
Li Qing of "Rifle Hotel" has to play this role without Huang Xuan|The director said

author:Sports billion u one oh i

Li Qing of "Rifle Hotel" has to play this role without Huang Xuan|The director said

In the long river of life, everyone experiences the flow of life at different times. There are joys, frustrations, gains, and regrets. The movie "Rifle Hotel", through the story of an ordinary small hotel, arouses people's deep thinking about life and death, family affection, growth and other issues. This is not just a simple film, but also a mirror that reflects the inner thinking of each of us.

When we calm down and read this film carefully, it is not difficult to find that it highlights some of the practical dilemmas of the current society. Elderly people living alone, homeless homeless, sick people in need of medical assistance - they may not be noticed in life, but in this small "island of life", they come together to help each other and comfort each other. This undoubtedly touches on the current problems of independent aging of society and the uneven distribution of medical resources, and makes the audience involuntarily think: how can we better take care of these vulnerable groups, so that they can feel the warmth of being cared for in their lifetime.

In the movie, director Liu Bowen skillfully shows another important proposition - the meaning of life through the role of Li Qingrang. As an ordinary innkeeper, Li Qingrang silently guarded this small "island of life" in his own way. He is tenacious, persistent, yet heartwarming. When he is finally pursued by the police, the phrase "I just want to go home" in his despair is undoubtedly heartbreaking. This attachment to life embodies the most authentic emotion in everyone's heart: we all want to be understood, accepted, and have a real "home".

It is worth mentioning that the director deliberately chose Huang Xuan when portraying the role of Li Qingrang, which is undoubtedly a very excellent choice. The kind of temperament that Huang Xuan himself has is exactly in line with Li Qingrang's role. He is persistent and tenacious, but his background is always sincere and warm, and this sense of contrast makes this character not only three-dimensional, but also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is precisely because of such excellent acting skills that the audience can better feel the complex emotions in Li Qingrang's heart, and start a deep reflection on the meaning of life.

Not only that, but the portrayal of other characters in the film is equally excellent. For example, Ma Xiaolin, the proprietress is brilliantly interpreted by Liu Yan, she is busy chattering and down-to-earth, so that the audience can quickly take on her role and feel the living conditions of everyone in this small hotel. And those elderly and sick people who live in the "Island of Life", they are lonely, wandering, or desperate, but they find solace in each other's dependence, these delicate and nuanced portrayals undoubtedly left a deep impression on the audience.

Or the scene design of the movie, the director creates a warm and comfortable visual experience through the moderate beautification of the real scene. This undoubtedly adds a lot of vitality to the whole film and makes the audience's viewing experience more enjoyable.

Li Qing of "Rifle Hotel" has to play this role without Huang Xuan|The director said

It can be said that "Rifle Hotel" is not only a touching movie, but also a mirror, reflecting the many difficulties of the current society. It calls on us to pay attention to the disadvantaged, to the meaning of life, and to the warmth between people. Although the film focuses on life and death, in essence, it wants to convey how to better live one's life in the current challenging era.

This is undoubtedly a topic worth pondering for each of us. In this era of continuous development of material civilization, should we also calm down and reflect on our attitude towards life? Should we cherish the present more and care for the people around us with love?

I think that only when we truly know how to pay attention to others and love life, can we truly appreciate the meaning of life. As the line in the movie says, "It's not terrible to die, it's terrible to wait for death." Each of us should strive to live in the moment and bring more warmth and positive energy to the world in our own way.

As the film "Fortune Hotel" conveys, each of us should cherish the present life and face various challenges in life positively. However, in this highly industrialized and information-based era, people's lifestyles and values have also undergone some quiet changes.

For example, with the aging of society, the problem of elderly people living alone is becoming more and more prominent. They are often isolated on the margins of society and lack the love and attention of their families. As depicted in the film, these elderly people choose to seek warmth in small hotels such as "Life Island" and find solace in their dependence on each other. This undoubtedly reflects the lack of care for vulnerable groups in the current society.

Another example is the uneven distribution of medical resources, which has also become an urgent problem to be solved. In the vicinity of large cities, there are often patients' homes similar to "life islands", where patients and their families come from all over the world. They either wait in line to seek medical treatment, accompany patients day and night, or seek spiritual comfort. These real social conditions have also become the material for film creation, allowing the audience to experience the fragility and insignificance of life.

Li Qing of "Rifle Hotel" has to play this role without Huang Xuan|The director said

At the same time, the film also highlights people's thinking about the meaning of life. In today's increasingly abundant material life, many people are still looking for inner satisfaction and spiritual sustenance. The appearance of Li Qingrang's role is exactly in line with this. He is tenacious and persistent, and guards this small "island of life" in his own way. When he is finally pursued by the police, the desperate phrase "I just want to go home" undoubtedly touches the hearts of the audience, making people feel the universal appeal that every life craves to be understood and accepted.

Perhaps, it is this search for the meaning of life that makes the movie "Rifle Hotel" resonate so widely. It not only makes the audience feel the shortness and fragility of life, but also makes people think about how to better live their own lives in the current rapidly changing social environment.

In fact, similar film works are not uncommon. In recent years, more and more directors have begun to pay attention to life issues, trying to arouse the audience's deep thinking about life and death, family affection, growth and other issues through the art form of film. For example, "Roadside Picnic", released in 2016, is also a masterpiece that explores the meaning of life. Through an ordinary farmer and his family, the film shows their inner struggles when facing illness and death, and triggers the audience to think about the value of life.

Another example, "Only Yun Knows", released in 2019, focuses on a woman's inner journey when facing a life crisis. The director skillfully uses the repetitive timeline to allow the audience to understand the complex emotions of the protagonist more deeply, so as to have a new understanding of the meaning of life.

It can be said that these film works are using their own unique ways to call on people to pay attention to the value of life and cherish the present time. They not only enrich the audience's vision, but also provoke people to think deeply about life.

Li Qing of "Rifle Hotel" has to play this role without Huang Xuan|The director said

So, as ordinary viewers, how can we draw nourishment from these films and better practice them in our current lives?

First of all, we need to learn to pay attention to the vulnerable people around us and lend a helping hand to them. As presented in "Rifle Hotel", the elderly who live alone, the homeless, and the sick in need of medical assistance are often forgotten in the corners of society. We should take the initiative to pay attention to their living conditions, provide them with necessary help and care, and let them feel the warmth of life.

Secondly, we must learn to cherish the present moment and live in the present moment. As the line in the film says, "It's not terrible to die, it's terrible to wait for death." Each of us should strive to find meaning in life and enrich the world in our own way. Whether it is work or life, we should face it with a positive and optimistic attitude and strive to discover the beauty in life.

Finally, we must learn to care for the people around us with love. As shown in the film, even in the most desperate moments, people can find solace in caring for each other. We should reach out and give warmth and support to others. Only in this way can we truly feel the meaning of life.

In short, the film "Rifle Hotel" is not only a touching work, but also a mirror, reflecting the many difficulties of the current society. It calls on us to pay attention to the disadvantaged, cherish the present time, and care for the people around us with love. Only in this way can we better live our own life values in this rapidly changing era.

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