
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level Shao Xuesong: Serving the people for 14 years, interpreting responsibility and responsibility with dedication

author:Fangshan, Beijing

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Organization Department of the Fangshan District Party Committee and the "Beijing Fangshan" WeChat public platform launched a series of special reports on "The Party Flag Flying High on the Grassroots Frontline", aiming to tell the new experience and achievements of the grassroots party members in our district in the high-quality economic and social development of Fangshan District.

This issue of "The Party Flag Flying High on the Front Line of the Grassroots" column

Let's take a look

Suzhuang Sanli Community, Xilu Street

Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Neighborhood Committee

Shao Xuesong's story

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level Shao Xuesong: Serving the people for 14 years, interpreting responsibility and responsibility with dedication

Shao Xuesong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Suzhuang Sanli Community, Xilu Street. He is currently the representative of the 13th Beijing Municipal Party of the Communist Party of China and the 16th Beijing Municipal People's Congress.

Shao Xuesong has been rooted in the Sanli community of Suzhuang and has served the residents wholeheartedly for 14 years. She is close to the community. She visited more than 3,000 households to gain an in-depth understanding of their family conditions and living needs. Her mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day for residents, and residents have a "convenient contact service card" printed with her mobile phone number, which is affectionately called "Link Card" by residents; With firm ideals and beliefs, pragmatic work style and profound feelings for the people, she led the community party committee to adhere to the leadership of party building to listen to the people's will, gather people's wisdom, gather people's strength, and strengthen grassroots governance. She pays close attention to all kinds of people's livelihood problems, does practical things, does good things, and solves problems for the masses with heart and affection, and ensures that the party's banner is flying high in the Suzhuang Sanli community.

In 2023, Shao Xuesong won the National May Day Labor Medal and was elected as the fourth "Beijing Model Government Service Star" in 2023. The Suzhuang Sanli community led by her has successively won the honorary titles of National Civilized Unit, National Democratic Rule of Law Demonstration Village (Community), and Beijing Advanced Grassroots Party Organization.

Strengthen theoretical study, and take the improvement of one's political literacy as an important indicator of one's own progress

Shao Xuesong conscientiously studied Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and instructions on Beijing's work, deeply studied the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the history of the Party and the advanced deeds of typical figures, improved his party spirit, and strengthened his ideals and beliefs. In addition to actively organizing the party committee to carry out morning reading meetings, special meetings and other activities, it also took time to strengthen learning on platforms such as "learning to strengthen the country" and "party branch cloud classroom", and effectively combined with its own work in the learning process, thinking and applying what it has learned, constantly consolidating its own political theoretical foundation, and constantly improving its ability to use scientific theories and rich knowledge to solve practical problems.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level Shao Xuesong: Serving the people for 14 years, interpreting responsibility and responsibility with dedication

We should do a good job in party building, and continue to promote grassroots governance by strengthening party building to achieve new results

She led the Party Committee of Suzhuang Sanli Community to strengthen the study, practice, research and promotion of the "Good Neighbor" brand of Xilu Street, and created the "Six Neighbors" Party Organization Work Method on the basis of striving for refined governance. Through party building, gathering neighbors, governing safe neighbors, cultural neighbors, serving neighbors, family affection, and harmonious neighborliness, the strong link led by party building and the soft bond of neighborhood friendship are deeply integrated, so that residents, businesses, enterprises, and units can be "good neighbors" who treat each other sincerely, cohesion, problem solving, and strong governance, which stimulates the vitality of grassroots governance. For example, in order to properly resolve the conflicts between the property and the residents, she organized and convened many people, including residents' representatives, property personnel, lawyers, and property service appraisal companies, to participate in the "Good Neighbor" meeting, fully express their opinions and demands, and finally reached a consensus. Through such efforts, not only the property fee was successfully adjusted, but also a new property company was successfully selected, which significantly improved the property management situation of the community.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level Shao Xuesong: Serving the people for 14 years, interpreting responsibility and responsibility with dedication

Closely follow the key tasks, and go all out to promote the implementation of various key tasks

Handle the complaint immediately. In the past five years, she has handled nearly 1,000 appeals from the masses, effectively solving difficult demands in people's livelihood such as real estate certificate processing, turbid water quality, house leakage, and pipeline blockage. Respond quickly and deal with each order in a timely manner, and strive to achieve "meeting alone" and implementing each piece. She has successively won the title of "Fangshan Good Neighbor and the Most Beautiful Handler" in Fangshan District. She insists on visiting at least 2 households and 2 businesses every week, taking the initiative to discover potential problems and the actual needs of residents, solving problems in advance, preventing problems from escalating into contradictions, and striving to implement the active governance concept of "handling before litigation".

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level Shao Xuesong: Serving the people for 14 years, interpreting responsibility and responsibility with dedication

"I'll do it" studio. In 2021, she relied on the "Xu Shun People's Mediation Studio" to establish the "I will do" studio in Suzhuang Sanli Community. A strong professional force is composed of people's mediators who have been rooted in the grassroots for a long time, people's police, judges of judges' workstations, procurators of procuratorial service stations, retired veteran cadres of letters and visits offices and judicial offices, which has greatly improved the ability to mediate community conflicts. At the beginning of 2023, the sub-center of "I will run the 'Xilu Street Xushun Mediation Room'" will be listed in the community, covering the three townships of Xilu, Yancun and Doudian. Up to now, nearly 900 conflicts and disputes have been mediated, with a success rate of 98%.

Garbage sorting. Since the beginning of 2019, Suzhuang Sanli Community has been identified as a pilot unit for party building to lead garbage classification in Fangshan District, Comrade Shao Xuesong, as the secretary of the community party committee, has always taken garbage classification as the focus of community work. She personally walked into the community, sorted the residents' unsorted garbage for a second time, and gave face-to-face on-site guidance to the residents. Organize the mechanism, do a good job in the publicity of the building and the accurate classification of the outside of the building, combined with the supervision of the barrel on duty, to promote the classification of garbage to achieve results. In 2022, all 6 old courtyards in the community will be rated as Beijing Domestic Waste Classification Demonstration Community.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level Shao Xuesong: Serving the people for 14 years, interpreting responsibility and responsibility with dedication

Chuangcheng work. In Shao Xuesong's heart, the work of creating a city is not only a political task, but also a livelihood project. She attaches great importance to this work in order to accomplish political tasks, and thoroughly understands all the assessment task indicators. On the one hand, she widely publicized the distribution of leaflets and questionnaires at home, so that the majority of residents could understand the importance and urgency of creating a city, and excavate more qualified "fortress households" to focus on training, forming a good atmosphere for the participation of the whole people; On the other hand, she took the lead in setting an example, going deep into the jurisdiction, and conducting a careful and meticulous investigation of environmental sanitation in the jurisdiction, especially the indiscriminate occupation and pasting, indiscriminate stacking, and timely contact with the owner, face-to-face will be informed, and the potential safety hazards of the disorderly piles of items affecting the lives of others and blocking the fire passage will be informed, so as to find a rectification and rectification.

Safety. She strictly implements the "one post with two responsibilities" for safe production, and uses community grid management to normalize the special action of large-scale investigation and rectification of safety production to ensure that problems are found in time and rectified in time. In the special period of flood prevention and fire prevention, adhere to 24 hours on duty, strengthen the inspection of enterprises and merchants to investigate the hidden dangers of fire and electrical appliances, and timely discover and deal with potential safety hazards.

Shao Xuesong in the complex work of the community

More than 5,000 days and nights were spent

Community party building, handling complaints immediately, and creating a city

Garbage classification, renovation of old communities

volunteering and other work

There's always her busy

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