
From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

author:Almighty Entertainment Bureau

She is the queen of sketches, a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala, and has brought happiness to countless audiences with her outstanding comedy talent.

But she is such an excellent person who suffers from a serious mental illness, and she is Jin Yuting.

As a leader in the sketch industry, she has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, and has successively cooperated with Huang Hong, Pan Changjiang, Feng Gong and other big names, and her career can be described as promising.

can't help but sigh, what did Jin Yuting go through, and why did she fall into such a situation?

What is happening to her now?

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

Jin Yuting was born in Heilongjiang, an ordinary family, although the family is not very wealthy, but her parents gave the best everything to this little padded jacket.

Especially in terms of education, the parents of the Jin family attach great importance to it.

As the saying goes, one side of the water and soil raises the other side, in such an environment, Jin Yuting is not only sensible and obedient, but also often helps her parents share housework, and her personality is relatively precocious.

With her own efforts, she was admitted to Chinese opera and embarked on a path of art.

I thought that what was waiting for me was a bright future, but I didn't think that when a piece of news appeared, her life changed dramatically.

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

Jin Yuting, who is outstanding, has good conditions.

After graduating from university, under the physical examination of his teacher, he starred in the TV series "The Great Rift".

It's a pity that this role didn't make much splash, but Jin Yuting didn't give up, and still worked diligently, looking forward to one day becoming a high-profile existence.

With the blessing of her works, her career development is relatively stable.

When she has nothing to do, Jin Yuting will continue to practice in front of the mirror to improve her acting skills.

In those days when no one cared about her, she also created a lot of roles, but it didn't reach the point of becoming popular.

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

's career is mediocre, Jin Yuting also has doubts about herself, did she choose the wrong path?

It didn't take long for her career to hit a plateau.

At that time, if actresses wanted to get a high-quality script and get a good role, they needed to "pay an equivalent price".

Many capitals saw Jin Yuting's "predicament" and proposed to "lend a helping hand", but she refused.

Jin Yuting didn't want to build her career on trading.

Although such "unspoken rules" are the norm in the entertainment industry, she doesn't want to go along with it.

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

Although there are fewer and fewer works, and in the team of stars, the sense of presence is getting lower and lower, Jin Yuting has never thought of taking shortcuts.

For some of my peers, it's a form of stubbornness.

But Jin Yuting doesn't think so, she is ambitious, and she is willing to wait slowly for her own opportunity.

The hard work paid off, and with the recommendation of her friends, Jin Yuting was appreciated by the director of the Spring Festival Gala, and in this way, she was invited to participate in the field of sketches.

As the saying goes, crossing a line is like crossing a mountain, as a newcomer, she does not dare to slack off.

Facts have proved that the director of the Spring Festival Gala has a discerning eye, and the tacit partnership of Jin Yuting and Guo Donglin has ushered in the spring of her career, and she has been affirmed by everyone.

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

It is worth mentioning that while it is highly praised, there are also some bad voices.

It is rumored in the rivers and lakes that this position belongs to Yan Ni, and Jin Yuting got this resource through some "special means", and the negative news is like a flood of beasts, flooding her life.

Jin Yuting didn't take this to heart, she firmly believed that time is the best proof, and everyone will definitely see her excellence.

With her dignified appearance, clear speech, and outstanding comedy talent, Jin Yuting became famous.

Gradually, she realized that in the field of sketches, as long as she worked hard, she could also have a peaceful place, and in this way, she put the focus of her life on this part.

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

In the following days, she cooperated tacitly with Pan Changjiang, Sun Tao, Feng Gong and other seniors, and appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for 5 consecutive times, and her career reached its peak.

With her dedicated performance, Jin Yuting is regarded as Song Dandan's successor.

But the negative news did not disappear because of her efforts. She thought that the clean person would be self-purifying, and she had been silent to deal with it, but she didn't know that this was such an attitude that caused those who smeared to be even more unscrupulous.

This group of people doesn't care, the truth of the matter, just wants to binge on the internet.

Even if Jin Yuting responds, she will be called "hype".

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

She never dreamed that her silence would be criticized in exchange, and even clarification would be slandered, and gradually Jin Yuting became numb, and the gossip from the outside world had a great impact on her life and career.

