
Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

author:Finish C chatting about the world

In 1968, in Kangding City, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, a boy named Luosang fell to the ground. His father is Tibetan and his mother is Han, so in addition to the Tibetan name, he also has a Han name called Yang Hong.

From an early age, Lausanne showed an amazing talent for art, not only singing and dancing, but also excellent learning ability. Parents see it in their eyes and are happy in their hearts, and they should also cultivate this talented son if they are frugal.

At the age of 13, Lausanne was admitted to the Music and Dance Department of the Central University for Nationalities (now Minzu University of China) with excellent results, which laid a solid foundation for his artistic career. In 1986, at the age of 18, after graduating from the academy, Lausanne was successfully admitted to the dance troupe of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions Art Troupe, becoming a professional dancer and starting his professional artistic career.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

However, fate always likes to joke. After joining the dance company, Lausanne's body gradually improved, and his dance career fell into a bottleneck. At one point, he was even in danger of being eliminated from the dance troupe.

His once flexible posture became clumsy, and his eyes began to reveal confusion and loss, and he borrowed wine every day to kill his sorrows. It was then that two people who changed his life appeared.

In 1988, he met Guo Degang, who was only 15 years old and also developed in the art troupe. The two of them didn't meet each other and soon became friends. In 1989, 33-year-old Yin Bolin was transferred to the art troupe and became Lausanne's future cross talk enlightenment teacher.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

Under Yin Bolin's guidance, Lausanne discovered his talent for parody and comedy. Yin Bolin said to him: "Why don't we work together to say cross talk?" Lausanne's eyes rekindled with hope, as if he had found a new direction in life.

In this way, a passionate Tibetan dancer gave up dancing, began his cross talk path, and worshipped Yin Bolin as his teacher. In 1993, the 25-year-old Lausanne began his "Lausanne Learning" series of creations under the planning of the "Quyuan Miscellaneous" program team.

He put on the traditional Tibetan costume of his hometown and created the image of a Tibetan boy who studied art on the stage. His partner, Yin Bolin, plays the master he wants to apprentice to. This unique setting immediately caught the audience's attention.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

The "Lausanne Learning" series includes works such as "Learning Crosstalk", "Learning Music", "Learning Singing", "Learning Dancing" and so on. Lausanne's performances are full of unique charm, he can imitate the sounds of various instruments and perform famous dances in reverse.

He sometimes incarnates the comedian Zhao Benshan, sometimes becomes the tenor Pavarotti, and can even imitate Yang Liping to dance the peacock dance. The audience was impressed by his talent, and the applause was overwhelming, and the laughter continued.

In 1994, Lausanne and his partner Yin Bolin performed the "Lausanne Learning" series of cross talk in CCTV's "Quyuan Miscellaneous" program. After the show was broadcast, the response was enthusiastic, and Lausanne became a well-known cross talk actor overnight.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

His eyes flashed with the joy of success, and a confident smile hung on the corner of his mouth, as if the whole person was glowing. This year, Lausanne won the "94 Newcomer Award" issued by the China Quyi Artists Association and was known as one of the most popular comedy stars of the year.

Ma Ji, the father of the famous cross talk master and host Ma Dong, was full of praise for him and praised: "Lausanne has not seen the ancients before, and there is no one after Lausanne." National first-class actor Yin Bolin also commented on him: "Lausanne is very cute, witty and naughty, and versatile."

When he left, everyone felt sorry for him. Lausanne's performance style is unique, and he has been described as: "He has a strong ability to imitate, and he is good at learning and singing... There seems to be a magical artistic magic in him.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

Yin Bolin even sighed: "Lausanne is like an insurmountable peak, it is difficult for others to reach his height, genius cannot be copied, there is only such one." Standing in the spotlight, Lausanne's eyes are full of longing for the future.

He plans to bring his parents to Beijing so that they can witness his success. Little did he know, however, that fate was secretly brewing a cruel twist. Just less than two years after he became popular, at the age of 27, this talented cross talk star will leave this world forever, leaving endless regrets and sorrows.

In September 1995, Lausanne returned to Beijing after six performances in Tibet, tired but excited. He finally got his wish and brought his parents to his side. Looking at the happy smiles on his parents' faces, Lausanne felt extremely happy, temporarily slowed down the pace of his career, and accompanied his parents to play around Beijing.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

October 2, a seemingly ordinary day, became the last day of Lausanne's life. That night, after having dinner with his parents, he said goodbye to his parents and rushed to a drinking party.

At the wine table, Lausanne was surrounded by peers in the circle. His friend and master, Yin Bolin, enthusiastically introduced to everyone: "This is my beloved apprentice, Lausanne, everyone must be familiar with it, so I won't introduce it much."

Lausanne smiled proudly as he and his friends pushed their glasses apart. However, the haze of fate crept in. A foreigner at the wine table said in a contemptuous tone, "Who is this person?" I've never heard his name, I don't know him.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

These words were like a sharp sword, piercing Lausanne's pride. His smile froze, and a hint of hurt and anger flashed in his eyes. Lausanne, with a heavy heart, insisted on driving away alone.

His friends dissuaded him to no avail, and he could only watch him stagger towards the car. In the darkness of the night, Lausanne's vehicle drives towards an unknown fate. Near the Zizhu Bridge in Beijing, a drunken Lausanne did not notice a large truck that had broken down parked on the side of the road.

