Yi shouted: "We are the descendants of Xiong, and we are not afraid of any enemy!" This story was widely spread in the Chu State, and the bear totem has since become a symbol of the courage and strength of the Chu State.

The symbolism of the bear totem in the culture of the Chu State

The bear totem is not only a symbol of the Chu State, but it has also deeply influenced the culture of the Chu State. The people of Chu grew up listening to the story of the bear since childhood, and the image of the bear is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Bear patterns can be seen on many artworks, buildings and cultural relics of the Chu Kingdom. The bear totem symbolizes bravery, strength, and unity, which are all important parts of Chu culture.

Many legends of the state of Chu have the image of a bear. For example, there is a story about the adventures of Xiong Qu, a descendant of Xiong Yi.

Xiong Qu encountered a huge bear during a hunt, and he was undaunted and fought with the bear for a whole day and a night, and finally defeated the bear. This story not only shows Xiong Qu's courage, but also reflects Xiong's important position in the hearts of the Chu people.

In the sacrificial activities of the Chu State, the bear totem also occupies an important position. Every spring, the people of Chu will hold a grand bear sacrifice ceremony, praying that the bear god will bless them with good weather and peace for the country and the people.

This ceremony is not only a religious activity, but also a part of the culture of the Chu State, reflecting the worship and reverence of the people of the Chu State for the bear.

Analysis of the surname of the monarch surnamed Xiong: the culture and identity symbol of the surname Xiong

The surname Xiong is not just a surname, it is also a symbol of the status of the monarch of the Chu State. The successive monarchs of the Chu State were all surnamed Xiong, which is not only the inheritance of blood, but also the continuation of culture. The monarchs surnamed Xiong followed the example of their ancestor Xiong Yi and worked hard to govern the country and maintain the independence and dignity of the Chu State.

The kings of the state of Chu often appeared in public in the form of bears. Once, in an important battle, the king of Chuzhuang wore a bear skin and held a bear-headed banner to lead his army to charge.

He shouted: "I am a descendant of bears and am not afraid of any enemy!" These words greatly boosted morale, and the Chu army finally won the victory. This story was widely praised in the Chu State, and the image of the monarch surnamed Xiong was more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In the culture of Chu, the surname Xiong is not only a surname, but also a symbol of unity and bravery of the people of Chu. The people of Chu were proud of their surname Xiong, and they believed that Xiong's power would protect them and lead them to victory. The inheritance of the surname Xiong is not only the continuation of blood, but also the inheritance of culture.

The worship of the bear surname in the Chu State has deeply influenced the history and culture of the Chu State. From the bear totem to the bear surname, the story of the state of Chu is full of courage and strength. The monarchs surnamed Xiong followed the example of their ancestor Xiong Yi and worked hard to govern the country and maintain the independence and dignity of the Chu State. The inheritance of the bear totem and the surname bear is an important part of the culture of the Chu State.

Jiang's surname is Qi Guo: From Jiang Taigong to the monarch of Qi State

The story of the surname Jiang starts with Mrs. Jiang. Jiang Taigong is a legendary figure, he is not only the founding king of the Qi State, but also left an indelible mark on Chinese history.

The inheritance of the surname Jiang, from Jiang Taigong to the monarch of Qi, has added a lot of color to history.

The historical contribution of Jiang Taigong and the inheritance of the surname Jiang

Jiang Taigong, whose real name is Jiang Shang, is said to be a master fisherman, but more importantly his wisdom and strategy. King Wen of Zhou once said: "Those who have Jiang Shang will win the world." Jiang Taigong not only helped King Wen of Zhou defeat the King of Shang, but also made great contributions to the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty.

What are the surnames of the monarchs of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States? Yan, Wei, and Han Jun have the same surname, and Qin and Zhao are one family

In 1046 BC, King Wu of Zhou made Jiang Taigong in Qi and established the Qi State. Since then, the surname Jiang has taken root in the country of Qi and has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Once, Jiang Taigong was fishing by the Weishui River and met King Wen of Zhou. King Wen of Zhou asked him, "Why is your hook straight?" Jiang Taigong smiled: "Straight hook fishing, willing to take the bait." ”

This not only shows Jiang Taigong's wisdom, but also reflects his mastery of destiny. Since then, the surname Jiang has been closely associated with wisdom and strategy, and has become a part of Qi culture.

The origin and inheritance of the surname Jiang: from Jiang Taigong to the monarch of Qi

The descendants of Jiang Taigong inherited his wisdom and courage. The successive monarchs of the Qi State were proud of the surname Jiang, and they were not only the rulers of the country, but also the inheritors of culture.

The status of the surname Jiang in Qi is not only a surname, but also a cultural symbol, representing the tradition and spirit of Qi.

In 685 BC, he was succeeded by Duke Huan of Qi, one of the descendants of Jiang Taigong. Under his rule, the state of Qi became one of the five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Duke Huan of Qi not only achieved many military victories, but also implemented a series of reforms in the country, making the economy prosperous and the people living and working in peace and contentment.

What are the surnames of the monarchs of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States? Yan, Wei, and Han Jun have the same surname, and Qin and Zhao are one family

Once, Duke Qi Huan and Guan Zhong discussed national affairs in the palace. Guan Zhong said: "If the king is not clear, if the minister is not virtuous, the country will not be a country." Qi Huan Gong nodded yes, he knew that governing the country requires wise and virtuous people, which is also the essence of the Jiang surname.

The establishment of the Qi State is closely linked to the inheritance of the Jiang surname culture. The surname Jiang is not only the surname of the monarch, but also an important part of the culture of Qi.

The people of Qi are proud of their surname Jiang, and they believe that Jiang Taigong's wisdom and courage will lead them to prosperity. The inheritance of the surname Jiang is not only the continuation of blood, but also the continuation of culture.

What are the surnames of the monarchs of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States? Yan, Wei, and Han Jun have the same surname, and Qin and Zhao are one family

The story of the Jiang surname Qi began with Jiang Taigong and continued to the successive monarchs of the Qi State. Jiang Taigong's wisdom and strategy laid the foundation for the surname Jiang, and the monarchs of Qi inherited this spirit, making Qi an important part of history.


Behind the surnames of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, there is a rich history and culture. From Xiong's surname Chu to Jiang's surname Qi, each surname has its own unique story and heritage.

In ancient societies, a surname was not just a symbol, but also a symbol of culture, identity, and spirituality. Knowing the stories behind these surnames allows you to better understand the history and explore more interesting cultural stories.


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