
"Concentric Celebration of July 1st Cultural Exhibition" Wang Xingke Folk Color and Ink Painting Special Exhibition was launched

author:Overseas brand vision

Source: Xunyi release

"Concentric Celebration of July 1st Cultural Exhibition" Wang Xingke Folk Color and Ink Painting Special Exhibition was launched
"Concentric Celebration of July 1st Cultural Exhibition" Wang Xingke Folk Color and Ink Painting Special Exhibition was launched

On June 28, under the guidance of the Xunyi County Bureau of Culture and Tourism and sponsored by the County Cultural Center, the special exhibition of Wang Xingke's folk color and ink paintings was launched in the Xunyi County Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall.

"Concentric Celebration of July 1st Cultural Exhibition" Wang Xingke Folk Color and Ink Painting Special Exhibition was launched

With the theme of "Celebrating July 1st with One Heart and Celebrating the Style of Cultural Exhibition", this exhibition exhibited 42 fine folk color and ink paintings carefully created by Wang Xingke, a well-known local artist in Xunyi County, over the years, attracting many citizens and art lovers to visit.

"Concentric Celebration of July 1st Cultural Exhibition" Wang Xingke Folk Color and Ink Painting Special Exhibition was launched

The works on display this time are like flowing scrolls of history, fixing the folk customs and local customs of the Xunyi area on rice paper.

"Concentric Celebration of July 1st Cultural Exhibition" Wang Xingke Folk Color and Ink Painting Special Exhibition was launched

Wang Xingke's brushstrokes are delicate and interesting, colorful and harmonious, and each painting seems to tell a moving story, leading the audience into a poetic world.

"Concentric Celebration of July 1st Cultural Exhibition" Wang Xingke Folk Color and Ink Painting Special Exhibition was launched

Wang Xingke, member of the Shaanxi Branch of the China Artists Association and vice chairman of the Xianyang People's Association: Through the efforts of the past few decades, I have also promoted our customs and customs abroad, and I have also exhibited at the China Academy of Art, so that people all over the world can understand our Xunyi. Folk culture is also a world culture, and these color and ink paintings with the theme of farming culture are shown to everyone, so that more people can understand the customs of Xunyi and understand folk paintings.

"Concentric Celebration of July 1st Cultural Exhibition" Wang Xingke Folk Color and Ink Painting Special Exhibition was launched

At the exhibition site, visitors were deeply attracted by these vivid and interesting folk paintings, and stopped to watch and take pictures. Wang Xingke communicated with the audience at the scene and shared his creative experience and artistic concepts.

"Concentric Celebration of July 1st Cultural Exhibition" Wang Xingke Folk Color and Ink Painting Special Exhibition was launched

Everyone said that this exhibition gave them an in-depth understanding of the folk culture of Xunyi, felt the unique charm of folk art, and had a deeper understanding of the folk culture of Xunyi County.

"Concentric Celebration of July 1st Cultural Exhibition" Wang Xingke Folk Color and Ink Painting Special Exhibition was launched

Song Haifeng, art teacher of County Experimental Middle School: Appreciating good works is not a matter of looking at the flowers, I guide students to appreciate each one carefully, and help children interpret the artistic skills, cultural significance and customs behind the works, which have a good effect on enhancing the ideological and emotional value of students.

"Concentric Celebration of July 1st Cultural Exhibition" Wang Xingke Folk Color and Ink Painting Special Exhibition was launched

The successful holding of this exhibition not only adds new highlights to the cultural and artistic undertakings of Xunyi County, but also makes positive contributions to inheriting and promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture and promoting the innovative development of folk art.

"Concentric Celebration of July 1st Cultural Exhibition" Wang Xingke Folk Color and Ink Painting Special Exhibition was launched

Wu Hao, Chairman of the Trade Union of the County Cultural Center: I hope to enrich the cultural life of our masses through this event, and then let more people understand the local culture and local customs.

Reporter/Huang Jiannan Dai Weilong

Editor/Yang Huihua

Sign-off/Jing Yan

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