
Fubao Street: The "big competition" of the cadres of the neighborhood community and the "second entrepreneurship" set off again

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

On June 26, Fubao Street, Futian District, took the lead in carrying out the "big competition" for the performance of street cadres, and the leaders of the street party and government teams, all departments, and responsible comrades of the community (park) district participated.

Bright single performance - to catch up with and surpass learning, stimulate endogenous motivation

The responsible comrades of all departments and community (park) districts focused on the key work of the Hetao national strategy, high-quality economic development, and happiness and people's livelihood, and reported the completion progress, landmark actions, and landmark achievements of each indicator task in the form of on-site debriefing, and compared variables, contributions, and rankings, so as to further activate the endogenous power of the cadre team to take responsibility and strive for excellence. In the first half of this year, Fubao Street's investment promotion, public opinion speed, environmental sanitation and other work continued to be at the forefront of the district, and relevant departments were shortlisted for outstanding performance implementation "red list".

Fubao Street: The "big competition" of the cadres of the neighborhood community and the "second entrepreneurship" set off again

Smart Office: "Four Wisdom Integration, Wisdom Empowering Hetao"

On the basis of the global governance of the "integration of four intelligences", Fubao Street has taken advantage of the momentum and continued to struggle, continuously expanding the intelligent scene, and empowering the construction of the Hetao. Promote the extension of "smart brain" to service, rely on the Hetao Metaverse Hall, build a map of the Hetao industrial chain, improve the industrial management application platform, launch the i Hetao applet, the i Hetao official account, and the Hetao official website, and rely on the Pangu model to realize the "one-code integration" of service functions such as intelligent AI interaction and one-click payment for parking in the park.

Fubao Street: The "big competition" of the cadres of the neighborhood community and the "second entrepreneurship" set off again

Promote the "Smart Eye" to be more intelligent, pioneer the "AI discovery + AI settlement" mechanism, and use the "large model + video inspection" technology to realize automatic scheduling and active analysis of AI computing power, effectively reducing repeated alarm work orders to 80% and improving inspection efficiency by 300%. Promote the iteration of "intelligent network" to application, implement dual-gigabit all-optical network in Hong Kong Science Park, and apply the country's first "SD-WAN + privacy computing technology" to achieve a 130% increase in cross-border transmission speed. Promote the evolution of "intelligent sports" to actual combat, pioneer the whole process of unmanned cleaning in the city, integrate automatic charging, automatic water injection, and automatic garbage packaging functions, and upgrade the semi-unmanned cleaning mode that requires manual intervention for charging and maintenance every 6 hours to the whole process unmanned cleaning mode of 24 hours of uninterrupted autonomous operation, and has completed the intelligent operation adaptation of 7 unmanned sweepers.

Fubao Street: The "big competition" of the cadres of the neighborhood community and the "second entrepreneurship" set off again

Economic Development Office: Play the three cards of Hetao to attract investment

Keeping an eye on the new normal of the economy with the development of new quality productive forces, we have deeply explored and practiced the three magic weapons of "science and technology + investment", "finance + investment" and "computing power + investment" in the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, continuously optimized the business environment, attracted 13 key science and technology innovation projects such as Apple and FAW Research Institute to land in the Hetao, and successfully attracted 5 key science and technology enterprises such as Shenzhen Haichen Alliance Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Sweet Potato Robot Co., Ltd., and China Coal Science and Industry Robot Technology Co., Ltd. to land in the jurisdiction.

Fubao Street: The "big competition" of the cadres of the neighborhood community and the "second entrepreneurship" set off again

It took the lead in completing the annual target of attracting and landing five key enterprises in the region, injecting new vitality into the economic development of the Hetao and providing strong support for the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure.

Fubao Street: The "big competition" of the cadres of the neighborhood community and the "second entrepreneurship" set off again

Law Enforcement Team: Create a high-quality, high-value, high-standard "first good environment"

Deepen the reform of "property city", promote the implementation of the "double team leader" system of community grid management, strengthen the binding of the responsibilities of the main body of "sanitation + greening + city appearance", carry out integrated assessment, establish a community evaluation system, transfer management power to the end, and realize the management of all fields, all elements, all processes, and all life cycles of urban governance. Innovate and promote the "one-two-three-four" work method of city appearance and sanitation, implement the working mechanisms of "four meetings and one test" and "red, yellow and traffic lights", and promote the quality of city appearance and sanitation to achieve a significant jump, and "dominate the list" in the field of city appearance and sanitation in Shenzhen for 36 consecutive months, and have been rated as the first in the city for three consecutive years.

Party Construction Office: Multi-dimensional enrichment of party and mass services to enhance residents' sense of gain

Fubao Street takes the "24-hour Fulu Book Bar" in Yitian Community as a demonstration point, combined with the actual situation of each community library in the district, comprehensively promotes the visual construction of "24-hour Book Bar" in all party and mass service centers in the street, and explores the introduction of professional institutions in the mode of "public welfare + operation", which greatly enriches the service content of the book bar, broadens the channels for communicating with citizens, promoting the improvement of civilization literacy and reading habits, and creates a carrier for spreading the concept of Futian civilization and ecological awareness.

Focusing on the problem of childcare, relying on the Shixia community to build Shenzhen's first "public welfare temporary childcare point" - Fubaobao Paradise, the innovative launch of the "community with baby" service PLUS version, the cooperation mode, operation mode, service space, and curriculum system of childcare services have been upgraded "four times", and the demonstration model of "15-minute childcare circle" in urban villages in the city has been praised and affirmed by the China Family Planning Association. At the same time, we will vigorously promote the experience of childcare, realize the full coverage of the five community childcare points in the street, give full play to the influence of the tandem brand effect, and expand the "circle of friends" of community childcare.

In the next step, all the cadres of Fubao Street will maintain the enterprising, hard work and enthusiasm of the "second entrepreneurship" and start again, continue to deepen the service guarantee of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, and the construction of artificial intelligence pioneer streets, so as to empower the "progress" of high-quality development with the "work" of the cadre team.

Written by: Nandu reporter Zhang Xinyi correspondent Yu Shiwen Li Chengyi