
Wen Qiang missed three opportunities: if he returned to the team after being summoned by his teachers and classmates, would he still become a war criminal?

author:Half a pot of old wine and half a cigarette

Liu Anguo in "Amnesty 1959", the historical prototype is Wen Qiang, deputy chief of staff and acting chief of staff of the Xuzhou "Suppression General" front-line command who was captured in the Huaihai Campaign.

In the movie "After the Decisive Battle", Wen Qiang appeared with his real name and surname, and Wen Qiang, as the consultant of the film, did not mind Ge You playing himself, which shows that he has seen everything, and the focus is no longer on the image but on the connotation - if we look closely at Wen Qiang's historical photos, we will find that the film and television image is too far away from the deity.

Wen Qiang missed three opportunities: if he returned to the team after being summoned by his teachers and classmates, would he still become a war criminal?

Wen Qiang is one of the consultants of the movie "After the Decisive Battle", and the general consultant is Yao Lun, the historical prototype of Wang Yingguang, Wen Qiang recalled in "Oral Autobiography" that he and Yao Lun got along very well and became friends during the war criminals management center, so they later cooperated in the movie.

How complicated Wen Qiang's resume is, Wang Yingguang can only talk to Deputy Director Ma Yuhe about one-third, because if you go deeper, it will involve many sensitive topics. The topic we are talking about today cannot but avoid some people and things, but only discuss the reason why Wen Qiang no longer pays attention to his film and television image: he has missed three opportunities to change his life, if he seizes one of these opportunities, his image in film and television dramas will be completely different, so I don't object to Ge You playing himself, Wen Qiang's ideas are very Zen, as for how to interpret the Zen meaning, please forgive the author for being shallow in learning, and I really don't understand.

Wen Qiang's two sons and Dai Li, who either called him "Brother Nianguan" or called him "senior", seemed to have completely forgotten that Wen Qiang was already a member of the Party Committee and the commander of the Major Company of the Third Division of the 20th Army led by He Long during the Nanchang Uprising, and also forgot that Wen Qiang was a member of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the East Sichuan Special Committee, leading the red base areas of 23 counties.

Wen Qiang missed three opportunities: if he returned to the team after being summoned by his teachers and classmates, would he still become a war criminal?

From his capture in January 1948 to his amnesty in March 1975, Wen Qiang never admitted that he was a traitor, and he repeatedly emphasized in his "Oral Autobiography" that he had loved the country and the people all his life, and had never done anything bad, let alone betrayed or arrested a former comrade-in-arms.

Why Wen Qiang left the party, this matter can't be said in three or five thousand words, and it will also involve some historical materials that are not very talkable, so let's skip how Wen Qiang was invited by Dai Li to join the military command, and why he became one of the few lieutenant generals in the military command, and directly look at the three opportunities he missed to return to the team.

The author has said this more than once that there is a lieutenant general in the military command, and I have also indicated the exact time and specific position of Wen Qiang when he was awarded the title of lieutenant general during the military command, so I will not repeat it here.

The first time Wen Qiang missed the time to return to the team was when Wen Qiang served as a colonel staff officer of the General Staff Headquarters, a colonel of the Shanghai Office of the Special Service Office, and the chief of the Personnel Section of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Action Committee.

Dai Li gave Wen Qiang a car, Wen Qiang drove around Shanghai all day long, and then met Yuan Guoping (Yuan Yu), director of the Political Department of the New Fourth Army and a classmate of the fourth phase of Huangpu, on the road, Yuan Guoping hugged Wen Qiang: "Do you know that Director Zhou is looking for you?" It was Wang Ming's route that harmed you. You don't know yet, Director Zhou knows about your situation and rehabilitates you in Yan'an. I want you to go back to the team. ”

Wen Qiang missed three opportunities: if he returned to the team after being summoned by his teachers and classmates, would he still become a war criminal?

Wen Qiang said that he was only willing to be friends with his former comrades-in-arms, and refused to return to the team: "I left Sichuan and returned to my hometown Hunan. I couldn't find Director Zhou, so I went to the staff headquarters. I haven't been back for seven years, so let's talk about the War of Resistance against Japan first. Now that the enemy is present, let's talk about defeating the Japanese. ”

Yuan Guoping mentioned many of Wen Qiang's relatives and friends in Yan'an, and then stretched out his hand to Wen Qiang again: "I don't know how to say it, I don't agree with your opinion, and I don't want to disagree." Fight this battle well, defeat Japan, and then say, after defeating Japan, you have to come back, isn't that what you mean? ”

Wen Qiang replied: "I have this idea. ”

Wen Qiang also said some things that were not very good, but those words can be said in "Wen Qiang's Oral Autobiography", but the author cannot repeat them here, in a word: Wen Qiang has been rehabilitated before 1937, and the organization has repeatedly searched for and asked him to return to the team, Wen Qiang does not know why, it has been delayed until the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and he did not respond to Director Zhou's call.