The cacophony of brakes pierced the night sky, followed by a heart-rending crash. The 27-year-old Lausanne left this world forever. After the news spread, the entire entertainment industry fell into grief.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

Lausanne's parents had difficulty accepting this cruel truth, and their eyes were filled with unspeakable sadness. They finally saw their son popular all over the country, but they didn't expect him to finish his life in such a daze.

The blow was too much for them to bear. Fans can't believe that the cheerful boy he saw on TV yesterday has become a star in the sky today.

Many people began to look back at Lausanne's work and remember this talented rising star of cross talk. Lausanne's departure is not only the fall of a talented artist, but also the shattering of a beautiful dream in the hearts of countless people.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

His life, like a bright meteor, briefly and dazzlingly streaked across the night sky, is forever imprinted in the memory of all those who know him and love him. After Lausanne's death, his parents left Beijing with his ashes and buried him on a high mountain in his hometown of Kangding, Sichuan.

Since then, this high mountain has become a sacred place that carries endless thoughts and mourning. After Lausanne's death, his parents, with endless grief, buried their son's ashes on a high mountain in Kangding, Sichuan.

Every Qingming Festival or Lausanne's death day, the two old men would climb the mountain and sweep the graves rain or shine, telling the sky how much they missed their son and their recent lives. In May 2004, Lausanne's parents made a difficult decision to be able to visit their son more often.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

They spent most of their life savings to move the cemetery in Lausanne to Mount Qingcheng. This decision drained their savings for many years, but it was worth it in their eyes to be able to visit their beloved son at any time.

At the same time, Lausanne's best friends are also remembering the talented man who died young in their own way. Guo Degang treasured the 8 yuan IOU for 27 years and became a testimony to their friendship.

This is no longer a simple IOU, but a symbol of a cherished friendship. Guo Degang recalled their past many times in public and on the show, expressing his thoughts about this friend who used to walk together and accompany him.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

Fans revisited Lausanne's work to express their grief. Whenever the series "Lausanne Learning" is rebroadcast on television, the audience laughs with a hint of sadness.

Some particularly loyal fans even go to the cemetery on Lausanne's death day to lay a bouquet of flowers to express their nostalgia for the eternally young artist. In 2015, on the 20th anniversary of Lausanne's death, his parents were invited to participate in Beijing Satellite TV's "Memory 2015" program.

The two old men trembled their voices, recalling the bits and pieces of their son's life, and exposed many little-known photos and videos on the day of Lausanne's death. Through the TV screen, the audience seemed to see Lobsang with a bright smile and heard his hearty laughter, and the talented Tibetan guy seemed to be back with the people.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

In the years since Lausanne's death, his parents have been holding on to him and have been missing him, and his departure has become a pain for the rest of his parents' lives. But not only his parents, but many people who know him and love him have also been missing this talented cross talk actor in their own ways.

Although Lausanne is gone, his place in people's hearts has never changed. Time flies, time flies. In the blink of an eye, Lausanne has been away from us for 27 years. However, his influence has not diminished in the slightest.

In the Chinese cross talk world, Lausanne's name is still talked about, and his talent and innovative spirit still inspire countless followers. Looking back at Lausanne's life, people can't help but sigh at the impermanence of fate.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

At that time, the 25-year-old Lausanne was at the peak of his career, and he was in the limelight for a while. Guo Degang, who was unknown in the same period, has now become the pillar of the cross talk industry. One can't help but wonder what heights Lausanne's achievements would have reached if he were still around. This became a regret that can never be answered.

Lausanne's departure is not only a huge blow to family and friends, but also a loss to the entire cross talk world. His unique performance style, breathtaking ability to imitate, and innovative attempts to incorporate Tibetan elements into cross talk have injected new vitality into Chinese cross talk.

His work "Lausanne Studies" series is still regarded as a classic in the cross talk world. Today, 27 years after Lausanne's death, many young people may not be familiar with his name.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

However, whenever someone mentions him, there will always be an older generation of viewers who recall that talented Tibetan guy with tears in their eyes. They will tell how Lausanne shines on stage and how he conquers audiences with his humor and talent.

The story of Lausanne has also become a warning in the entertainment industry. His passing is a reminder that talent is as precious as life and should be cherished. As a result, many artists pay more attention to their own safety and quit dangerous behaviors such as drunk driving.

In the world of cross talk, Lausanne's innovative spirit has been passed on. More and more cross talk performers have begun to try to integrate different cultural elements into traditional cross talk, injecting new vitality into this ancient art of opera.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

It can be said that although Lausanne has left, his artistic spirit will always live in the blood of Chinese cross talk. Twenty-seven years later, Lausanne's story is still being told, and his talent is still being remembered.

He is like a star that will never fade, shining forever in the night sky of Chinese cross talk. Lausanne's life was short, but his legacy was eternal. For his parents, the loss of Lausanne became an indelible wound for the rest of his life.

But they also keep the spirit of Lausanne alive by constantly remembering and remembering their son. For his friends, such as Guo Degang and Yin Bolin, Lausanne's departure is an eternal testimony to a cherished friendship.

Actor Lausanne: became popular at the age of 25, died young at the age of 27, and 1 IOU was kept by Guo Degang for 27 years

And for countless fans and viewers, Lausanne's artistic achievements and life story will always be one of the most moving legends in the Chinese cross talk industry.

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