
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨"Party building +" activates the new engine of rural revitalization

author:Yunnan Honghe release
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨"Party building +" activates the new engine of rural revitalization
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨"Party building +" activates the new engine of rural revitalization

Grassroots party organizations are the direct promoters, organizers, and practitioners of the rural revitalization strategy. In agricultural production, in order to concentrate the scattered peasant households to engage in industrialized management and take the road of marketization, it is necessary to build strong and effective rural grassroots party organizations; on this basis, only then can agricultural cooperatives have a cohesive force and achieve good development.

Party building takes the lead, and builds the "main position" of party organizations leading cooperatives

In Hushan Village, Nansha Town, Yuanyang County, in the middle of summer, the scorching sun is like fire and the heat wave is rolling, but it can't stop the passion of the villagers who are busy with production. "Now the development of the village is very fast, and everyone has increased their income and become rich by relying on characteristic planting." At the fruit planting base in Hushan Village, Wu Caijin, a fruit farmer who is managing a mango orchard, is smiling.

Relying on characteristic industries to revitalize the countryside is the result of the general party branch of Hushan Village leading the villagers to adjust the industrial structure, and it is also a vivid practice of Honghe Prefecture to solidly promote party building and lead industrial development.

In the process of party building at the grassroots level in rural areas, Honghe Prefecture has put the building of village party branches in the first place in accordance with the work requirements of "grasping the number one leader, leading a group of people, and building a good contingent," earnestly strengthened education, management, and training, and worked hard to improve the overall quality of the vast number of party members and cadres, and built a contingent of high-quality party members and cadres. At the same time, we will focus on the implementation of projects such as "double training and double belt", "full agency" and "building posts to be the first", so as to lay a solid organizational foundation for speeding up the party organization to lead the cooperatives.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨"Party building +" activates the new engine of rural revitalization

Hushan Zhongchuang container fish farming base

In order to select and strengthen the leadership of grass-roots party organizations, Honghe Prefecture has carried out full-coverage training for party cadres at different levels and categories, thoroughly implemented the rural "leading geese" training project, the rural "understanding people" and "leaders" training plan, continued to implement the "double improvement" action of village cadres' ability and academic qualifications, explored the establishment of a special establishment to carry out targeted recruitment of outstanding village (community) cadres, and fully implemented the "big post system" of village-level organizations. Up to now, 1,088 villages in the state have integrated and streamlined 21,600 village-level auxiliary personnel, established a normal growth mechanism for the treatment of village cadres, and continuously improved the quality of party member development and the overall quality of party members.

At the same time, it has continuously improved the rural governance system, promoted the establishment of 2,120 villagers' councils, 1,977 red and white councils, and 2,072 moral councils across the state, and revised and improved about 5,136 village rules and regulations. Comprehensively implement systems such as county-level filing and management of village (community) party organization secretaries, joint review of the qualifications of village cadres, and village-level small and micro power lists, and continuously improve the grassroots governance environment.

Talents in place, forging the "main force" of the party organization to lead the cooperative

Cooperatives are a new engine for agricultural development, and to build a new engine, we must first solve the problem of talents.

In order to attract talented people to continue to gather in agricultural production, Honghe Prefecture has actively guided young and educated young people to move closer to the party organization, and enriched the ranks of party members and the leading groups of grass-roots party organizations with young and energetic people, economic acumen, scientific and technological and cultural knowledge, and those who know how to operate and manage.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨"Party building +" activates the new engine of rural revitalization

Cadres observed and learned from the party building in Honghe Prefecture to lead the grid governance big data analysis and management platform

On this basis, strengthen the study, training and education of grassroots party members, and use distance education networks, training courses and other forms to allow party members to learn the party's political theory, market operation rules, planting and breeding scientific and technological knowledge, etc., and enhance the ability of party members and cadres to do things.

In order to implement the cooperatives led by the party organization, Honghe Prefecture also focuses on the development of pillar industries and characteristic industries, vigorously implements the action of "recruiting talents and introducing intelligence", and actively applies for postdoctoral scientific research workstations, skill master studios, and expert grassroots scientific research workstations, so as to promote the sinking service of talents, fully release the vitality of talents, and activate the "pool of spring water" for rural revitalization. At present, five provincial-level academician and expert workstations have been added in the state to provide strong talent support for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating agricultural and rural modernization.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨"Party building +" activates the new engine of rural revitalization

The scene of the training course

"I am very happy to participate in the action of '10,000 talents to rejuvenate 10,000 villages', and I can give full play to my expertise, send high-quality and efficient technology to the field, and provide a scientific basis for the people's selection and breeding." Ji Hong is the head of the Honghe Prefecture Seed Management Station and a member of the expert group of the "10,000 Talents Rejuvenate 10,000 Villages" campaign. In the in-depth development of the "10,000 talents to rejuvenate 10,000 villages" action, in addition to experts like Jihong, there are also good management of "agricultural makers", "Tian Xiucai" who understands technology, "soil experts" who can farm, "new farmers" who love the countryside and other local talents at the state and county levels are selected to the administrative villages, give full play to their own intelligence and resource advantages, carry out services and guidance in planting and breeding technology, industrial upgrading, rural construction and development planning, rural tourism development, etc., and help the comprehensive revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology and organizations.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨"Party building +" activates the new engine of rural revitalization

The staff picks chrysanthemums

In the black muddy community of Kaiyuan City, the city relies on the "Chen Fadi Expert Workstation" and the construction project of the plateau flower characteristic town, gives full play to the role of talents, drives the masses to plant "colorful cloud chrysanthemum" brand flowers, and promotes farmers to increase their income and get rich, with an average annual income of more than 40,000 yuan.

Nowadays, in the vast Honghe Village, the organization, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization are fully reflected in all aspects of rural revitalization, and the "red engine" has gathered surging momentum for the construction of beautiful villages. The branch took the lead, the masses followed, the sleeping resources were revitalized, the strength of the masses was reunited, the villages were full of new vitality, and a new picture of party building leading rural revitalization was slowly unfolding.

Reporter: Wang Meihong

Part of the picture is from Yuanyang County Rong Media Center

Editor-in-charge: Mo Kaijia Luo Yang

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨"Party building +" activates the new engine of rural revitalization

Honghe State Rong Media Center

Legal Counsel: Yunnan Lingyun (Honghe) Law Firm

Phone: 0873-3990877

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Statement: Please indicate the source of Yunnan Honghe release (hhrb_hh)!

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨"Party building +" activates the new engine of rural revitalization

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