
The 18-year-old boy just finished the college entrance examination, three in and three out of the sea of fire to save people, and when interviewing, he said, "real man"

author:The post-90s sound Yue Tai

On June 19, 2024, a thrilling rescue was staged in Chongwen Village, Changle Town, Pengxi, Sichuan. An 18-year-old boy Wu Binbin, who had just finished the college entrance examination, showed extraordinary courage and responsibility at a critical moment, rushed into the fire three times to rescue two elderly people, and became a hero in the eyes of the locals.

The 18-year-old boy just finished the college entrance examination, three in and three out of the sea of fire to save people, and when interviewing, he said, "real man"

At about 10 o'clock in the morning that day, the alarm suddenly sounded in Chongwen Village. It turned out to be a fire caused by a short circuit in a farmer's electric wire, and the fire was so fierce that it spread to the roof in the blink of an eye. Wu Binbin, who happened to live nearby, had just placed the piglets he had bought back and was preparing to rest. The rain the night before had forced him to get up early in the morning to help his grandfather with his work, and he was so tired that he just wanted to lie down and rest for a while.

The 18-year-old boy just finished the college entrance examination, three in and three out of the sea of fire to save people, and when interviewing, he said, "real man"

However, fate always surprises you when you least expect it – or rather, a test.

The moment he heard the cry for help, Wu Binbin rushed out of the house without hesitation. His home was about 30 meters away from the house that was on fire, and the ground was elevated, allowing him to clearly see the smoke billowing out. An aunt's cry for help came, and Wu Binbin didn't have time to say hello to his family, so he ran towards the fire.

Upon arriving at the scene, Wu Binbin found that the situation was more critical than he had imagined. The second floor had been engulfed in flames, and the neighbor's aunt anxiously told him that there were still two old people in the house!

Wu Binbin shouted loudly, but received no response. It turned out that the two old men, who were old and had severe hearing loss, were cooking in the kitchen at the time, and were completely unaware that there was a fire upstairs.

The 18-year-old boy just finished the college entrance examination, three in and three out of the sea of fire to save people, and when interviewing, he said, "real man"

Faced with this situation, many people may choose to wait for firefighters to arrive. But Wu Binbin knows that every second can be a battle between life and death. He took a deep breath and rushed into the hall despite the danger.

Smoke billowed from inside the house, and a heat wave was blowing in the face. Wu Binbin shouted and groped, and finally found the two old men in the kitchen. However, things didn't go as smoothly as expected. An old man actually wanted to go up to the second floor to get something! At this critical moment, Wu Binbin decisively picked up an old man and rushed out of the fire.

After rescuing the first old man, Wu Binbin did not hesitate at all and rushed into the fire again. By this time, the fire in the hall had become more ferocious. But he knew that there was still an old man waiting for rescue inside. In the thick smoke, he groped his way to find the second old man and dragged him out with all his might.

The 18-year-old boy just finished the college entrance examination, three in and three out of the sea of fire to save people, and when interviewing, he said, "real man"

After confirming that the two elderly people were safe, Wu Binbin found that the next door neighbor's house was only 1 meter away from the house that was on fire. In order to prevent the fire from spreading, he rushed into the fire again and decisively closed the electric switch.

Three in and three out, Wu Binbin used his actions to interpret what true courage is. By the time Grandpa and other neighbors arrived at the scene, he had accomplished this amazing feat. What is even more admirable is that after the fire, public security and town staff arrived and extinguished the fire, Wu Binbin silently left the scene, without inviting credit or showing off.

Afterwards, when asked why he was so brave, Wu Binbin said calmly: "I didn't think too much about it at that time, I just felt that I should save people." If you don't save it, you will definitely feel guilty for a long time. Even if you are injured, it is glorious. "

The 18-year-old boy just finished the college entrance examination, three in and three out of the sea of fire to save people, and when interviewing, he said, "real man"

At present, the two elderly people are recuperating in the town health center and are in good health. The old man's son expressed his deep gratitude to Wu Binbin, and said that he would definitely come to the door again to thank him after the home was repaired.

Wu Binbin's heroic deeds soon spread throughout the town. On June 25, the Changle Town Government issued an announcement, requesting the Political and Legal Committee of the County Party Committee to apply to the County People's Government to award Wu Binbin the honorary title of "Righteous and Courageous Citizen".

The 18-year-old boy just finished the college entrance examination, three in and three out of the sea of fire to save people, and when interviewing, he said, "real man"

This 18-year-old boy, who has just gone through an important test in his life, has learned the most vivid lesson with his practical actions. He tells us that heroes are not far away and may be all around us; Courage and responsibility, regardless of age.

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