
Foreign investors boldly predict that there will be a "housing shortage" in China's property market in 2025, is it credible?

author:Meimei's big vision

1. HSBC's foreign banks predict that China's property market will be in short supply as early as 2025! If this was said a few years ago, everyone would definitely reject it. But now, it has caused a lot of controversy. Is it really as HSBC said, the property market is about to bottom out?

Foreign investors boldly predict that there will be a "housing shortage" in China's property market in 2025, is it credible?

As a well-known foreign company, HSBC's business scope involves real estate loans and other fields. And just this year, it suddenly released a report saying, "The market is worried about the oversupply of real estate, but we believe that as early as 2025, China's real estate market may experience a supply shortage, and house prices may also rise." "

Foreign investors boldly predict that there will be a "housing shortage" in China's property market in 2025, is it credible?

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the industry, and now the property market is gloomy, how can there be signs of recovery? A closer look reveals that HSBC is not alone in making such a prediction.

Foreign investors boldly predict that there will be a "housing shortage" in China's property market in 2025, is it credible?

HSBC saw the state's strong support for real estate, and in May this year, the central bank took out 300 billion yuan as a reloan for affordable housing, specifically to digest the stock of housing. This refinancing rate is as low as 1.75%, which greatly reduces the loan burden. All localities have also relaxed purchase restrictions and reduced the proportion of down payments, which can be said to be a concerted effort to promote the recovery of the property market.

Foreign investors boldly predict that there will be a "housing shortage" in China's property market in 2025, is it credible?

After the introduction of this series of favorable policies, the transaction volume of first-tier cities took the lead in rebounding and is still growing. Second- and third-tier cities are recovering slowly and are steadily improving, and HSBC's forecast of 2025 is not a fool's dream.

Foreign investors boldly predict that there will be a "housing shortage" in China's property market in 2025, is it credible?

No one can say for sure the future of real estate, and many factors such as economy and population will affect the direction of the property market. It is obviously not advisable to blindly pursue the speed of development, but to improve the quality of development, although HSBC's forecast is based on evidence, we cannot completely accept it.

Foreign investors boldly predict that there will be a "housing shortage" in China's property market in 2025, is it credible?

As an outsider, foreign institutions may be able to judge the situation more objectively, and it is ultimately up to us to see where China's real estate is going. No matter how optimistic foreign capital is, it is only a bystander, and it is our people who really buy a house!

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