In 2010, this was an unforgettable existence for Jin Yuting.

I don't know when it started, but it was rumored in the rivers and lakes that the reason why she could play the heroine of "The Great Rift" was because she accepted the director's unspoken rules.

The emergence of this incident was a devastating blow to Jin Yuting.

She came forward to clarify as soon as possible, but no one wanted to believe that her promising career was "forced" to press the pause button.

The contract was canceled, and the upcoming scenes were cut.

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

Jin Yuting didn't understand, what did she do wrong? She hated the rumor-mongers, locked herself in her room every day, did not communicate with her family, and suffered alone.

Occasionally when she goes out, the neighbors around her look at her with "surprised" eyes.

Over time, Jin Yuting suffered from severe depression, and once wanted to prove her innocence to everyone through suicide, but fortunately, her parents found out in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

For the sake of her health, her family sent her to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

After a while, Jin Yuting's condition was stabilized, and at the same time, she made a decision, that is, to leave the spotlight and leave the entertainment industry.

In this way, the outside world will not talk endlessly, and his life will be completely restored.

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

After the treatment, Jin Yuting came out of the haze of pain, she gradually found herself, her heart gradually became stronger, no longer with a pessimistic attitude, to examine the malice around her, no longer doubt herself.

can't help but sigh, the rumors are terrible, a person with such high comedy attainments did not lose to his career, he did not lose to his lack of ability, but he lost to a mouth.

Although there are still many brokerage companies that extend olive branches, claiming to help her and stand at the top again, Jin Yuting refused.

She knows very well in her heart how ruthless the storm of public opinion is.

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

No one cares about right and wrong, no one distinguishes right from wrong, a group of people's, and the parties are the most ruthless victims.

The entertainment industry seems to be calm, but in fact, the dark tide is surging, rumors can swallow everything, one person is a foaming star, and a star's future collapses in an instant.

Fame and fortune are good things, but for Jin Yuting, an ordinary life is also a choice.

Nowadays, she rarely appears on the stage of sketches, but the pace of chasing dreams has never stopped. She occasionally makes guest appearances in some supporting roles in TV series, although she is not too famous, but she can enjoy it.

In a way, it's also a good choice.

In addition to acting, she is also doing some charity, and has found a new position on the road of life.

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

In order to call on more people to participate in public welfare, Jin Yuting used her popularity to open the live broadcast mode, and she made a high-profile appearance with a happy smile on her face.

At that time, she was no longer the queen of sketches, but a public welfare expert.

What used to be right and wrong, what is going on? For Jin Yuting, it doesn't matter anymore.

In addition, she will also take on some interview programs, and through her own strength, she will call on other artists in the entertainment industry to pay attention to public welfare.

On the whole, her condition is getting better and better, and the bad things in the past have been relieved.

It is worth mentioning that in terms of public welfare, there are also many obstacles, and they will also be questioned by everyone, just like Han Hong, she is kind, and her reputation has been polarized so far.

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

But Jin Yuting was not afraid, although she was a little careless, she would put herself in, but she was very sure this time and had made all the preparations.

Guo Degang, a master of cross talk, once said such a sentence: In the entertainment industry, money comes quickly, but a large part of the money is scolded money.

You can only earn this money if you are scolded.

If you can't stand the scolding, go home as soon as possible and do something else, don't end up putting yourself in, it's too worthless.

Looking back after many years, what Guo Degang said was fulfilled in Jin Yuting's body.

From the 5th Spring Festival Gala to the fall into a mental hospital, the current situation of actor Jin Yuting confirms Guo Degang's words

It is said that rumors stop at the wise, those who spread rumors have one mouth, and those who refute rumors break their legs.

Nowadays, people don't realize what kind of harm their inadvertent words will cause to others.

Blindly following the trend is no different from an "accomplice".

I hope that through Jin Yuting's matter, I can appeal to everyone, no matter what happens, first understand the ins and outs, and then give an objective evaluation.

Don't go online, your mouth is cool for a while, and cause irreparable damage to other people's bodies and minds.

Because your words are likely to be the last straw that crushes the camel's back.

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