
After the college entrance examination scores, his son ran away from home with 50,000 yuan, and three days later, he went home after the money was spent

author:Ash Ash Entertainment

Mother's Excessive Expectations and Control, Son's Runaway: Reflections on Homeschooling

After the college entrance examination scores, his son ran away from home with 50,000 yuan, and three days later, he went home after the money was spent


After the college entrance examination scores, his son ran away from home with 50,000 yuan, and three days later, he went home after the money was spent

Recently, a news about a mother's excessive expectations and control over her son has caused heated discussions on the Internet. According to reports, in order to allow her son to achieve excellent grades, the mother excessively interfered in and controlled her son's life, and even took extreme measures, including making her son kneel on the ground and restricting her son's interactions. This did not achieve the effect expected by the mother, but caused the son to rebel and eventually choose to disobey the mother's expectations and even run away from home.

After the college entrance examination scores, his son ran away from home with 50,000 yuan, and three days later, he went home after the money was spent

Such stories are not uncommon in today's society, and parents often expect and control their children excessively out of good for their children, trying to put their children on the path they envision through various means. Contrary to expectations, this practice often has a negative impact on the child's growth and development, and even leads to the breakdown of family relationships. So, in the face of children's education, how should parents guide them correctly? And how do you balance expectations and control? Let's take a closer look at the reflections and inspirations in family education from this news.

After the college entrance examination scores, his son ran away from home with 50,000 yuan, and three days later, he went home after the money was spent
After the college entrance examination scores, his son ran away from home with 50,000 yuan, and three days later, he went home after the money was spent

1. Excessive expectation and control: counterproductive

From this news, it can be seen that the mother's expectations for her son can be said to be very high, and she hopes that her son can achieve excellent results and embark on a so-called path to success. In order to achieve this, the mother began to exert excessive expectations and control over her son, not only putting pressure on his studies, but also interfering extremely in his son's life, trying to control everything about his son.

The child is not as obedient and obedient as his mother imagined, he developed a rebellious psychology in high school, and even fell into early love, and his grades also declined. In the face of all this, the mother chose more extreme means, she made her son kneel on the ground, restricted her son's interactions, and tried to restrain and change her son's mind in this way.

As it turned out, this did not play a positive role, but made the children more rebellious. Under the mother's expectations and control, the child chose to disobey, he had a relationship with his girlfriend Guan Xue, and also impregnated his girlfriend. Faced with this choice of the child, the mother began to reflect on her own approach, she realized that her excessive expectations and control may be the cause of the child's rebellion, so she chose to let go and no longer interfere and control the child's life.

Perhaps it was too much hurt, or maybe it was unable to face his choice, the child finally chose to run away from home, and he did not want to return to his original family, but chose to go to a distant place alone.

After the college entrance examination scores, his son ran away from home with 50,000 yuan, and three days later, he went home after the money was spent

2. Reflections on family education

Such stories give us a very deep reflection that excessive expectations and control do not bring the desired results, on the contrary, it is likely to backfire, causing the child to rebel and even embark on a path of his own choice. Parents should be aware that each child is an individual who has their own ideas and choices and cannot be forced into the will of others.

In the process of children's education, parents should appropriately support and guide, rather than overly interfering and controlling, should respect children's individual differences, establish equal and respectful communication relationships with children, listen to children's ideas and needs, give them appropriate autonomy, and help them establish a correct outlook on life and values.

In family education, communication and coordination between parents are also crucial, and excessive expectations and control often have an impact on family relationships, which can easily lead to conflicts and breakdowns. Both parents should participate in their children's education, formulate a unified education policy, avoid disagreements and conflicts in front of their children, and give their children a harmonious and warm environment for growth.

Children's growth needs the support and understanding of parents, in the face of children's rebellion and mistakes, parents should not choose to escape and give up, but to give children the right guidance and education, help them grow from mistakes, establish a correct outlook on life and sense of responsibility.

After the college entrance examination scores, his son ran away from home with 50,000 yuan, and three days later, he went home after the money was spent


Family education is a systematic project, which is full of various challenges and difficulties. In the face of children's growth, parents need to have enough patience and wisdom, give their children enough care and support, and guide them to grow up healthy and happy.

It is hoped that through such stories, more people can arouse their conjecture and attention to family education, make parents aware of the dangers of excessive expectations and control, learn to get along with their children on an equal footing, listen to their inner world attentively, give them real companionship and understanding, and create a beautiful family atmosphere together.

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