Wen Qiang missed the time to return to the team for the first time, and it was not until Dai Li's plane crash and the chaos of the military command that Wen Qiang's life ushered in a turning point: he politely refused the retention of Jiang Jianfeng, Zheng Jiemin, and Mao Renfeng, and went to Hunan to defect to Cheng Qian, and became the director of the Changsha Sui Administration Office and the first director, Cheng Qian promised to appoint him as the commander of the lieutenant general soon after.

Cheng Qian was already secretly planning an uprising and forming a new army, also to compete with Lao Jiang and Bai Chongxi, if Wen Qiang became the commander, he would naturally give Cheng Qian great support in the uprising.

Wen Qiang missed three opportunities: if he returned to the team after being summoned by his teachers and classmates, would he still become a war criminal?

Cheng Qian's "Letter to the People of Hunan" was written and published by Wen Qiang, Cheng Qian admired the talent of this "nephew" very much, plus he formed three more corps, and he needed a trustworthy senior officer, so he privately asked Wen Qiang's opinion: "Are you a director of the department or a military commander here?" ”

Wen Qiang replied without thinking: "If you let me be the commander, I will be the commander, and if you let me be the director, I will be the director." I personally have no opinion. ”

Before Wen Qiang became the commander of the army, Lao Jiang's order came, and Cheng Qian could only reluctantly let go, and when he was leaving, he reminded Wen Qiang to Xuzhou and be ready to "be a prisoner", Wen Qiang was a little helpless and a little unconvinced: "I can't go if I don't go." Go, I'm worried. But you said you were going to be a prisoner, and I hadn't thought about it yet. We are people from the High Command, can't we run away, we don't necessarily deserve to be prisoners. ”

Many years later, Wen Qiang knew that he had missed another great opportunity to return with Cheng Qian's uprising: "I thought to myself, Song Gong gave me a meal, how could I say such a thing, I was going to be a prisoner, I think his words were too much." Now that I think about it, Song Gong's words are not too hot at all, Song Gong is really right, it didn't take long, I really became a prisoner. In hindsight, I felt that it was very difficult for people to escape fate. At that time, I decided not to participate in the civil war anymore, and it took a lot of effort to break away from the military command, and when I arrived under the banner of Cheng Qian's predecessors, I thought I had escaped, but the result may be a fateful decision, or I can't get out. Du Yuming wrote a report to Jiang that he must transfer me, and Jiang approved it. If you want to hide, you can't hide, isn't this your own master in the dark? ”

Wen Qiang missed three opportunities: if he returned to the team after being summoned by his teachers and classmates, would he still become a war criminal?

Was it fate for Wen Qiang to miss the Hunan Uprising and be captured in the Huaihai Campaign? I'm afraid not really: if he doesn't want to be the deputy chief of staff, there are a hundred ways to shirk it, and Lao Jiang and Du Yuming will not be able to catch ducks on the shelves.

Wen Qiang may have been a little unconvinced, although Huaihai's opponent is not an old classmate, but when he was the director of the Northeast Camp Supervision Division and the director of the Supervision Department of the Northeast Security Commander's Department, he must have held back a lot of strength in his heart, Lao Jiang lost the Northeast, Wen Qiang may be a little unwilling.

Wen Qiang missed the opportunity to return to the team twice, and when he arrived at the Huaihai battlefield, the last opportunity was also lost - at that time, Du Yuming, Li Mi, Qiu Qingquan and Wen Qiang were all under siege, and when everyone got together to read the persuasion letter, they all had the intention of revolting on the battlefield or surrendering, but no one dared to speak first.

Wen Qiang in "The Chaos of the Xuzhou "Suppression Headquarters", Du Yuming in "The Beginning and End of the Huaihai Campaign", and Li Yixuan in "Overview of the Annihilation of the Kuomintang Army in the Huaihai Campaign" all have similar statements: In Wen Qiang's eyes, Du Yuming is Chiang Kai-shek's cronies, and in Du Yuming's eyes, Wen Qiang is a figure who has the identity of a "spy", so no one dares to mention Yitou Cheng first.

Wen Qiang said very briefly in his "Oral Autobiography": "Du Yuming received a letter from Liu Bocheng, and I received a letter from Lin (whose name he said) from Huangpu No. 4, but we burned the letter. ”

Wen Qiang missed three opportunities: if he returned to the team after being summoned by his teachers and classmates, would he still become a war criminal?

Du and Wen burned Liu and Lin's letters, and lost the last opportunity to rewrite their fate, especially Wen Qiang, who lived up to the affection of the fourth phase of Huangpu: Liu Shuai was on the Huaihai front, and it was his duty to persuade Du Yuming to surrender, and Lin Yuan wrote to Wen Qiang thousands of miles away, which shows that he has not forgotten this classmate who once lived in a dormitory.

Wen Qiang thinks that his bumpy life is "destined by heaven in the dark", but if we take a closer look at the relevant historical materials, we will find that God did not give Wen Qiang a chance, but Wen Qiang wasted these three opportunities in vain between hesitation, and finally became Liu Anguo in the TV series "Amnesty 1959", which also leaves us with this question: Which of the three opportunities to return to the team did Wen Qiang seize and the ending would be better? What is the main reason why Wen Qiang missed these three opportunities?