
It's messed up! Tokyo Metropolitan Election Candidate Strips Speech and Calls Himself "Cute and Sexy"

author:Little Odd Story Meeting


Recently, a jaw-dropping drama was staged at the Tokyo Metropolitan Election Election. One candidate actually took off his coat during his speech, showed off his figure, and boasted that he was "not only cute, but also sexy"! Why did this farce happen? What exactly is this candidate trying to say? Let's find out.


In the smoke of the Tokyo Metropolitan Election, a unique speech attracted a lot of attention. The candidate was not only sharp in words, but also bold in action, taking off his coat directly from the podium, revealing a muscular figure. What's even more shocking is that he also boasts that he is "not only cute, but also sexy"! This scene instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene, and also made many netizens express their "stunned"!

The candidate stripped and gave a speech, which sparked heated discussions

The candidate's move undoubtedly broke with the conventions of traditional political speeches. Most people have the impression that political speeches should be solemn, serious, and rational. However, this candidate has attracted everyone's attention in such a "down-to-earth" way. His strip speech not only sparked a lively discussion in the audience, but also quickly gained a lot of attention on social media.

The candidate described himself as "cute and sexy", causing controversy

In his speech, the candidate not only showed off his figure, but also confidently called himself "not only cute, but also sexy." As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately caused bursts of laughter from the audience. Some people think that he is using humor to get closer to voters, while others think that he is deliberately creating a topic to attract more attention. However, in any case, the candidate's remarks have caused a lot of controversy.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Is this a political election or a draft competition?

With the exposure of this speech, more and more netizens joined the discussion. Some questioned the appropriateness of the candidate's actions, arguing that he was too frivolous and did not respect the seriousness of the election; Others believe that this is just a reflection of his personal style and that there is no need to be too harsh. Some netizens ridiculed: "Is this a political election or a draft competition? The contestants not only have to fight for policy and eloquence, but also for appearance and figure? ”

Expert Opinion: Political elections need to be taken seriously

In response to this farce, many political experts have also expressed their opinions. They believe that political elections are important matters related to the fate of the country and the well-being of the people, and should be taken seriously. Candidates should enlist voters' support by demonstrating their political ideas, policy advocacy, and leadership skills, rather than relying on fancy gimmicks to attract attention. In addition, they also called on voters to look at the election rationally and not be fooled by some superficial facts.

The motivation and strategy behind the candidate

So why did this candidate choose such a bold way of speaking? What is the motivation and strategy behind him? Some analysts believe that this candidate may want to show his uniqueness and personality charm in this way, so as to stand out from many candidates. After all, in a highly competitive election, how to attract the attention and attention of voters has become an important issue. And this candidate's strip speech was undoubtedly a very creative and controversial attempt.

Election chaos is frequent, calling for institutional norms

In recent years, with the popularity of social media and the Internet, political election chaos has also occurred from time to time. From the bitter words and attacks between the candidates to all kinds of bizarre election campaigns. These chaos not only undermined the fairness and seriousness of the elections, but also caused confusion and anxiety among voters. Therefore, we call on the relevant departments to strengthen institutional norms and management to ensure that the elections are conducted in a fair, fair and orderly manner.


Although this strip speech has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions, it has also shown us some problems in the political election. As voters and citizens, we should maintain a rational and objective attitude towards various phenomena and events in the election. At the same time, we also hope that the relevant departments can strengthen supervision and regulation to ensure that the fairness and seriousness of the election are maintained.

It's messed up! Tokyo Metropolitan Election Candidate Strips Speech and Calls Himself "Cute and Sexy"
It's messed up! Tokyo Metropolitan Election Candidate Strips Speech and Calls Himself "Cute and Sexy"
It's messed up! Tokyo Metropolitan Election Candidate Strips Speech and Calls Himself "Cute and Sexy"

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