
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production

author:Yunnan Honghe release
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production

"In the past, the income per mu was 2,000 yuan for planting baogu, and now the income of 20,000 yuan per mu for planting roses is the extra '0', which has made everyone's life a big change." Villagers of Xiaohebian Village, Zhangbao Community, Maitreya City, said.

"Every man cares for his own house, every man has every kind of field." This used to be the living condition of many villagers. "Seeing that other villages are getting richer and richer, and the appearance of the village is getting more and more beautiful, there is no way out for my own village." This is what many village cadres in the village are most anxious about.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production

Rose plantation in the village of Little Riverside

In the process of development, Xiaohebian Village, under the guidance of the higher-level party committee and government, actively found a way out. In the end, by organizing 9 party member representatives and 4 mass representatives to plant roses first, the development model of "branch leadership + collective supervision + cooperative leadership + farmer participation" was constructed, and the villagers of the whole village were driven to realize the transformation from food farmers to flower farmers. In 2023, the comprehensive annual output value of the rose industry in the village will exceed 98 million yuan, the per capita annual income will exceed 60,000 yuan, and the collective economic income of the village will be 740,000 yuan.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production

Rose series products

The development model of Xiaohebian Village is one of the aspects of the rural economic development led by the party organization and cooperatives in Honghe Prefecture. In recent years, in order to build a new type of production relationship that is compatible with the new quality of agricultural productivity, Honghe Prefecture has always put the party's leadership throughout the whole process of the development of cooperatives, explored and promoted the new organizational form of grassroots party organizations leading cooperatives (companies) to "unify" small farmers, and issued the "Honghe Prefecture Rural Grassroots Party Organization Leading Cooperatives (Companies) Implementation Opinions (Trial)", adhering to the unity of "tangible coverage and effective coverage", and implementing the "rural grassroots party organizations directly leading, party members getting rich leaders leading, Cooperatives (companies) set up party branches, dispatched party building instructors, and developed party members in cooperatives (companies) '5 leading models' + farmer cooperatives, joint-stock economic cooperatives (associations), and village collective companies '3 kinds of market entities' package", injecting vigorous vitality into the basic rural management system.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production

Honghe Prefecture grasps party building to promote rural revitalization and party organizations lead the on-site promotion meeting of cooperatives

Coincidentally, the same story is also playing out in Wolonggu Village, Kaiyuan City. "As early as 1998, our village began to grow 'Yunhui 290' rice. At that time, everyone was fighting alone, and there were often contradictions such as fighting for water and roads, and they also encountered problems such as rice transportation and sales. Liang Yonglin, a villager of the Laoyanzi Village Group of the Wolonggu Village Committee of Yangjie Township, Kaiyuan City, and a member of the high-quality rice cooperative, said that this production method has directly affected the local agricultural development.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production

Kaiyuan grain field

In 2008, under the guidance of the higher-level party organization, Laoyanzi Village established a high-quality rice cooperative. Village party branches and party members of cooperatives have worked together to expand the planting area of high-quality rice and develop contract agriculture, and at the same time solve a series of difficult problems such as who to sell rice to, what is the protective price, the distribution of water for mass production, and the sharing of agricultural machinery.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production

Golden paddies

"Since the establishment of the cooperative, the number of party members has increased to 43, and the 'seven unifications' of rice seeding, water use, planting, fertilization, agricultural machinery, pest control and sales have been realized." Wei Xianrong, secretary of the party branch of Laoyanzi Village and chairman of the high-quality rice cooperative, said that under the leadership of the cooperative, the local rice and vegetable rotation model has been innovated, and the members of the cooperative have actively carried out the planting of high-yield vegetables such as green peppers and tomatoes after rice, and their income has gradually increased. Laoyanzi Village has also established a long-term cooperative relationship with the nearby Wolong Rice Company, which is responsible for the "purification and rejuvenation" of rice and the purchase of rice at a protective price. After the establishment of professional cooperatives in Laoyanzi Village, under the guidance of the party organization, the Wolong Valley area has successively established a number of professional cooperatives such as rice planting and agricultural machinery services, and established the Wolong High-quality Rice Professional Cooperative Association in Kaiyuan City, forming a new development situation of the overall organization of the cooperative and the active cooperation of the cooperatives, and the industrial chain of high-quality rice planting, rice processing, logistics and sales has been continuously improved. At present, the association has more than 300 households and more than 1,000 members, developing and planting more than 3,000 acres of high-quality rice, and driving Kaiyuan City and surrounding Wenshan, Chuxiong, Dali, Pu'er and other prefectures (cities) to plant more than 20 acres of high-quality "Yunhui 290" rice.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production

Rice cultivation

In Pingbian County, the local area actively develops characteristic industries such as lychee, kiwifruit, marigold, Phnom Penh rose, innovates the establishment of party organizations to lead cooperatives and village-level collective economic companies, and actively explores the establishment of a county-level cooperative industry alliance of "cooperatives + administrative villages" and "cooperatives + leading enterprises", and forms a group development model of "consumer orders + cooperatives dispatch orders + alliance villages receiving orders" among different village cooperatives through the production and operation mode of "unified orders, unified purchases, and unified sales", so as to realize product sharing and channel sharing, revenue sharing, risk sharing, and strive to radiate the cooperative industry chain to all villages and villages in the county. Since the establishment of the industrial alliance, the county has sold more than 270 yuan of seedless lychee, white meat loquat, local fried meat, small pot wine and other agricultural products, providing more than 1,000 local jobs for the local people, and realizing the "double income" of the village-level collective economy and the masses. Up to now, the county's cooperatives have developed 305,600 mu of lychee, loquat and other fruit industries, with an output value of 720 million yuan, helping the masses to increase their income by more than 180 million yuan.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production

Screen-edge characteristic industries

"In the process of leading cooperatives, we have always adhered to the development of the collective economy under the leadership of the party organization, guided the orderly development of capital, protected the interests of the collective and the masses, and achieved mutual benefit and win-win results." The relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of the Honghe Prefecture Party Committee stressed that Honghe Prefecture requires that the secretary of the village party organization register and establish a cooperative on behalf of the village collective, and this is clearly an act of duty, not an individual act, and that the leader of the party organization leading the cooperative is the party organization collective, not the party organization secretary personally. In the cooperatives led by the party organization, Honghe Prefecture adheres to the principle of "decision-making power lies in the party", ensures that collective shares have decision-making power, and profit dividends are led by cooperatives, tilting towards ordinary members, especially the people in difficulty, and the achievements of poverty alleviation have been continuously consolidated.

A strong drive will inevitably lead to a strong development. At present, the rural grassroots party organizations in Honghe Prefecture have led 852 cooperatives and 280 strong village companies, and are leading the majority of farmers to actively explore agricultural production and agricultural product management, and continue to contribute wisdom and strength to the expansion of the rural economy.

Reporter: Wang Meihong

The pictures are comprehensively compiled from Honghe Prefecture Rong Media Center, Maitreya Rong Media Center, Kaiyuan City Rong Media Center, and Pingbian County Rong Media Center

Editor-in-charge: Luo Yang

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production

Honghe State Rong Media Center

Legal Counsel: Yunnan Lingyun (Honghe) Law Firm

Phone: 0873-3990877

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Statement: Please indicate the source of Yunnan Honghe release (hhrb_hh)!

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Party building "5+3" injects vigorous vitality into agricultural production

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