
Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

author:Dongle Shi said
Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

Bi Fujian's daughter, Bi Ling, rarely reveals her private life.

Her time in Canada with her mother was almost unaffected by the domestic media, and the mother and daughter were happy and quiet.

On the 29th, Bi Ling posted a set of life photos on her personal social account, which also allowed the public to see the real her.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

In the photo, Bi Ling was partying outdoors with a group of peers, she had short hair, but this time she simply "shaved" all the hair on both sides, leaving only a handful in the middle, and her hairstyle was quite individual.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

A group of young people, everyone has a smile on their faces, Bi Ling looks very happy, although she is fat compared to other girls, and her dress is also very neutral, but they can't hide the sense of relaxation and joy she exudes from the inside out.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

After netizens saw Bi Ling's photo, they ridiculed Yue Yunpeng for hitting his face.

There are indeed some similarities, they are all big faces and small eyes, and they laugh with a silly "stupidity", Bi Ling and Yue Yunpeng are really a bit "brother and sister".

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

Bi Ling's father is Bi Fujian, the once famous host of CCTV, and his mother is Bi Fujian's college classmate in Beiguang, who worked as a photojournalist in a news unit in Beijing and won many photography awards.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

But later, as Bi Fujian became busier and busier at work, his fame grew, and the husband and wife got together less and left more, and the relationship gradually cracked.

In 2004, when Bi Ling was 8 years old, Bi Fujian divorced his wife, and Bi Ling followed his mother to live in Canada.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

In 2014, Bi Ling participated in the recording of the program "I Take My Family to the Avenue", at that time Bi Ling had become a big girl, although her face was not delicate, her ridiculous appearance was very healing.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

Perhaps because she has lived abroad since she was a child, her thinking is more Western, her aesthetics are different from traditional Oriental aesthetics, and her dressing is more like the taste of Westerners, but these do not affect her talent.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

Bi Ling likes painting and graffiti, and her exploration of painting seems to have more of her own opinions, and her clothing and modeling are not at all ordinary people's aesthetics, but more like an unfettered artist.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

As for his physiognomy, he is becoming more and more like a boy, not only is his body stronger and burly, but his facial features are more rugged than when he was a child, and he is completely manlike.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

But its cute personality has not changed, and it is still like other little girls, who like interesting and lively small objects, a small "ear" toy, and can have a lot of fun.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

She has also tried long hair, or skirts and other feminine looks, but they don't look very good.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

So, it's better to dress up as you like, as long as you are comfortable and like it, there is nothing wrong with being boyish, it is more free and easy.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

As for his father Bi Fujian, his life is also free now.

Although he was "invisible" by CCTV for inappropriate remarks, he has not been able to appear in the mainstream media in recent years, but these have slowed down his life and made him idle.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

During his time at home, Bi Fujian wrote, painted, raised flowers and sang, which was completely a retirement life for idle people.

When he is not at home, he also likes to go to the countryside, sweat some farm work, and return to the countryside.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

Occasionally, he would take on a private job, walk around, make a cameo appearance as a wedding host, or sing a song on some small scene.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

It's understandable, after all, Bi Fujian also needs to earn some pocket money, in addition to still having the responsibility to take care of Bi Ling, he also has his own "arrangements".

It is rumored that Bi Fujian has remarried, and married a very beautiful wife in his second marriage.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

When Bi Fujian was writing and painting, a woman accompanying him made people mistakenly think that it was his second wife.

But his studio immediately came forward to refute the rumors, saying that the lady in the video was not Mr. Bi's second wife, but a staff member of the studio, and also introduced the real identity of Mr. Bi's second wife, who was the choreographer and director of the China Opera and Dance Theater.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

It seems that Bi Fujian is really married for the second time, but he just wants to live a low-key life.

I look forward to Bi Ling, who can learn and succeed in calligraphy and painting, and return to China as soon as possible.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a photo of studying abroad, accidentally bumped into Yue Yunpeng's face, with a super short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

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