
Xiaosheng plans for children in this way during the summer vacation, and after they reach junior high school, they will be able to learn well, and there are several information differences to know

author:Parenting growth method

After I was promoted to junior high school, I often heard the children say that the only summer vacation without summer homework was finally able to rest and play.

Children's ideas are very simple, but can we parents let go and let our children play?

Definitely not, plan this summer vacation for your child, not only play so that your child can rest, but also do not relax your learning, otherwise you will be beaten when you start school.

Xiaosheng plans for children in this way during the summer vacation, and after they reach junior high school, they will be able to learn well, and there are several information differences to know

How to plan the summer vacation of Xiaoshengchu?

According to the characteristics of junior high school subjects, let children do 4 things well, and junior high school should be a top student.

1. How to learn Chinese?

One of the key points of language learning is ancient poetry. Prepare a book for your child that covers all ancient poems in the three years of junior high school, such as the complete interpretation of early Chinese or ancient poetry, and let them memorize it in advance.

Recite one article every day according to the "Four-Step Method of Morning Reading", and memorize the ancient poems in advance. You must know that ancient poetry is not only a key point in middle and high school, but also a difficult point, and it is also an important aspect of children's Chinese scores.

In the high school entrance examination, ancient poetry and literature occupy more than 20 points; In the college entrance examination, it reached more than 30 points. Let children read and memorize in advance, accumulate basic knowledge of classical Chinese, cultivate their sense of literary language, and be fully prepared for high scores in Chinese in the future.

Moreover, the memorized ancient poems and famous sentences can also be used at the beginning or middle of the composition to add luster to the composition and help to get a high score.

"Four-step method of morning reading":

The first step is to listen to the standard audio;

The second step is to translate one word at a time;

The third step is to circle the key words;

Step 4, Author? Word? Number? Where are the people? Magnum opus? What is it known for?

A copy of "Ancient Poems and Texts Must Be Memorized in Junior High School" contains ancient poems and classical Chinese in the three years of junior high school, which is arranged by grade and is convenient to use. There are also extracurricular activities.

Each ancient poem has an audio, with word annotations, appreciation, theme content summarization, and mind maps to help memory and broaden knowledge. Let's get ready in advance.

A copy of the ancient poems of junior high school is purchased for ¥39.8

In addition, during the summer vacation, you can read the must-read classics "Morning Flowers and Sunset" and "Journey to the West" in the first volume of the seventh grade. If you have enough time, you can also read the next must-read masterpiece in advance.

Because after junior high school, time is tight, children mainly study three subjects in primary school, and in junior high school, the number of subjects has increased to seven, and it is really difficult to find time to dedicate time to reading every day! Reading ahead of time can save you a lot of trouble.

The following junior high school must-read classics can be read by parents, and parents can choose according to their needs.

Must-read classics for junior high school students ¥7.8 Purchase

2. Mathematics should be pre-studied in advance

You can watch free online lessons or choose reference books with videos. Due to the increased difficulty of junior high school mathematics, children can be confident and know which parts of the content are difficult for them when they start school.

Browse the overall table of contents first, focus on the first two chapters, read the example questions and practice questions in the textbook, and if you can understand and do 50% of the total, you will be considered to be up to the standard.

For children with a weak foundation in primary school mathematics, review the mathematics knowledge of the fifth and sixth grades of primary school again, focusing on the chapters related to junior high school, such as equations.

Xiaosheng plans for children in this way during the summer vacation, and after they reach junior high school, they will be able to learn well, and there are several information differences to know

3. Learn phonetic transcription in English

Since English phonetic transcription is usually not taught by teachers in primary school, and junior high school teachers assume that students have mastered it, this leads to many children who have not learned it at all, and there are situations where words cannot be read, memorized, and pronunciation is not standard.

Phonetic transcription is like pinyin to Chinese, if you want to learn English well and pronunciation standards, you must learn phonetic transcription well and learn solidly.

If you don't choose the right one, the course may be boring and even discourage your child's enthusiasm for learning English.

When my niece was in the fourth grade of elementary school, my sister-in-law enrolled her in an English class during the summer vacation, mainly learning phonetic alphabet. After a few days of studying, my niece kept saying that it was too boring and even lost interest in learning English.

Later, my niece followed the small video posted by a certain phonetic teacher and learned two or three phonetic transcriptions every day, so she completed 48 phonetic transcriptions unhurriedly. I also learned phonics, which can help children remember words quickly, and the effect is really good.

In addition, the preview of each subject of language, mathematics and English, I recommend a book "Preparing for the First Year of the New Junior High School", six-week scientific planning, what to learn every day and how to learn are arranged, very worry-free, learning + practice, as well as audio and video explanations, weekly tests, and paper placement test papers. A must-have for the summer vacation of the junior high school.

A copy of [Preparing for the New New Year] Yushuenglish ¥89.5 Purchase

4. "Little Four Doors" does not need to be memorized in advance

The "Little Four Doors" have been added to junior high school, and many children are at a loss and have difficulty learning, but if they understand it in advance, it will be easy to learn.

There is no need for children to memorize by rote, and it is easier to remember it after the teacher has talked about it.

Summer vacation can allow children to learn about this knowledge in advance through interest reading, such as 5,000 Years of China, Geography Encyclopedia, etc.

Xiaosheng plans for children in this way during the summer vacation, and after they reach junior high school, they will be able to learn well, and there are several information differences to know

Parents need to know a few poor information

1. The primary class test generally determines whether the child will go to the general class or the fast class, and it should be paid attention to.

2. The subject plan mentioned above allows the child to implement it carefully in order to have an advantage from the beginning.

3. In junior high school and primary school, children's psychological characteristics and growth characteristics are different, and they need more education and guidance from parents.

I have seen such cases: some children have excellent grades in primary school, well-behaved and obedient, but in junior high school, their academic performance has dropped sharply; Some children become rebellious and disobedient, and parents feel "undisciplined";

However, there are also some children who can survive the junior high school stage smoothly, and even people almost unaware that they have a rebellious period, and their academic performance is always at the top, and they are successfully admitted to high school.

There are two main reasons for the gap between children: first, children are fully aware of the importance of learning and take the initiative to learn; Second, parents can adopt scientific education methods according to the growth characteristics of junior high school children.

For example, in the first year of junior high school, we help children build a solid foundation and adapt to the living and learning environment of junior high school. In the second year of junior high school, help children improve their grades, find the right learning methods, and smoothly cross the "second year of junior high school phenomenon"; In the third year of junior high school, cheer for the children, prepare for the high school entrance examination and sprint hard.

(The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted)