
An 18-year-old boy who inherited hundreds of millions of real estate fell to his death, and the man who registered his marriage was sentenced

author:896 car FM
An 18-year-old boy who inherited hundreds of millions of real estate fell to his death, and the man who registered his marriage was sentenced

Last year, the case of an 18-year-old male high school student in Taichung City, Taiwan, who died suddenly and mysteriously after receiving an inheritance worth NT$500 million, attracted attention on the island. On June 28, the reporter learned that after a year's trial, the Taichung District Court sentenced a man surnamed Xia to 1 year and 6 months in prison for "forging documents" and other crimes, and the whole case can be appealed.
An 18-year-old boy who inherited hundreds of millions of real estate fell to his death, and the man who registered his marriage was sentenced

The man surnamed Xia and the deceased Lai.

The media previously reported that in 2023, when the junior surnamed Lai just turned 18 years old, his biological father gave him 30 real estate properties with a market value of about NT$500 million. His father passed away at the end of April of the same year, and a farewell ceremony was held on May 3. On May 4, a high school student surnamed Lai registered his marriage with a man surnamed Xia who handled the real estate for him, and only two hours after registration, a high school student surnamed Lai fell to his death at the man's residence.

Previously, Gao Dacheng, an extra-case forensic doctor entrusted by the deceased's mother, publicly speculated that the deceased was thrown from a high place after being poisoned, causing an uproar in public opinion. Since then, the forensic doctor and the lawyer representing the deceased's family have indicated that they will apply to a higher prosecutor to hear the case.

On June 21, 2023, the Taichung District Prosecutor's Office issued a statement on the case. The prosecution said that the case was concluded after the prosecutor's investigation, and the defendant surnamed Xia and his father Xia were suspected of homicide, and after the prosecutor collected evidence in detail, it was decided not to prosecute the two because there was no sufficient evidence. At the same time, because the defendant surnamed Xia went to the household administration department to fake the marriage without his true intention to get married, the prosecutor will file a public prosecution with the court on suspicion of "forging documents".

It is reported that the Taichung City District Court has repeatedly summoned witnesses who registered their marriages, teachers and students of schools, household affairs personnel, and the mother of a high school student surnamed Lai to follow up and investigate, and has also inspected many video recordings from the household administration office to track down many suspicious points such as the two people's hasty marriage witnesses to register their marriage on the day of Lai's father's funeral, and the emotional tendencies of the man surnamed Lai. On June 28 this year, after a year-long trial, the Taichung District Court sentenced the defendant surnamed Xia to 1 year and 6 months in prison on charges of "forging documents", and the whole case can be appealed.

On June 28, the lawyer representing the family of the high school student surnamed Lai said in an interview with the media that the family was very grateful to the prosecution and the court for helping to clarify the facts and give the defendant Xia an appropriate sentence.

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily Editor: Hu Yiyi Editor: Lai Ting Review: Lu Hongmei

An 18-year-old boy who inherited hundreds of millions of real estate fell to his death, and the man who registered his marriage was sentenced
An 18-year-old boy who inherited hundreds of millions of real estate fell to his death, and the man who registered his marriage was sentenced

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