
The Disaster of the Stock Market: The Destruction of Hearts and Faith!

author:Ghost Road Finance


The stock market under the sky is regarded as a barometer of the economy, and when it swells and storms, it becomes a nightmare for countless families. China's stock market, once upon a time, was turbulent and magnificent, but now it has evolved into a prelude to one disaster after another, leaving hundreds of millions of shareholders dumbfounded and heartbroken.

The Disaster of the Stock Market: The Destruction of Hearts and Faith!

It was a stock market crash comparable to a major earthquake, with a magnitude of the first level, like a chain reaction, transmitted from the market. The beams of the stock market were originally indestructible, carrying the hopes and dreams of countless people. In this earthquake, they were ruthlessly collapsed by the earthquake and turned into ruins. The homes of countless shareholders were instantly turned into ruins, and their wealth was ruthlessly washed away, leaving only deep despair and grief.

Immediately after, the stock market suffered another catastrophe comparable to a flood. It was an unpredictable flood that came swiftly and swept away the wealth and food of the stockholders, and washed away the gold in their hands. They used to think that this wealth was their patron saint, that they could enjoy their old age in peace, that they could make their lives better. Now, they have been swept away by the flood.

And the plague of the stock market has made countless shareholders miserable. This plague, silently, spread everywhere. It has infected the psychology of stockholders, leaving them in extreme panic and helplessness. They once thought that the stock market was the stage for them to realize their dreams, but now, they have lost their loved ones in this plague.

The Disaster of the Stock Market: The Destruction of Hearts and Faith!

The war in the stock market has tormented countless stockholders. This is a war without gunpowder, but it has made the shareholders feel unprecedented pain. They lost their bearing, lost their confidence, and even lost the courage to live in the war. They once thought that the stock market was their way to increase their wealth, but now, they have lost everything in the war.

One might ask, what is the significance of the existence of the stock market? Why did it bring such a catastrophe? The stock market, originally a barometer of the economy, is a bridge between enterprises and investors. Driven by profit, it has become a disaster-maker. The volatility of the stock market is no longer due to the operating conditions of companies, but to the manipulation of stakeholders who hold the power of life and death in the stock market. In order to pursue their own interests, they do not hesitate to sacrifice the interests of hundreds of millions of shareholders and even social stability.

We cannot deny that the existence of the stock market has also brought wealth to some people. However, the acquisition of this wealth is based on the suffering of countless shareholders. Is such wealth really worth celebrating?

The Disaster of the Stock Market: The Destruction of Hearts and Faith!

The disaster of the stock market is not only the destruction of the wealth of the shareholders, but also the destruction of their souls. In the stock market, they have lost confidence, hope, and even the courage to live. Such a stock market, do we still need it?

Perhaps, we should reflect on how to let the stock market really play its due role, how to let shareholders realize wealth appreciation in the stock market, and how to make the stock market a booster of economic development. Instead of letting the stock market become a disaster maker and a nightmare for countless families.

The stock market is originally beautiful, it can allow people to achieve wealth appreciation and make life better. When it turns into a catastrophe, should we re-examine its raison d'être? Should we try to change it so that it truly becomes a source of wealth for people and not the beginning of a nightmare?

The Disaster of the Stock Market: The Destruction of Hearts and Faith!

Let's look forward to the day when the stock market will no longer be synonymous with disaster, but a stage for people to realize their dreams; On that day, the stock market was no longer a tool for profit, but a booster of economic development; On that day, the stock market was no longer a nightmare for investors, but a source of happiness for them.

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